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Program Manager Mr. A. Sundaram



  1. Almost all the remaining repairs, replacement and finishing works, which had started mid-2011 after the handover of the New Building by the former general contractor, were completed by the end of 2014. The planning for the replacement of the ground floor windows was finalized in 2014, with implementation originally to begin in April 2015 and then postponed to June, to accommodate the holding of the Diplomatic Conference. The work is scheduled to last until the end of 2015. The final closure of the July 2012 termination agreement with the former general contractor was amicably concluded at the end of August 2014, bringing to an end all the outstanding points on substitution works for the New Building. It should be noted that WIPO held sufficient funds to cover the cost of these works.


  1. As part of the final closure of the July 2012 termination agreement, which was amicably concluded at the end of August 2014, the former general contractor reimbursed to WIPO the final balance due on the Project. It is recalled that, in August 2012, the Secretariat had taken over the direct responsibility for the Project, with reinforced mandates for the architects, engineers and project pilot, as well as modifications to the internal governance and project management structure, in order to bring added flexibility and agility, and to deal with a number of project modifications and unforeseen matters identified during project execution in a proactive and timely manner. The Project was delivered in several stages, with various technical and system tests carried out in parallel, area by area. The new Access Center was delivered in July 2014; the exterior landscaping between the New Building, the new WIPO Conference Hall and the AB Building was delivered at the end of August 2014; the new WIPO Conference Hall per se was delivered at the end of August and was available for the holding of the PBC session from September 1 to 5, 2014; the entirety of the new and renovated construction was completed in September 2014 in the new WIPO Conference Hall and three floors of the AB Building, and made available for the session of the WIPO Assemblies from September 22 to 30, 2014, which included the inauguration of the Hall on the opening day in the presence of WIPO Member States and observers, officials from the Host Country (federal, cantonal and municipal levels), representatives from other UN Agencies, and from the 70-odd companies and firms that had contributed to the construction and completion of the Project. A number of elements of the exterior landscaping were left pending and will be addressed in the spring 2015. The new WIPO Conference Hall and adjacent new or renovated facilities were subsequently used on several occasions for meetings of WIPO Member States and other meetings. The Project was completed on time for the WIPO Assemblies, even though it was delayed from April 2014 to September 2014, in view of the complexity of the worksite in particular in the last few months. In addition, a complementary budget was sought from Member States in September 2014, via the PBC (documents WO/PBC/22/14 and A/54/11). The validation of the final accounts with some companies and firms were completed by the end of 2014, while the majority of the accounts are expected to be completed during the first semester of 2015.


Expected Result: IX.1 Effective, efficient, quality and customer-oriented support services both to internal clients and to external stakeholders

Performance Indicators



Performance Data


Completion of New Conference Hall Project in accordance with quality requirements, on time and within budgetary limits

Ensuring hall is delivered within budget and according to the revised completion date (due to termination of contract with the general contractor) for 2014 Assemblies of Member States

2014 Assemblies of Member States to be held in new conference hall

The New Conference Hall Project was completed and delivered on time in accordance with quality requirements.
The first official meeting held in the new WIPO Conference Hall in 2014 was the PBC from September 1 to 5, 2014. The 2014 WIPO Assemblies of Member States were held as planned in the new WIPO Conference Hall from September 22 to 30, 2014, with the inauguration ceremonies held on the first day.
The budgetary situation will be assessed once the validation of the final accounts is completed in 2015.

On track

Use of conference hall as preferred location for meetings and events organized by Member States

Starting 2015, requests for use of facilities by Member States (for meetings and events other than those organized by WIPO)

At least two requests per annum by Member States or other international organizations or other entities for the organization of meetings and/or events (other than those organized by WIPO)

Data to be available at the end of 2015.

