National Center for Education Research

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Enhancing Effectiveness and Connectedness among Early Career Teachers in Urban Schools

University of Illinois at Chicago

Shernoff, Elisa

Marc Atkins, Stacy Frazier, Ané Maríñez-Lora, Bridget Hamre, Mark Smylie and Michelle Parker-Katz


Shernoff, E.S., Marinez-Lora, A., Frazier, S.L., Jakobsons, L.J., Atkins, M.S., and Bonner, D. (2011). Teachers Supporting Teachers in Urban Schools: What Iterative Research Designs Can Teach Us. School Psychology Review, 40: 465-485.


Establishing Positive Behavior Supports in Elementary School Instructional Settings

IRIS Media, Inc.

Marquez, Brion


Mindfulness-Based Academic Achievement Program for Middle School

Innovation Research and Training, Inc.

Parker, Alison

Janis Kupersmidt



Improving Classroom Learning Environments by Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education (CARE)

Pennsylvania State University

Jennings, Patricia

Mark Greenberg

Related IES Projects: Improving Classroom Learning Environments by Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education (CARE): A Cluster Randomized Controlled Efficacy Trial (R305A120180)

Jennings, P.A., Snowberg, K.E., Coccia, M.A., and Greenberg, M.T. (2011). Improving Classroom Learning Environments By Cultivating Awareness and Resilience In Education (CARE): Results Of Two Pilot Studies. Journal Of Classroom Interaction, 46(1): 37-48.


Organizational Skills Interventions for Children with ADHD

Children’s Hospital Medical Center

Langberg, Joshua

Jeff Epstein

Grant Transferred to: Virginia Commonwealth University (R305A100996)
Related IES Projects: Efficacy of an Organizational Skills Intervention for Middle School Students with ADHD (R305A130011)

Becker, S.P., and Langberg, J.M. (2012). Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Among Young Adolescents With ADHD: Relations To Mental Health, Academic, and Social Functioning. Journal of Attention Disorders. Advance online publication.

Langberg, J.M., Becker, S.P., Epstein, J.N., Vaughn, A.J., and Girio-Herrera, E. (2012). Predictors of Response and Mechanisms of Change in an Organizational Skills Intervention for Students with ADHD. Journal of Child and Family Studies.
Langberg, J.M. (2011). Homework, Organization and Planning Skills (HOPS) Interventions: A Treatment Manual. Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Publications.
Langberg, J.M., Epstein, J.N., Becker, S.P., GirioHerrera, E., and Vaughn, A.J. (2012). Evaluation of the Homework, Organization, and Planning Skills (HOPS) Intervention For Middle School Students With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder As Implemented By School Mental Health Providers. School Psychology Review, 41(3): 342-364.
Langberg, J.M., Epstein, J.N., Girio-Herrera, E., Becker, S.P., Vaughn, A.J., and Altaye, M. (2011). Materials Organization, Planning, and Homework Completion In Young Adolescents With ADHD: Impact On Academic Performance. School Mental Health, 3(2): 93-101.
Langberg, J.M., Vaughn, A.J., Williamson, P., Epstein, J.N., Girio-Herrera, E., and Becker, S.P. (2011). Refinement Of An Organizational Skills Intervention For Adolescents With ADHD For Implementation By School Mental Health Providers. School Mental Health 3(3): 143-155.


Examining Variation in the Impact of School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

Johns Hopkins University

Bradshaw, Catherine

Phillip Leaf and Nicolas Ialongo


Bottiani, J., and Bradshaw, C.P. (in press). Social-emotionallearning. In E. Anderman and J. Hattie (Eds). International Handbook of Student Achievement. New York: Routledge.

