Component 1.2: Use vocabulary (word meaning) strategies to comprehend text.
Component 1.3: Build vocabulary through wide reading.
Component 1.4: Apply word recognition skills and strategies to read fluently.
Proficiency Level
(EALR 1,
Comp. 1.2, 1.3, 1.4)
Use a picture dictionary to demonstrate understanding of the meaning of new words.
Use pictures to gain meaning of new words from text read aloud.
Identify pictures from written labels or identify text words from pictures.
Produce simple vocabulary in response to a read-aloud from a variety of cultures and communities.
Produce one-word responses to simple questions or a prompt.
Use gestures to participate in discussions of short, illustrated stories and show understanding of vocabulary.
Recognize sight words.
| Advanced Beginning
(EALR 1,
Comp. 1.2, 1.3, 1.4)
Use pictures to gain meaning of new words.
Use new vocabulary in simple sentences to discuss stories read aloud, including literary and informational texts.
Use simple sentences to answer and ask questions and show understanding of new words.
Use words and/or phrases to participate in discussions of short, illustrated stories and show understanding of vocabulary.
Read introduced sight words.
Use simple sentences with introduced sight words.
(EALR 1,
Comp. 1.2, 1.3, 1.4)
Use beginning dictionaries to locate the meaning of new words.
Use pictures and letter clusters of unknown words to gain meaning of words.
Increase oral and reading vocabulary by listening to and reading a variety of texts.
Use descriptive sentences to discuss stories read aloud/ independently.
Read introduced sight words.
(EALR 1,
Comp. 1.2, 1.3, 1.4)
Use a variety of simple resources to determine new word meanings.
Use prefixes and suffixes to determine the meaning of un- known words.
Use new vocabulary in oral and written communication.
Use new vocabulary to explain and describe stories read aloud and independently.
Use and read an increased number of sight words.
Begin to use natural speech patterns and punctuation to read fluently.
(EALR 1,
Comp. 1.2, 1.3, 1.4)
Use a variety of simple resources to determine new word meanings.
Use simple inflectional endings to determine the meaning of unknown words.
Integrate new vocabulary from text into written and oral communication.
Participate orally in discussions using academic content vocabulary by generating and answering questions, contributing, explaining and making comparisons.
Use natural speech patterns and punctuation to read fluently.
Use and adjust rate based on type of text that is being read and begin to build toward grade level rate.
EALR 2: The student understands the meaning of what is read.
Component 2.1: Demonstrate evidence of reading comprehension.
Component 2.2: Understand and apply knowledge of text components to comprehend text.
Proficiency Levels
Comp. 2.1, 2.2)
Use gestures and single word responses to participate in a discussion of a story read aloud.
Use gestures or one-word responses to answer literal comprehension questions before, during, and after simple text read aloud.
Answer literal comprehension questions about pictures or phrases.
Draw pictures to represent images from simple text read aloud.
Draw picture to connect prior knowledge or experience to story read aloud.
Use gestures, pictures or one-word responses to predict what will happen based on pictures in story read aloud.
Draw pictures to represent the sequence and story elements of simple literary text.
Point to title, page numbers, table of contents and other text features.
Comp. 2.1, 2.2)
Use words and/or phrases to participate in a discussion of a story read aloud.
Use words and/or phrases to answer questions before, during and after simple text read aloud.
Use words and/or phrases to verbally describe and draw pictures to represent images from story read aloud and/or shared reading.
Identify phrases that describe a picture or select a picture described by a phrase. W
Use words and/or phrases to connect prior knowledge or experience to story read aloud/shared.
Answer literal comprehension questions about simple sentences. (i.e., active, positive, present tense, statements with regular plurals).
Use words and/or phrases to predict what will happen based on pictures in text read aloud.
Indicate what will happen next in text composed of simple sentences (i.e. active, positive, present tense statements).
Indicate the correct sequence in text composed of simple sentences (i.e. active, positive, present tense statements).
Use words and/or phrases to verbally describe or draw pictures to represent the sequence and story elements of simple literary text.
Identify locations of title, page numbers, table of contents and other text features.
Comp. 2.1, 2.2)
Use simple sentences to ask and answer questions before, during, and after text read aloud/shared.
