Monitoring eAccessibility in Europe: 2011 Annual Report

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Computer hardware manufacturers and developers of software and operating systems, together with user organisations, research centres and standardisation bodies have made an important effort over the last few decades to enhance the level of built-in accessibility in computer products and services. Examples of built-in features include keyboard-only navigation and controls operable with one hand.

Search procedure for collecting the information related to:

  1. the main computer manufacturers (including desktop and laptop)

  2. the main operating systems developers (including all platforms)

  3. the main software developers (focus on personal, educational and work use)

  4. the main peripheral manufacturers (focus on office peripherals: printers, copiers, scanners, etc.)

Step 1: Identify the (two or three, as appropriate) leading manufacturers/developers that operate country-wide and justify your choice with the criterion followed for their identification (e.g. any statement through Web search that indicates that the selected manufacturer/developer is one of the leaders in the national market).

Step 2: Visit the Websites of the leading manufacturer/developers where they offer information about their accessible products/services through the browser of these Websites, the Web map or simply browsing in order to identify specific content about accessibility and users with specific needs.

Step 3: Look for the specific information required in each question.

Step 4: If you are unable to immediately identify the information required in Step 3, use the search function to check the entire Web site. Search for terms that may be helpful depending on the information required.

Step 5: If this does not lead to any positive results, please identify a contact telephone number of the manufacturer/developer and ask for the specific information required in Step 3.

Step 6: In addition, some disability organisations may have the required information available or may be able to point you to relevant information sources.

Step 7: If none of the previous steps leads to any positive results or you have any question, you can send an email to the mailing list (
    1. Computer: Desktop and laptop

1st computer manufacturer

2nd computer manufacturer

3rd computer manufacturer

(Write the names of the three leading computer manufacturers)

(Write the URLs of the three leading computer manufacturers)

Source of information that justifies they are the leading computer manufacturers in your country (detail the date of access)

Question 14: Do the leading computer manufacturers provide information on their Websites about accessible products for customers with specific needs in your (main) national language?

Please write the appropriate number of answer in each cell:

  1. Yes, information provided on its website in your national language.

  2. Yes, information provided on its website but in other language (not available in your national language).

  3. No, information not provided on its website but provided through other channels. (Specify channels)

  4. No, information not provided on its website nor through other channels.

1st computer manufacturer

2nd computer manufacturer

3rd computer manufacturer

Information on built-in accessibility features of own products/services provided?

Information on accessibility specific needs and/or accessible products/services addressed to groups of customers with specific disabilities?

Source of information

Date of access

Any comments

    1. Computer: Software

1st OS developer

2nd OS developer

3rd OS developer

(Write the names of the three leading operating system developers)

(Write the URLs of the three leading operating system developers)

Source of information that justifies they are the leading operating system developers in your country (detail the date of access)

Question 15: Do the leading operating system developers provide information about accessible products to customers with specific needs in your (main) national language on their Websites?

Please write the appropriate number of answer in each cell:

  1. Yes, information provided on its website in your national language.

  2. Yes, information provided on its website but in other language (not available in your national language).

  3. No, information not provided on its website but provided through other channels. (Specify channels)

  4. No, information not provided on its website nor through other channels.

1st OS developer

2nd OS developer

3rd OS developer

Information on built-in accessibility features of own products/services provided?

Information on accessibility specific needs and/or accessible products/services addressed to groups of customers with specific disabilities?

Source of information

Date of access

Any comments

1st software developer

2nd software developer

3rd software developer

(Write the names of the three leading software developers)

(Write the URLs of the three leading software developers)

Source of information that justifies they are the leading software developers in your country (detail the date of access)

Question 16: Do the leading software developers provide information on their Websites about accessible products to customers with specific needs in your (main) national language?

Please write the appropriate number of answer in each cell:

  1. Yes, information provided on its website in your national language.

  2. Yes, information provided on its website but in other language (not available in your national language).

  3. No, information not provided on its website but provided through other channels. (Specify channels)

  4. No, information not provided on its website nor through other channels.

1st software developer

2nd software developer

3rd software developer

Information on built-in accessibility features of own products/services provided?

Information on accessibility specific needs and/or accessible products/services addressed to groups of customers with specific disabilities?

Source of information

Date of access

Any comments

Question 17: Do the leading software developers provide information on their Websites about the compatibility of software with assistive technologies (AT) to customers with specific needs in your (main) national language?

Please write the appropriate number of answer in each cell:

  1. Yes, information provided on its website in your national language.

  2. Yes, information provided on its website but in other language (not available in your national language).

  3. No, information not provided on its website but provided through other channels. (Specify channels)

  4. No, information not provided on its website nor through other channels.

1st software developer

2nd software developer

3rd software developer

Information on the compatibility of software with one AT model provided?

Information on the compatibility of software with two or more AT models provided?

Source of information

Date of access

Any comments

    1. Computer: Peripherals

1st peripheral manufacturer

2nd peripheral manufacturer

3rd peripheral manufacturer

(Write the names of the three leading peripheral manufacturers)

(Write the URLs of three the three leading peripheral manufacturers)

Source of information that justifies they are the leading peripheral manufacturers in your country (detail the date of access)

Question 18: Do the leading peripheral manufacturers provide information on their Websites about accessible peripheral products to customers with specific needs in your (main) national language?

Please write the appropriate number of answer in each cell:

  1. Yes, information provided on its website in your national language.

  2. Yes, information provided on its website but in other language (not available in your national language)

  3. No, information not provided on its website but provided through other channels. (Specify channels)

  4. No, information not provided on its website nor through other channels.

1st peripheral manufacturer

2nd peripheral manufacturer

3rd peripheral manufacturer

Information on built-in accessibility features of own products/services provided?

Information on accessibility specific needs and/or accessible products/services addressed to groups of customers with specific disabilities?

Source of information

Date of access

Any comments

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