Bottiani, J., Bradshaw, C.P., Rosenberg, M., Hershfeldt, P., Pell, K., and Debnam, K.J. (in press). The Double Check Model In A Response To Intervention Framework: Culturally Responsive Practices For Students With Learning Disabilities. Insights on Learning Disabilities.
Bradshaw, C.P., and Haynes, K.T. (2012). Building A Science Of Partnership-Focused Research: Forging and Sustaining Partnerships To Support Child Mental Health Prevention and Services Research. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 39( 4): 221-224.
Bradshaw, C.P., and Leaf, P.J. (in press). Examining The Association Between Implementation and Outcomes: State-Wide Scale-Up Of School-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports. Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research.
Bradshaw, C.P., and Pas, E.T. (2011). A State-Wide Scale-Up Of School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS): Developing Systems To Support and Assess Adoption, Implementation, and Outcomes. School Psychology Review, 40: 530-548. Received honorable mention for Paper of the Year by National Association of School Psychologists.
Bradshaw, C.P., and Waasdorp, T. (2009). Measuring and Changing A 'Culture Of Bullying.'. School Psychology Review, 38(3): 356-361.
Bradshaw, C.P., Bottiani, J., Osher, D., Weissberg, R., and Sugai, G. (in press). Integrating Positive Behavior Supports and Social Emotional Learning. In Weist, M.D., Lever, N.A., Bradshaw, C.P., and Owens, J. (Eds.). Handbook of School Mental Health: Advancing Practice and Research (second edition). New York: Springer.
Bradshaw, C.P., Goldweber, A., Fishbein, D., and Greenberg, M.T. (2012). Infusing Developmental Neuroscience Into School-Based Preventive Interventions: Implications and Future Directions. Journal Of Adolescent Health, 51(2, Suppl): S41-S47.
Bradshaw, C.P., Mitchell, M.M., O’Brennan, L.M., and Leaf, P.J. (2010). Multilevel Exploration of Factors Contributing to the Overrepresentation of Black Students in Office Disciplinary Referrals. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102 (2): 508–520.
Bradshaw, C.P., Pas, E., Barrett, S., Bloom, J., Hershfeldt, P., Alexander, A., McKenna, M., and Leaf, P. (2012). A State-Wide Partnership To Promote Safe and Supportive Schools: The PBIS Maryland Initiative. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 39(4), 225-237.
Bradshaw, C.P., Pas, E.T., Goldweber, A., Rosenberg, M. S., and Leaf, P. J. (2012). Integrating School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports With Tier 2 Coaching To Student Support Teams: The PBIS Model. Advances In School Mental Health Promotion, 5(3): 177-193.
Bradshaw, C.P., Waasdorp, T.E, and Leaf, P.J. (in press). The Impact Of School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) On Behavior Problems. Pediatrics.
Debnam, K.J., Pas, E.T., and Bradshaw, C.P. (2012). Secondary and Tertiary Support Systems In Schools Implementing School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports: A Preliminary Descriptive Analysis. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 14: 142-152.
Debnam, K.J., Pas, E.T., and Bradshaw, C.P. (in press). Factors Influencing Staff Perceptions Of Support For Secondary and Tertiary Support Interventions. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders.
Domitrovich, C.E., Bradshaw, C.P., Greenberg, M.T., Embry, D., Poduska, J.M., and Ialongo, N.S. (2010). Integrated Models of School-Based Prevention: Logic and Theory. Psychology in the Schools, 47(1): 71–88.
Duong, J., and Bradshaw, C.P. (in press). Using The Extended Parallel Process Model To Examine Teachers' Likelihood Of Intervening In Bullying. Journal of School Health.
Goldweber, A., Waasdorp, T. E., and Bradshaw, C.P. (in press). Examining The Link Between Bullying Profiles and Perceptions Of School Climate: A Latent Class Approach. Journal of School Psychology.
Hershfeldt, P.A., Pell, K., Sechrest, R., Pas, E.T., and Bradshaw, C.P. (2012). Lessons Learned Coaching Teachers In Behavior Management: The Pbisplus Coaching Model. Journal Of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 22(4): 280-299.
Hershfeldt, P.A., Rosenberg, M., and Bradshaw, C.P. (2010). Function-Based Thinking: A Multi-Tiered Decision Making Model For Addressing Student Behavior Problems. Beyond Behavior, 19(3): 12-21.
Mendelson, T., Pas, E.T., Bradshaw, C.P., Leis, J., Leaf, P.J., and Rebok, G. (2012). The Logic and Practice Of Prevention. In W. Eaton (Ed.), Public Mental Health (pp. 459-509). New York: Oxford.
Mitchell, M.M., Bradshaw, C.P., and Leaf, P.J. (2010). Student and Teacher Perceptions Of School Climate: A Multilevel Exploration Of Patterns Of Discrepancy. Journal of School Health, 80(6): 271-279.
Pas, E.T., and Newman, D.L. (in press). Teacher Mentoring, Coaching, and Consultation. In J.A.C. Hattie and anderman, E.M. (Eds.), International Handbook of Student Achievement. Routledge Publishing Company.
Pas, E.T., Bradshaw, C.P., and Mitchell, M.M. (2011). Examining The Validity Of Office Discipline Referrals As An Indicator Of Student Behavior Problems. Psychology in the Schools, 48: 541-555.
Pas, E.T., Bradshaw, C.P., and Cash, A. (in press). Coaching Classroom-Based Preventive Interventions. In M. Weist, N. Lever, C.Bradshaw, and J. Owens (Eds.). Handbook of School Mental Health, Second Edition. Springer.
Pas, E.T., Bradshaw, C.P., and Hershfeldt, P.A. (2012). Teacher- and School-Level Predictors Of Teacher Efficacy and Burnout: Identifying Potential Areas Of Support. Journal of School Psychology, 50(1): 129-145.
Pas, E.T., Bradshaw, C.P., Hershfeldt, P.A., and Leaf, P.J. (2010). A Multilevel Exploration of the Influence of Teacher Efficacy and Burnout on Response to Student Problem Behavior and School-Based Service School Use. School Psychology Quarterly, 25: 13–27.
Stuart, E., Cole, S., Bradshaw, C.P., and Leaf, P.J. (2011). The Use Of Propensity Scores To Assess The Generalizability Of Results From Randomized Trials. The Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 174(2): 369-386.
Sullivan, T., and Bradshaw, C.P. (in press). Introduction To The Special Issue Of Behavioral Disorders: Serving The Needs Of Youth With Disabilities Through School-Based Violence Prevention Efforts. Behavioral Disorders.
Waasdorp, T.E, Bradshaw, C.P., and Leaf, P.J. (2012). The Impact Of School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) On Bullying and Peer Rejection. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, 166(2): 149-156.