Use simple sentences to describe, draw, and label images from story read aloud/shared.
Identify the main idea and details in simple text. W
Use simple sentences to connect prior knowledge or experience to a simple story.
Answer literal comprehension questions about simple text sentences including negatives, yes/no questions, simple past and future tenses, etc.
Use simple sentences to make inferences about main character and to predict action during the reading process in story read aloud/shared.
Begin to use basic monitoring strategies to increase comprehension of text including picture cues and known words.
Use simple sentences to state main idea and important details of simple literary and informational text.
Identify the correct sequence and predict what will happen next in simple text. (also 2.1.5)
Use simple sentences to retell story in sequence and to identify story elements. (also 2.1.5)
Identify information orally from graphs and charts and use simple sentences to identify location of title, page numbers, table of contents and other text features.
Comp. 2.1, 2.2)
Use descriptive sentences to ask and answer questions before, during, and after text read aloud/ shared.
Draw and use descriptive sentences to depict mental images that occur while reading.
Identify the main idea and details in simple text. W
Use descriptive sentences to state the main idea and important details of text using specific story vocabulary.
Use descriptive sentences to connect and express own experience to a prompt taken from a story to be read aloud.
Predict, confirm, and infer based on simple text.
Respond to literal comprehension questions about text composed of sentences with irregular plurals, common irregular verbs, prepositional phrases, etc.
Use descriptive sentences to predict, confirm, and infer based on pictures in story read aloud or during the reading process.
Use basic monitoring strategies including picture cues and known words and begin to use rereading as a monitoring strategy while reading.
Use descriptive sentences to complete teacher generated graphic organizer to organize information taken from text.
Identify information in simple sentences from charts and graphs.
Use specific story vocabulary to describe and explain story elements while retelling a story in sequence.
Identify text written in sequential order.
Comp. 2.1, 2.2)
Use specialized vocabulary to ask and answer questions before, during, and after text read aloud/shared.
Use specialized vocabulary to state the main idea and important details of grade level text.
Complete simple graphic organizers to comprehend text, organize ideas, and independently activate prior knowledge.
Answer literal and inferential comprehension questions about grade level text.
Use specialized vocabulary to make inferences using prior knowledge, predictions and text features.
Use descriptive sentences to identify and explain where and why comprehension was lost and use a comprehension repair strategy to regain meaning of text.
Identify the correct sequence and indicate what will happen next in grade level text.
Apply and interpret information orally from charts and graphs across the content areas.
Analyze and apply knowledge of story elements when retelling a grade level text using specialized vocabulary from the text.
Identify text written in simple listing and sequential order.
Component 2.3: Expand comprehension by analyzing, interpreting, and synthesizing information and ideas in literary and informational text.
Component 2.4: Think critically and analyze author’s use of language, style, purpose, and perspective in informational and literary text.
Proficiency Level
Comp. 2.3, 2.4)
Draw pictures to represent similarities in settings and common information in stories read aloud.
Draw and sort pictures to group objects with common attributes.
Match groups of familiar objects with common attributes.
Advanced Beginning
Comp. 2.3, 2.4)
Answer questions about settings and basic information from pictures.
Use phrases to identify similarities in characters and settings and common information found in texts read aloud.
Name and categorize objects according to common attributes.
Use words and/or phrases to label objects grouped by common attributes or to complete teacher generated graphic organizer.
Use simple note-taking skills to begin to synthesize information from a variety of sources.
Use words or phrases to make generalizations and draw supported conclusions from text.
Comp. 2.3, 2.4)
Use simple sentences to identify similarities and differences in settings and common information in texts read aloud.
Answer questions about settings and common information from text consisting of simple sentences.
Categorize objects according to common attributes.
Use simple sentences to identify the common attribute of a group of objects, characters, or ideas.
Use simple sentences to discuss information found in general reference materials (e.g., dictionary, encyclopedia, thesaurus).
Indicate understanding of common idioms (e.g., catch the bus, keep up, drop in).
Use simple sentences to identify literary devices within a text (e.g., dialogue and alliteration).
Use simple sentences to make generalizations and draw supported conclusions from text.
Use simple sentences to identify facts that support the author’s word choice, purpose, tone, and use of persuasive devices.
