2009 R305A090145
INSPIRE: Urban Teaching Fellows Program
University of Cincinnati
Johnson, Carla
Johnson, C.C., (2011). Defining Turbulence In STEM Educational Reform, In Johnson, C.C. (Ed.) Secondary STEM Educational Reform, Palgrave Macmillan.
Johnson, C.C., (2011). Targeting Turbulence: Lessons Learned—Potential Solutions To Challenges, In Johnson, C.C. (Ed.) Secondary STEM Educational Reform, Palgrave Macmillan.
Johnson, C.C. (2011). The Road To Culturally Relevant Science: Exploring How Teachers Navigate Change In Pedagogy. Journal Of Research In Science Teaching, 48(2): 170-198.
Johnson, C.C., and Fargo, J.D. (2010). Urban School Reform Enabled By Transformative Professional Development: Impact On Teacher Change and Student Learning Of Science. Urban Education, 45(1): 4-29.
2010 R305A100047
Linear Functions for Teaching: An Efficacy Study of Learning and Teaching Linear Functions
Schneider, Steve
Accessible Professional Development for Teaching Aquatic Science Inquiry
University of Hawaii
Duncan, Kanesa
Duncan S.K., Philippoff, J., Kaupp, L., and Vallin, L. (2012) Metacognition As
Means to Increase the Effectiveness of Inquiry-based Science Education. Science
Education International, 23(4): 366-382.
A Practice-Based Approach to Professional Development in Science in Urban Elementary and Middle Schools
Technical Education Research Centers, Inc.
Rosebery, Ann
Making Room for Student Thinking: Using Automated Feedback, Video-Based Professional Development, and Evidence-Based Practice Recommendations to Improve Mathematical Discussion
University of Michigan
Miller, Kevin
Using Data to Inform Decisions: How Teachers Use Data to Inform Practice and Improve Student Performance in Mathematics
CAN Corporation
Cavalluzzo, Linda
Making Middle School Mathematics Accessible for All Students
Hauk, Shandy
Project Website: http://mas.wested.org
Developing Mathematics Teaching through Focused Collaborative Assessment of Practice University of Michigan
Moss Pamela
Oslund, J.A. (2012).Stories of mathematical problem solving in professional learning
communities. In L.R. Van Zoest, J.J. Lo, and J.L. Kratky (Eds.), Proceedings of the
34th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the
Psychology of Mathematics Education. Kalamazoo, MI: Western Michigan University,
November 1-4, 2012.
2011 R305A110285
Understanding Life Science: Improving Student Achievement by Deepening Teacher Content and Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Ways That Transform Instructional Practice
Schneider, Steve
Jerome Shaw and Kirsten Daehler
Project Website: http://wested.org/us4t
Learning to Use Formative Assessment in Mathematics with the Assessment Work Sample Method (AWSM)
Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL)
Beesley, andrea
Kathleen Dempsey and Anne Tweed
Project Website: https://sites.google.com/site/awsmmath
Learning and Teaching Algebra (LTA)
Education Development Center, Inc.
Cuoco, Albert
Jess Gropen
Japanese Structured Problem-Solving As a Resource for U.S. Elementary Mathematics Teachers: Program Development and Testing
Mills College
Lewis, Catherin
Rebecca Perry
Related IES Projects: Focused and Coherent Elementary Mathematics: Japanese Curriculum Resources for U.S. Teachers (R305A110500)
Making Sense of SCIENCE: Efficacy Study of a Professional Development Series for Middle School Science Teachers
Schneider, Steve
Kirsten Daehler (WestEd) and Joan Heller (Heller Research Associates)
Project Website: http://we-msspdstudy.weebly.com/
Teacher Quality: Reading and Writing
2003 R305M030052
Teacher Quality Study: An Investigation of the Impact of Teacher Study Groups as a Means to Enhance The Quality of Reading Instruction for First Graders in High Poverty Schools in Two States
RG Research Group DBA Instructional Research Group
Gersten, Russell
Related IES Projects: Impact of Teacher Study Groups as Observed Teaching Practice and Student Vocabulary Knowledge: A Multi-Site Randomized Control Trial in First Grade (R305A090294)
Dimino, J., and Taylor, M.J. (2009). Learning How to Improve Vocabulary Instruction Through Teacher Study Groups. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes.
Gersten, R., and Dimino, J.A. (2006). RTI (Response To Intervention): Rethinking Special Education For Students With Reading Difficulties (Yet Again). Reading Research Quarterly, 41(1): 99-108.
Gersten, R., Dimino, J., and Jayanthi, M. (2007). Towards the Development of a Nuanced Classroom Observational System for Studying Comprehension and Vocabulary Instruction. In B. Taylor and J. Ysseldyke (Eds.), Educational Interventions for Struggling Readers (pp. 381–425). New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
Gersten, R., Dimino, J., Jayanthi, M., Kim, J, and Santoro, L. (2010). Teacher Study Group: Impact of the Professional Development Model on Reading Instruction and Student Outcomes in First Grade Classrooms. American Educational Research Journal, 47(3): 694-739.
Identifying Key Components of Effective Professional Development in Reading for First-Grade Teachers and Their Students
University of Michigan
Carlisle, Joanne F.
Carlisle, J.F., Cortina, K.S., and Katz, L.A. (2011). First-Grade Teachers Response to Three Models of Professional Development in Reading. Reading and Writing Quarterly, 27(3): 212-238.
Carlisle, J.F., and Berebitsky, D. (2011). Literacy Coaching as a Component of Professional Development. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 24(7): 773-800.
Mastering Reading Instruction: A Professional Development Project for First Grade Teachers
Haskins Laboratories
Brady, Susan
Project Website: http://www.haskins.yale.edu/mrin/press.html.
Brady, S., Gillis, M., Smith, T., Lavalette, M., Liss-Bronstein, L., Lowe, E., North, W., Russo, E., and Wilder, T.D. (2009). First Grade Teachers’ Knowledge of Phonological Awareness and Code Concepts: Examining Gains From an Intensive Form of Professional Development. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 22(4): 425–455.
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