SECURe: Developing an Integrated Social, Emotional, and Cognitive Understanding and Regulation Intervention

University of Michigan

Morrison, Frederick

Daniel Keating, Robin Jacob, Stephanie Jones, and Nancy A. Madden



Effects of Classroom Management Training on Early Learning Skills

Duke University

Murray, Desiree

David Rabiner



Development of the “4R-SUCCESS” Program Aimed at Improving Elementary School-aged Children Social and Scholastic Competence

Arizona State University

Ladd, Gary

Becky Kochenderfer-Ladd


Ladd, G.W., Kochenderfer-Ladd, B.K., Visconti, K.J., and Ettekal, I. (2012). Classroom Peer Relations and Children's Social and Scholastic Development: Risk Factors and Resources. In A.M. Ryan and G.W. Ladd (Eds.), Peer relationships and adjustment to school. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing


The Social Skills Improvement System Classwide Intervention Program: Social, Behavioral, and Academic Outcomes in the Intermediate Grades

Pennsylvania State University

DiPerna, James

Pui-Wa Lei



Professional Development to Support and Sustain a Classroom Behavior Management Strategy

American Institutes for Research

Poduska, Jeanne

Hendricks Brown, Anja Kurki, Carla Ford, and Wei Wang


Poduska, J., Gomez, M., Capo, Z., Holmes, V. (2011). Developing A Collaboration With The Houston Independent School District: Testing The Generalizability Of A Partnership Model. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 39(4): 258-267.

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