Use simple sentences to distinguish between fact and opinion. (also 2.3.1)
Comp. 2.3, 2.4)
Answer compare/contrast and cause/effect questions about written text.
Use descriptive sentences to identify similarities and differences in settings, characters, and events of stories read aloud.
Use descriptive sentences to describe multiple common attributes of a sorted group of objects.
Demonstrate understanding of common idioms.
Identify literary devices in text.
Use descriptive sentences to draw conclusions, make generalizations, and explain how to solve problems using information from a text.
Use descriptive sentences to identify and explain the author’s use of word choice, sentence structure and length, and tone.
Identify the author’s purpose and answer fact/opinion questions about extended text. (also 2.3.1)
Comp. 2.3, 2.4)
Describe and explain similarities and differences in settings, characters, and events of stories read aloud or in text.
Identify literary devices in grade level text.
Explain the purposes for different commonly printed materials and compare and contrast different types of text.
Explain difference between facts and opinions with teacher guidance.
EALR 3: The student reads materials for a variety of purposes.
Component 3.1: Read to learn new information.
Component 3.2: Read to perform a task.
Component 3.3: Read for career applications.
Proficiency Level
(EALR 3,
Comp. 3.1, 3.2, 3.3)
Match printed word with common school item.
Use word, gesture, or drawing to indicate environmental print (e.g., school signs and labels in classroom.).
Advanced Beginning
Comp. 3.1, 3.2, 3.3)
Match phrase to label printed material (e.g., school signs, labels, environmental print).
Comp. 3.1, 3.2, 3.3)
Follow simple directions composed of single words and/or phrases from a text to perform a task.
Use simple sentences to demonstrate comprehension of environmental print (e.g., school signs, labels, etc.).
Choose or identify correct functional signs, labels, or written phrases.
Comp. 3.1, 3.2, 3.3)
Follow multi-step directions composed of simple sentences to perform a task (e.g., math problems).
Use descriptive sentences to demonstrate comprehension of environmental print (e.g., school signs and labels in classroom).
Comp. 3.1, 3.2, 3.3)
Demonstrate comprehension of grade level text directions.
Component 3.4: Read for literary/narrative experience in a variety of genres.
Proficiency Level
Comp. 3.4)
Advanced Beginning
Comp. 3.4)
Comp. 3.4)
Use simple sentences to identify and discuss the culture and/or traditions described in a piece of literature.
Use simple sentences to identify and explain the purposes of different types of text (e.g., fairy tales, fables, narrative trade books).
Comp. 3.4)
Use descriptive sentences to identify and discuss the culture and/or traditions described in a piece of literature.
Use descriptive sentences to explain the purposes of different types of text (e.g., fairy tales, fables, informational trade books).
Comp. 3.4)
EALR 1: The student writes clearly and effectively.
Component 1.1: The student will develop concept and design.
Proficiency Level
Grades K-2
Draw and label pictures to tell a story
Use labeled drawings to write about an event from a text read aloud by the teacher.
Advanced Beginning
Use sight words and phrases to write about an event or character from a text read a loud by teacher o ran experience generated from the group
Choose and maintain focus on topic
Use simple sentences to write about an event
Use simple sentences to write about an event or character from a text or an experience.
Use specialized vocabulary in sentences to write about a topic across the content areas
Component 1.2: The student will use style appropriate to the audience and purpose.
Proficiency Level
Grades K-2
Copy and follow patterns to write words and phrases
Advanced Beginning
Use sight words and phrases to write about own experiences and follow pattern to create a story
Use simple sentences to write for different audiences and purposes
Begin to choose from a variety of words to convey meaning in simple sentences
Use simple and descriptive sentences to write for different audiences and purposes
Choose from a variety of words to convey meaning in simple sentences
Begin to use figurative and idiomatic expressions
Use sentences with some specialized vocabulary to write for different purposes and audiences across content areas
Use figurative and idiomatic expressions
Component 1.3: The student will apply writing conventions.
