Nasa expendable launch vehicle payload safety requirements: requirements table

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1   ...   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   ...   106 Verbally notify Range Safety of any violation of this document as soon as possible. If requested by Range Safety, a written report shall be provided to Range Safety within five calendar days of the violation. The requirements in apply only to the 45 SW.

I Flight Termination System (FTS) Installation, Checkout, and Status (45 SW Only). Monitor and verify the installation, checkout, and status of the FTS in accordance with Range Safety instructions at locations designated by Range Safety.

I Inspections

I Inspect all explosive areas and facilities at least annually to determine compliance with the requirements of this document and AFI 91-201, Explosives Safety Standards. These duties are performed by SEW at the 30 SW.

I Inspect critical facilities prior to the start of a hazardous operation or as directed by Range Safety.

I Inspect new and modified critical facilities prior to the initial startup operation, prepare inspection reports on these facilities, and submit the reports to Range Safety within 15 calendar days of the inspection (45 SW only).

I Audit the execution of procedures for handling ordnance, propellant material, and high pressure gases performed on CCAFS and VAFB at least quarterly.

I Audit the execution of procedures for handling ordnance, propellant material, and high pressure gases performed on down range facilities at least annually.


Payload Project Responsibilities

Payload projects are responsible for the following:


2.2.2. Conduct of Operations

I Planning and conducting hazardous and safety critical operations in accordance with procedures approved by the appropriate local safety authority.

C Planning and conducting operations in accordance with the current edition of the applicable OSP for the launch complex, facility, or area in use, including ordnance and propellant operations and areas.

C Planning and conducting other operations in accordance with the current edition of other safety plans, as applicable.


2.2.3. Notification of Hazardous and Safety Critical Operations to Range Agencies

I Notifying Cape Support (321-853-5211) for the ER and Range Scheduling (805-606-8825) for the WR at least 24 hours before the start of any hazardous system operation while on the Range. The following information shall be provided: date, time, nature of the operation, location, and procedure or task number.

C Notifying Range Safety and Pad Safety of all hazardous and safety critical operations and tests that are planned to take place at the Range.

C Notifying Range Safety and Pad Safety at least 30 calendar days before the scheduled erection of a launch vehicle and/or payload.


2.2.4. Document Preparation and Maintenance

I Developing and implementing a Ground Operations Plan (GOP) in accordance with Attachment 1 of this volume to cover operations conducted on the payload processing facility and launch site area.

C Developing and implementing procedures and general instructions to cover all operations conducted at the payload processing facility and launch site area.

C Developing, obtaining appropriate safety approval as determined by the PSWG and Range Safety, and implementing procedures related to hazardous and safety critical operations.


The designation of a procedure as "Hazardous" or "Non-Hazardous" is evaluated on a case-by-case basis and does not necessarily result in mandatory Pad Safety coverage of the operation. The requirements for hazardous procedures may be found in Attachment 2 of this volume.

I Obtaining appropriate safety authority approval of new procedures or revisions to previously approved procedures when there is an impact to the safe conduct of the procedure.

C Developing and implementing a program to control hazardous energy sources by locking and tagging in accordance with lockout/tagout approved procedures.

C Developing, obtaining appropriate safety approval as determined by the PSWG and Range Safety, and implementing a propellant off-load plan and procedure.

C Developing, obtaining the PSWG and Range Safety approval, and implementing an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) for graphite/epoxy composite overwrapped and Kevlar-wrapped pressure vessels.

C Developing, implementing, and maintaining records for an In-Service Inspection (ISI) Plan in accordance with the requirements of this volume and Volume 3.

C Developing, implementing, and maintaining records for a Nondestructive Examination (NDE) Plan in accordance with the requirements of this volume and Volume 3.

C Obtaining appropriate approval for procedures in accordance with KNPR 8715.3, Kennedy NASA Procedural Requirements; 45 SWI 40-201, Radiation Protection Program; or 30 SW1/Sup1 Radiation Protection Plan, supplement to AFI 91-110, Nuclear Safety Review and Launch Approval for Space or Missile Use of Radioactive Material and Nuclear Systems; or other local safety authorities and respective safety requirements, as required.

C Developing and implementing a training plan for all payload project personnel performing hazardous and safety critical procedures and operations and submitting an outline of this training plan to the PSWG for the PSWG and Range Safety for approval.


The local safety authority responsible for review and approval of hazardous procedures should evaluate the training plan for areas that could lead to a mishap caused by inadequate training and could affect workers of other employers, range assets, and the general public.

I Developing pathfinder requirements in coordination with the PSWG and Range Safety.

C At the WR, developing, obtaining 30 SW Range Safety approval and PSWG concurrence, and implementing a 30 SW First Use Tag Program for lifting hardware at the WR.


2.2.5. Operational Duties

I Ensuring required support and emergency elements approved by the appropriate local safety authority have continuous access to any area where hazardous conditions could occur.

C Obtaining concurrence to proceed from the appropriate local safety authority before starting any hazardous and safety critical operations and before resuming any operation that has been interrupted resumes.


Interruptions include such events as a safety hold, shift change, evacuation, or breaks.

I Before initiating hazardous or safety critical operations, the following shall be accomplished:

C Pre-operation and shift change briefings.

C Pre-operation and shift change inspections to verify proper system, facility, and area configuration; personnel and equipment support; and use of an approved procedure.

C Observing, evaluating, and enforcing compliance with applicable safety requirements by all personnel within launch complexes, assembly, and checkout areas, propellant and ordnance storage areas, and other areas as deemed appropriate by Range Safety or the appropriate local safety authority.

C Reviewing and providing comments on hazardous and safety critical procedures to Range Safety or the appropriate local safety authority.


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