required for each clinic. Therefore, the analysts may phase this system in one clinic at a time, allowing 3 to 4 weeks for each conversion. It is conceivable in this system that the full conversion will be phased over one year. Long phase – in periods create
difficulties for analysts, whether the conversions go well or not. If the system is working well, early users will communicate their enthusiasm to other personnel who are waiting for implementation. In fact, enthusiasm may reach such a high level that when a group of users does finally receive the system, there is a letdown.
In the clinic example, for instance, the medical staff may exaggerate the time savings that accrue from not having to search for medical records or manually prepare insurance claims, activities that will be handled by the new system. Later,
when conversion occurs, the staff finds out that the system does not do the processing instantly. The disappointment is understandable. On the other hand, if there are problems in the early phases of implementation, word of difficulties will spread also. Then the users may expect difficulties at the time of conversion and react negatively to the smallest mistakes.
When systems are phased in, they must work well on the first conversion and all that follow.
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