Proficiency Level
Grades K-2
Write top to bottom, left to right when copying
Write own name using capital and lowercase letters
Begin to use invented spelling to write familiar words
Advanced Beginning
Use invented spelling to write familiar words and phrases
Begin to use capital letters for proper nouns
Begin to write sight words
Write sight words
Apply English phonemic rules
Begin to write simple sentences that may include inconsistent use of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling
Produce independent writing that may include some inconsistent use of capitalization, periods, and correct spelling
Use standard grammar, ending punctuation, capital letters, and spelling with lapses characteristic of ELL students
EALR 2: The student writes in a variety of forms for different audiences and purposes.
Component 2.1: The student will write for different audiences.
Component 2.2: The student will write for different purposes.
Proficiency Level
Grades K-2
Draw pictures or write words to express self or to name something
Draw a picture or write for self, teacher, or other known person
Use words to complete lists, personal journal entries, songs and poems based on a model
Advanced Beginning
Write phrases to respond to prompts, to name something and express self
Write for self, teacher, or other known person.
Use words and phrases to write notes, journal entries, friendly letters, songs and poems based on a model
Write simple sentences to tell a story, inform, thank, and entertain
Distinguish among appropriate ways of writing to different
Use simple sentences to write personal journal entries, friendly letters, story reports, songs, poems and stories based on a model.
Write simple and descriptive sentences to tell a story, inform, thank, and entertain
Use simple sentences to write personal journal entries, friendly letters, story reports, songs, poems and stories based on a model.
Apply skills using specialized vocabulary to tell a story, to inform, to thank, to entertain across content areas
Use specialized vocabulary to independently write notes, friendly letters, personal journal entries, story reports, songs and poems.
EALR 3: The student understands and uses the steps of the writing process.
Component 3.1: The student will pre-write –generate ideas and gather information
Proficiency Level
Grades K-2
Draw pictures and use words from shared reading and own experience
Advanced Beginning
Use phrases to participate in group brainstorming and writing
Use simple sentences to participate in group brainstorming and writing
Use pictures and modeled graphic organizers to generate ideas for simple stories
Use brainstorming techniques to generate and organize ideas (e.g., model graphic organizers, pictures, lists)
Component 3.2: The student will revise –elaborate on a topic and supporting ideas.
Proficiency Level
Grades K-2
Use gestures and words to participate in group writing
Advanced Beginning
Create rough drafts which include pictures, words, and phrases
Create rough drafts which include simple sentences
Create rough drafts which include simple sentences
Create rough drafts which include a variety of sentence types
Component 3.3: The student will revise –collect input and enhance text and style.
Proficiency Level
Grades K-2
| |
Advanced Beginning
Use phrases to participate orally in revision of group writing
Uses simple sentences to participate orally in revision of group writing
Begin to revise own writing for clarity
Offer feedback on other’s writing
Incorporate input from others into own writing
Component 3.4: The student will edit –use resources to correct spelling, punctuation, grammar and usage.
Component 3.5: The student will publish –select a publishing form and produce a completed writing project to share with chosen audience.
Proficiency Level
Grades K-2
Use gestures and words to participate in editing of group writing
Use a model to publish selected writing in appropriate format
Advanced Beginning
Use phrases to participate in group editing
Use simple sentences to participate in group editing
Publish selected writing in appropriate format
Edit writing for capitalization and punctuation
Edit for punctuation and known spelling
Publish in appropriate format
ELD Listening & Speaking Standards K-2
EALR 1: The student uses listening and observation skills to gain understanding.
Component 1.1 – The student will focus attention.
Component 1.2 – The student will listen and observe to gain and interpret information.
Use physical actions and/or words to respond to simple directions and questions.
Advanced Beginning
Respond to simple directions and questions.
Use picture cues, phrases or a cloze exercise to retell a familiar story.
Respond to directions, questions, and some idiomatic expressions.
Use simple sentences to retell a familiar story with picture cues.
Recognize inappropriate use of register.
Recognize patterns in familiar words, songs, chants, and rhymes.
Respond to multi-step directions and to questions.
Use picture cues and descriptive sentences to retell a familiar story.
Independently recognize inappropriate use of register.
Begin to use context to determine appropriate meaning of multiple meaning words.
Respond to multi-step directions and to questions.
Use descriptive sentences and illustrations to retell a story in order.
Independently recognize inappropriate use of register.
Use context to determine appropriate meaning of multiple meaning words.
