2006 R305M060057
Using Video Clips of Classroom Instruction as Item Prompts to Measure Teacher Knowledge of Teaching Mathematics: Instrument Development and Validation
University of Arizona
Kersting, Nicole
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Kersting, N. B., Givvin, K., Sotelo, F., and Stigler, James (2010). Teacher’s Analysis of Classroom Video Predicts Student Learning of Mathematics: Further Explorations of a Novel Measure of Teacher Knowledge. Journal of Teacher Education, 61(1–2): 172–181.
Integrating Science and Diversity Education: A model of Pre-Service Elementary Teacher Preparation
University of Califronia, Berkeley
Tharp, Roland
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Stoddart, T., Solís, J.L., Tolbert, S., and Bravo, M.A. (2010). A Framework For The Effective Science Teaching Of English Language Learners In Elementary Schools. In D. W. Sunal, C. S. Sunal and E. L. Wright (Eds.), Teaching Science With Hispanic Ells In K–16 Classrooms (Vol. Research In Science Education, pp.151–182). Charlotte, NC.: Information Age Publishing.
Solís, J.L., Bravo, M.A. and Stoddart, T. (2009). Integrating Science and Diversity Education: A Model For Pre-Service Elementary Teacher Preparation Programs. Proceedings From The National Association Of Research In Science Teaching Annual Meeting. Garden Grove CA.
Bravo, M.A. and Cervetti, G.N. (2009). Teaching Vocabulary Through Text and Experience. In A. E., Farstrup and S. Samuels (Eds.), What Research Has To Say About Vocabulary Instruction (pp.130–149). Newark, DE: International Reading Association Inc.
2007 R305A070063
The Efficacy of the Responsive Classroom Approach for Improving Teacher Quality and Children’s Academic Performance
University of Virginia
Rimm-Kaufman, Sara
Hulleman, C.S., Rimm Kaufman, S.E., and Abry, T. (In Press). Whole Part Whole: Construct Validity, Measurement, and Analytical Issues For Intervention Fidelity Assessment In Education Research.
Merritt, E., Rimm Kaufman, S.E., Berry, R.Q., Walkowiak, T., and Ottmar, E.M. (2010). A Reflection Framework For Teaching Mathematics. Teaching Children Mathematics, 17(4): 238 248.
Ottmar, E.R., and Walkowiak, T.A. (2011). Social Emotional Learning In The Mathematics Classroom. Social and Emotional Learning Newsletter From The American Educational Research Association, 5(1): 67.
Ottmar, E.R., Rimm-Kaufman, S.E., Berry, R.Q., and Larsen, R.A. (2013). Does The Responsive Classroom Approach Affect The Use Of Standards-Based Mathematics Teaching Practices? Results From A Randomized Controlled Trial. The Elementary School Journal, 113(3): 434-457.
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Wanless, S.B., Patton, C.L., Rimm-Kaufman, S.E., and Deutsch, N.L. (2013). Setting-Level Influences On Implementation Of The Responsive Classroom Approach. Prevention Science, 14(1): 40-51.
Improving the Mathematical Content Base of Lesson Study: Design and Test of Two Research-Based Toolkits
Mills College
Lewis, Catherine
Understanding Science: Improving Achievement of Middle School Students in Science
Schneider, Steve
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Effect of the SUN Teacher Workshop on Student Achievement
Milwaukee School of Engineering
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Project Website: http://www.msoe.edu/academics/research_centers/sun/
Batiza, A.F., Gruhl, M., Zhang, B., Harrington, T., Roberts, M., LaFlamme, D., Haasch, M.A., Knopp, J., Vogt, G., Goodsell, D., Hagedorn, E., Marcey, D., Hoelzer, M., and Nelson, D. (2013). The Effects of the SUN Project on Teacher Knowledge and Self-Efficacy Regarding Biological Energy Transfer Are Significant and Long-Lasting: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 12: 287–305.
2008 R305A080078
Leadership for Integrated Middle-School Science (LIMSS)
University of South Florida
Potter, Robert
Dana Zeidler (University of South Florida) and andi Ringer (Hillsborough County Public Schools)
Education Research - BioBridge Teacher Quality
University of California, San Diego
Thompson, Loren
Program Website: http://sciencebridge.ucsd.edu/
Rios, A.C. and French, G. (2011). Introducing Bond-Line Organic Structures in High School Biology: An Activity That Incorporates Pleasant-Smelling Molecules. Journal of Chemistry Eduucation. 88: 954–959.
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