2011 R305D110001
Bayesian Inference for Experimental and Observational Studies in Education
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Kaplan, David
Kaplan, D., and Chen, J. (2012). A Two-Step Bayesian Approach for Propensity Score Analysis: Simulations and Case Study. Psychometrika, 77: 581-609.
Kaplan, D., and Depaoli, S. (2012). Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling. In R. Hoyle (ed.), Handbook of Structural Equation Modeling. (pp 650-673), New York: Guilford Publications, Inc.
Kaplan, D., and Depaoli, S. (2013). Bayesian Statistical Methods. In T.D. Little (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Quantitative Methods (Vol 1): Foundations (pp. 407-437). New York, NY US: Oxford University Press.
Kaplan, D., and Park, S. (in press). Analyzing International Large-Scale Assessment Data Within a Bayesian Framework. In Rutkowski, L., von Davier, M., and Rutkowski, D. (eds.) A Handbook Of International Large-Scale Assessment: Background, Technical Issues, and Methods Of Data Analysis. London: Chapman Hall/CRC Press.
Methods for Parameter Inference, Model Comparison and Incomplete Data in Complex Psychometric Models for NAEP Survey Data
American Institutes for Research
Salganik, Laura
Murray Aitkin and Irit Aitkin (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Increased Accuracy in the Detection of Differential Item Functioning through Multilevel Analysis
Washington State University
French, Brian
W. Holms Finch
French, B.F., and Finch, W. (2013). Extensions Of Mantel–Haenszel For Multilevel DIF Detection. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 73(4): 648-671.
Addressing Practical Problems in Achievement Gap Estimation: Nonparametric Methods for Censored Data
Stanford University
Reardon, Sean
Andrew Ho (Harvard University)
Related IES Projects: The Effects of Racial School Segregation on the Black-White Achievement Gap (R205A070377)
Ho, A.D., and Reardon, S.F. (in press). Estimating Achievement Gaps From Test Scores Reported In Ordinal “Proficiency” Categories. Journal Of Educational and Behavioral Statistics.
Multilevel Synthesis of Single-Case Experimental Data: Further Developments and Empirical Validation
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Noortgate, Wim Van den
Tasha Beretvas (University of Texas-Austin) and John Ferron (University of South Florida)
Moeyaert, M., Ugille, M., Ferron, J., Beretvas, S., and Van Den Noortgate, W. (in press). Three-Level Analysis Of Single-Case Experimental Data: Empirical Validation. Journal Of Experimental Education.
Moeyaert, M., Ugille, M., Ferron, J., Beretvas, S., and Van Den Noortgate, W. (2013). Modeling External Events In The Three-Level Analysis Of Multiple Baseline Across-Participants Designs: A Simulation Study. Behavior Research Methods, 45(2): 547-559.
Rindskopf, D., and Ferron, J. (In Press). Using Multilevel Models To Analyze Single-Case Design Data. In T. R. Kratochwill and J.R. Levin (Eds.) Single-Case Intervention Research: Methodological and Data-Analysis Advances. American Psychological Association.
Ugille, M., Moeyaert, M., Beretvas, N., Ferron, J., and Van Den Noorgate, W. (2012). Multilevel Meta-Analysis Of Single-Subject Experimental Designs: A Simulation Study. Behavior Research Methods, 44: 1244-1254.
Ugille, M., Moeyaert, M., Beretvas, N., Ferron, J., and Van Den Noorgate, W. (in press). Bias Corrections For Standardized Effect Size Estimates Used With Single-Subject Experimental Designs. Journal Of Experimental Education.
Psychometric Models for 21st Century Educational Survey Assessments
Educational Testing Service
Rijmen, Frank
Matthias Von Davier
Jeon, M., Rijmen, F., and Rabe-Hesketh, S. (2013). Modeling Differential Item Functioning Using A Generalization Of The Multiple-Group Bifactor Model. Journal Of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 38(1): 32-60.
Rijmen, F. (2011). The Latent Class Model As A Measurement Model For Situational Judgment Tests. Psychologica Belgica, 51(3-4): 197-212.
Rijmen, F., and Jeon, M. (In Press). Fitting An Item Response Theory Model With Random Item Effects Across Groups By A Variational Approximation Method. Annals Of Operations Research.
State-specific Design Parameters for Designing Better Evaluation Studies
National Opinion Research Center (NORC)
Hedges, Larry
Eric Hedberg
Hedges, L.V., Hedberg, E.C., and Kuyper, A.M. (2012). The Variance Of Intraclass Correlations In Three- and Four-Level Models. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 72(6): 893-909.
Sensitivity Analysis—If We’re Wrong, How Far Are We from Being Right?
New York University
Hill, Jennifer
Marc Scott
Hill, J., and Su, Y.-S. (in press). Assessing Lack Of Common Support In Causal Inference Using
Bayesian Nonparametrics: Implications For Evaluating The Effect Of Breastfeeding On Children's
Cognitive Outcomes. Annals Of Applied Statistics.
Approaches for Weighting and Estimation of Public-release Education Data using Two-level Covariance Structure Models
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Stapleton, Laura
Grant Transferred to: University of Maryland, College Park, Award Number R305D110050
Stapleton, L.M. (2012). Evaluation Of Conditional Weight Approximations For Two-Level Models. Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 4: 182-204.
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