Component 1.3 – The student will check for understanding by asking questions and paraphrasing.
Use classroom norms to signal to ask a question.
Use single word/gestures to ask for repetition in order to clarify.
Advanced Beginning
Use words and/or phrases, intonation to ask simple questions.
Use simple forms to ask questions about content.
Use words/phrases in a frame to paraphrase.
Use simple forms* to probe for details about content. sentences to paraphrase.
Use simple forms to probe for details about content.
Use descriptive sentences with content area vocabulary to ask questions in a variety of
contexts and situations.
Use descriptive sentences with some content vocabulary to paraphrase.
EALR 2: The student communicates ideas clearly and effectively.
Component 2.1 – The student will communicate clearly to a range of audiences for different purposes.
Use words to participate in social conversations using informal language.
Use, through repetition, common social greetings, simple repetitive phrases, and state basic needs using informal language.
Use gestures and/or words to participate in group discussion or activity which involve concrete objects.
Use words to tell a story from a familiar picture book.
Repeat words which are part of the frozen register (i.e., Pledge of Allegiance, poems, favorite stories).
Advanced Beginning
using informal language.
Independently use common social greetings, simple phrases, and state basic needs
using informal language.
Use words and/or phrases to role-play an action or event.
Use words and/or phrases to tell a story from a familiar picture book.
Use words and/or phrases to participate in group discussion or activity which involves
concrete objects.
Repeat phrases which are part of the frozen register (i.e. Pledge of Allegiance, poems,
favorite stories).
Use simple sentences to participate in social conversations on familiar topic with peers
and adults.
Use simple sentences to tell a story, inform, explain.
Begin to use appropriate language registers for speaking in formal situations, with
teacher support.
Give instructions for a familiar process; process may be out of sequence and/or steps
may be skipped.
Repeat sentences which are part of the frozen register (i.e. Pledge of Allegiance, poems,
favorite stories).
Use descriptive sentences to participate in social conversations with peers and adults.
Use descriptive sentences to tell a story, inform, and entertain.
Begin to use appropriate language registers, with lapses at times, when prompted by
Give instructions for a familiar process in an understandable manner.
Independently recite language used in frozen register (i.e. Pledge of Allegiance, poems,
favorite stories).
Independently participate in social conversations with peers and adults.
Use descriptive sentences to tell a story, inform, explain, and entertain in a sequential
Use different language registers in situations as appropriate, when prompted by teacher.
Give instructions in a precise and understandable manner.
Component 2.2 – The student will develop content and ideas. Develop a topic or theme; organize thoughts around a clear beginning, middle, and end; use transitional sentences and phrases to connect related ideas; and speak coherently and compellingly.
Advanced Beginning
Connect words and phrases using the conjunction and.
Begin to sequence words and/or phrases related to a familiar topic using a picture
Organize a simple oral presentation in a logical order with teacher support.
Connect sentences using the words and, and then, after, if and but.
Organize an oral presentation in a logical order with minimal teacher support.
Connect sentences using the words and, and then, after, if and but to sustain a topic.
Organize an oral presentation in a logical order.
Component 2.3 – The student will use effective delivery. Adjust speaking strategies for a variety of audiences and purposes by varying intonation, pitch, and pace of speech to create effect and aid communication.
Component 2.4 – The student will use effective language and style. Use language that is grammatically correct, precise, engaging and well-suited to topic, audience, and purpose.
Use gestures and/or words to participate in group discussion or activity.
Use gestures and/or words to communicate needs.
Advanced Beginning
Use words and/or phrases to participate in group discussion or activity.
Use words and/or phrases to communicate needs and role-play an action or event.
Distinguish between appropriate ways of speaking to different audiences (register).
Use simple sentences with inconsistent use of syntax, tense, plurals, and subject/verb
Use appropriate ways of speaking that vary based on audience.
Use descriptive sentences with common grammatical forms, with some errors.
Use appropriate ways of speaking that vary based on audience.
Speak clearly and comprehensibly using academic English with occasional errors.
EALR 3: The student uses communication strategies and skills to work effectively with others.
Component 3.1 – The student will use language to interact effectively and responsibly with others.
Component 3.2 – The student will work cooperatively as a member of a group.
