2012 R305D120004
Hierarchical Network Models for Education Research
Carnegie Mellon University
Junker, Brian
Matching Strategies for Observational Studies with Multilevel Data in Educational Research
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Steiner, Peter
Jee-Seon Kim
Assessing the Fit of the Statistical Model Used in the National Assessment of Educational Progress
Education Testing Service
Sinharay, Sandip
Matthew Johnson (Teachers College)
Weighting Methods for Mediation Analysis in Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Multilevel Data
National Opinion Research Center (NORC)
Hong, Guanglei
2013 R305D130033
Accessible Methodology and User-Friendly Software for Multivariate Hierarchical Models Given Incomplete Data
Virginia Commonwealth University
Shin, Yongyun
Steve Raudenbush (University of Chicago)
Related IES Projects: Development of Accessible Methodologies and Software in Hierarchical Models with Missing Data (R305D090022)
Teacher Quality: Mathematics and Science Education
2003 R305M030154
Algebra Learning for All (ALFA)
LessonLab, Inc.
Stigler, James
Santagata, R. (2009). Designing Video-Based Professional Development For Mathematics Teachers In Low-Performing Schools. Journal Of Teacher Education, Theme Issue: Innovative Uses Of Technology In Teacher Education, 60(1): 38–51.
Santagata, R., Kersting, K., Givvin, K., and Stigler, J.W. (2011). Problem Implementation As A Lever For Change: An Experimental Study Of The Effects Of A Professional Development Program On Students’ Mathematics Learning. Journal For Research On Educational Effectiveness, 4(1): 1-24.
Spencer, J.A. (2009). Identity At The Crossroads: Understanding The Practices and Forces That Shape African American Success and Struggle In Mathematics. In D. Martin (Ed.) , Mathematics Teaching, Learning, and Liberation In The Lives Of Black Children (pp.200-230). New York, NY US: Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group.
Spencer, J., Park, J., and Santagata, R. (2010). Keeping The Mathematics On The Table In Urban, Mathematics Professional Development: A Model That Integrates Dispositions Toward Students. In M.Q. Foote (Ed.), Mathematics Teaching and Learning In K–12: Equity and Professional Development. (Pp 199–218). New York, NY: Palgrave/Macmillan.
2004 R305M040127
Algebra Connections: Teacher Education in Clear Instruction and Responsive Assessment of Algebra Patterns and Problem Solving
DePaul University
Radner, Barbara
Project Website: http://teacher.depaul.edu/AlgebraConnections.html
The Relationship Between Mathematics Teachers’ Content Knowledge and Students’ Mathematics Achievement: Exploring the Predictive Validity of the Praxis Series Middle School Mathematics Test
Educational Testing Service
Tannenbaum, Richard
Gitomer, D.H., Brown, T.L., and Bonett, J. (2011). Useful Signal or Unnecessary Obstacle? The Role of Basic Skills Tests in Teacher Preparation. Journal of Teacher Education, 62(5), 431-445.
2005 R305M050005
Utah’s Improving Science Teacher Quality Initiative
University of Cincinnati
Johnson, Carla
Jamison Fargo (Utah State University)
Johnson, C.C., and Sherry Marx (2009). Transformative Professional Development: A Model for Urban Science Education Reform. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 20(2): 113–134.
Johnson, C.C. (2010). Transformative Professional Development for In-Service Teachers: Enabling Change in Science Teaching to Better Meet the Needs of Hispanic ELL Students. In Sunal, D.W., Sunal, D.S., Mantero, M., and Wright, E. (Eds.), Teaching Science with Hispanic ELLs in K–16 Classrooms. (pp 233–252). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Johnson, C.C., and Fargo, J.D. (2010). Urban School Reform Enabled by Transformative Professional Development: Impact on Teacher Change and Student Learning of Science. Urban Education, 45(1): 4–29.
Jennings-Bolshakova, V.L., Johnson, C.C., and Czerniak, C.M. (2011). “It Depends on What Science Teacher You Got”: Urban Science Self-Efficacy: Teacher and Student Voices. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 6(4): 961-997.
Johnson, C.C. (2011). The Road to Culturally Relevant Science: Exploring How Teachers Navigate Change in Pedagogy. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 48(2): 170-198.
Replication and Outcomes of the Teaching SMART® Program in Elementary Science Classrooms
University of South Florida
Borman, Kathryn
Kim Davis (District School Board of Pasco County) and Sherri Steffen (Teaching SMART and Girls Inc., Rapid City)
Assessing the Potential Impact of a Professional Development Program in Science on Head Start Teachers and Children
Education Development Center, Inc.
Clark-Chiarelli, Nancy
Jess Gropen
Project Website: http://ccf.edc.org/Projects/projDetail.asp?projID=3641
IES Related Project: Assessing the Efficacy of a Comprehensive Intervention in Physical Science on Head Start Teachers and Children (R305A090114)
Mentoring Teachers through Pedagogical Content Knowledge Development
Allegheny Singer Research Institute
Hall-Stoodley, Luanne
Evolving Inquiry: An Experimental Test of a Science Instruction Model for Teachers in Rural, Culturally Diverse Schools
University of Nebraska
Doll, Elizabeth
Ron Bonnstetter, Roger Bruning, Christy Horn
Comparing the Efficacy of Three Approaches to Improving Teaching Quality in Science Education: Curriculum Implementation, Design, and Adaptation
SRI International
Penuel, William R
Project Website: http://ctl.sri.com/projects/displayProject.jsp?Nick=tides
Penuel, W.R., and Gallagher, L.P. (2009). Preparing Teachers To Design Instruction For Deep Understanding In Middle School Earth Science. Journal Of The Learning Sciences, 18(4): 461-508.
Investigating the Efficacy of a Professional Development Program in Classroom Assessment for Middle School Reading and Mathematics
South Carolina Department of Education
Schneider, Christina
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