National Sexual Reproductive Policy 2014 2014 National Sexual Reproductive Policy

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NSRPolicy 2016
17-02 Bougainville Health Administration Act 2017

June 2014

National Department of Health13
All blood and blood products as well as other biological products are properly screened for syphilis, HIV and hepatitis B prior to transfusion Ensure the access to SRH services to persons living with disabilities.
Objective Four Eliminate all forms of gender-based violence and other practices that are harmful
to the health of women and children.

Policy Statement There is zero tolerance to all forms of gender-based violence and other harmful practices.

Ensure the timely implementation of the National health gender policy ; Ensure there is GBV Zero Tolerance policy enforced at workplace through the implementation of the Health Sector Gender Policy Promote the enactment of laws to increase the minimum age for marriage and decrease the minimum age for legal consent.

Objective Five To reduce gender imbalance in availability of sexual and reproductive health

Policy Statement Men/boys and women/girls should have equal access to quality sexual and reproductive health services.


Set gender sensitive National standards of care based on best practices with emphasis on male involvement in SRH; Promote the respectful provision of SRH services to all individuals regardless of their sexual orientation.

Objective Six To reduce the Incidence and prevalence of cancers of the reproductive system and
Policy Statement: Early detection and management of cancers of the reproductive system and breast should be encouraged and promoted.

Promote screening programs for early detection of cervical, , breast and prostate cancer Training of SRH service providers in Visual Inspection/Acetic acid to increase the number of screening sites Establish effective referral system for the management of cancer patients Strengthen database for reproductive health cancers i.e. cancer registries Promote and support awareness activities to increase knowledge on Cancer prevention Reduce the mortality and morbidity from reproductive health cancers through HPV vaccination for young adolescents. Chapter Three Policies and Strategies Chapter Three Policies and Strategies

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