Component 3.3 – The student will seek agreement and solutions through discussion.
Independently use common social greetings, simple repetitive phrases, and state basic
Use words or gestures to contribute to group discussions, including personal
Advanced Beginning
Use words and/or phrases to actively participate in social and academic conversations
on familiar topics.
Use words and/or phrases to contribute to group discussions, including personal
Use words and/or phrases to suggest a solution to a problem.
Use simple sentences to actively participate in social and academic conversations on
unfamiliar topics.
Demonstrate turn-taking in a conversation and a group discussion.
Use simple sentences to contribute to group discussions, including personal
Begin to use established group rules.
Use simple sentences to suggest a solution for a problem.
Use descriptive sentences to actively participate in social and academic conversations
on unfamiliar topics.
Demonstrate turn-taking in a conversation and a group discussion, responding
appropriately to nonverbal cues.
Use descriptive sentences to explain ideas clearly in group discussions, including
personal experiences.
Use descriptive sentences to offer personal opinion based on what has already been
Use established group rules and assume assigned roles (reporter, recorder) to further
progress of a group.
Use descriptive sentences to contribute a possible solution to a problem.
Actively participate in social and academic conversations on a variety of topics.
Explain ideas clearly in group discussions, including personal experiences.
Offer personal opinion based on what has already been said.
Articulate and use established group rules and assume various assigned roles to further
progress of a group.
Contribute multiple solutions to a problem.
EALR 4: The student analyzes and evaluates the effectiveness of formal and informal communication.
Component 4.1 – The student will assess strengths and needs for improvement. Assess own and others’ communication strengths and needs and set goals for improvement.
Component 4.2 – The student will seek and offer feedback. Seek and use feedback to improve communication; offer suggestions and comments to others.
Attend to speakers in informal conversations and formal presentations.
Advanced Beginning
Use words and phrases to respond to speakers in informal conversations and formal
Use simple sentences to offer feedback in response to speakers in conversations and
formal presentations.
Use a rubric of effective traits to evaluate and to improve one’s own and others’
presentations and conversations.
Accept and apply feedback about presentations and conversations.
Use a rubric to offer specific feedback on presentations with regard to delivery skills,
word choice and grammar.
Math, Social Studies, and Science
graphing, sorting and grouping, patterning, story problems, measurement, making direct comparisons
Social Studies:
map skills, cause and effect, oral communication, comparing, contrasting, inferring, predicting
scientific process, observing (using the senses), hypothesizing, making predictions, testing, comparing, ordering, categorizing, relating, inferring, recording, applying
shells, sea food (edible sea weed, shrimp, lobster, clams, oysters, anchovies), bones, sea horses, coral, starfish, sand dollars
Community Resources:
Trip to aquarium
Visit beach and tide pools
Local marine biologists
Fish hatchery
Non Fiction:
Zoobook: Whales
National Geographic: Amazing Animals of the Sea
National Geographic: Whales Mighty Giants of the Sea
Ocean Life From A to Z Book and DVD by Cynthia Stierle and Annie Crawley
Eye Wonder: Ocean by DK Publishing
In The Ocean (Nature Trails) by A.J. Wood and Maurice Pledger
The Magic School Bus on the Ocean Floor by Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen
What Lives in a Shell? (Let's-Read-and-Find... Science 1) by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld and Helen K. Davie
The Ocean Alphabet Book by Jerry Pallotta and Frank, Jr. Mazzola
The Four Oceans (Rookie Read-About Geography) by Wil Mara
Sounds of the Wild: Ocean (Pledger Sounds) by Maurice Pledger
Oceans and Seas (Science Kids) by Nicola Davies
The Ocean Is... by Kathleen W. Kranking and Norbert Wu
Ocean Hide and Seek by Jennifer Evans Kramer
Sea Turtles (Undersea Encounters) by Mary Jo Rhodes and David Hall
About Crustaceans: A Guide for Children (About...) by Cathryn Sill and John Sill
Lobsters, Crabs, & Other Crustaceans by Daniel Gilpin
Crabs (Undersea Encounters) by Mary Jo Rhodes
Life in the Coral Reef (Wild, Wild World of Animals) by Thomas A. Dozier
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