N/A 2014

Expected Result: IX.4 An environmentally and socially responsible Organization in which WIPO staff, delegates, visitors and information and physical assets are safe and secure

Performance Indicators



Performance Data


Monitoring of physical accessibility measures ensuring that the new conference hall and related facilities are in full compliance with the applicable standards during construction

Updated Baseline end 2013: n/a

Original Baseline P&B 2014/15: To be established beginning 2014 when new conference hall is delivered and on the basis of the specific architectural and technical assessment carried out in 2013

To be established beginning 2014 when new conference hall is delivered and on the basis of the specific architectural and technical assessment carried out in 2013

Physical accessibility measures implemented during construction (until end of construction in August 2014, rather than at the beginning of 2014) included the following main measures: (i) ramp for wheelchair access to the podium in the new WIPO Conference Hall , and all (31 if in full configuration) seats on the podium accessible by wheelchair, (ii) 26 seats in 3 different locations in the delegates desks areas accessible by wheelchairs, (iii) all 850-odd chairs for delegates’ desks removable and replaceable on demand by any other chair for disability needs, (iv) additional emergency exit door at the bottom area of the new WIPO Conference Hall , for independent access by wheelchair, directly onto an exterior ramp leading to the outside esplanade, (v) ramps for wheelchair access to interpreters booths in two new meeting rooms on one renovated floor of the AB Building, (vi) restrooms fitted for access by wheelchair, (vii) anti-slip bands affixed on steps of all staircases in and around the new WIPO Conference Hall , (viii) ramp for wheelchair access created from the new WIPO Conference Hall foyer doors leading towards the emergency exit point at the perimeter of the WIPO Campus, (ix) access from the street to the main new WIPO entrance fit for wheelchair, and interior speed gates leading to reception and registration counters fit for independent access by wheelchair, (x) dedicated mobile seat for persons with disabilities, to be used on demand from the interpreters’ booths floor in case of emergency.

Not assessable

Performance Indicators



Performance Data


Monitoring of environmentally sound measures and energy consumption reduction measures implemented during construction

Updated Baseline end 2013: n/a
Original Baseline P&B 2014/15: To be established beginning 2014 when new conference hall is delivered

To be established beginning 2014 when new conference hall is delivered

Environmentally sound measures implemented during construction (until end of construction in August 2014, rather than at the beginning of 2014) included the following main measures: (i) local wood for the main structure and interior paneling (ceiling, walls and floor) of the new WIPO Conference Hall , (ii) natural gas for heating, (iii) cooling system using the Geneva Lake produced chilled water, (iv) reduction of artificial light consumption by extensive use of LED technology (in all areas covered by the Project) and natural light through large bay windows and several rooftop windows (in the new WIPO Conference Hall ), (v) extensive use of natural air through a mixed ventilation system, (vi) vegetation roof for the Access Center enhancing cooling capacity and rain water drainage, (vii) lighting activated by presence detection during off-hours,.

Not assessable

Completion of UN H-MOSS peripheral security measures for the new conference hall


Completion of peripheral UN H-MOSS measures by end-2015

The security perimeter in front of the new WIPO Conference Hall on the AB Building side, as well as the anti-blast wall on the Route de Ferney side were completed in August 2014. The deadline for completion of the other measures is foreseen for the end of 2015.

On track


Budget and Actual Expenditure (by result)

(in thousands of Swiss francs)

Budget and Actual Expenditure (personnel and non-personnel)

(in thousands of Swiss francs)

NOTE: The 2014/15 Budget after Transfers reflects transfers as of March 31, 2015 to address needs during the 2014/15 biennium in line with Financial Regulation 5.5.

A. Budget after Transfers 2014/15

  1. The slight reduction in the 2014/15 Budget after Transfers is the result of the implementation of cost efficiency measures in 2014/15. The slight shift of resources by Expected Results is primarily due to the redistribution of personnel resources towards ensuring compliance with applicable standards related to physical accessibility, environment and energy efficiency as well as implementation of  peripheral security measures according to UN-HMOSS standards (in coordination with Program 28) for the new WIPO Conference Hall.

B. Budget utilization 2014

  1. Budget utilization is within the expected range of 40-60 per cent for the first year of the biennium and is on track.

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