Maintain hospitality industry knowledge

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TM Maintan hosp ind knowledge 310812
develop-and-update-tg, SITHIND001B R1
Workplace relations
Workplace relations refer to the relationship between the employer and the employees in the workplace. It may also be referred to as industrial relations (IR. Changes to workplace relations are relatively common (that is, they happen regularly) where existing IR legislation, terms and conditions of employment, and instruments of employment are subject to amendment or repeal through the efforts of the government, employer bodies or unions. Workplace relations embrace a wide range of issues such as Pay rates Holidays Allowances Penalty rates Dispute resolution.
Privacy is an ongoing issue in the industry and there is an obligation on operators/venues not to release confidential information about their customers (without their express consent. This means it is standard not to release information about customer Name Address Phone number Marital status Methods of payment used to buy products and services Purchases
– including frequency of purchases, type of and quantities of products and service bought.

Element 2: Source and apply information on legal and ethical issues for the hospitality industry

© ASEAN 2012 Trainee Manual Maintain hospitality industry knowledge
Child sex tourism
It is critical all employees are aware of, and implement, activities intended to prevent the sexual exploitation of children by tourists. Child sex tourism (sexual exploitation of children by tourists) includes procuring children for sexual purposes which includes Child pornography Child prostitution Child sexual abuse. Central to this awareness is the need to be alert to suspicious patron/tourist behaviours which may include Tourist taking local children to their hotel room, a restaurant/café/bar, a private place or an excursion/outing Tourist being very affectionate with local children Tourist touching local children inappropriately Tourist giving excessive gifts or money to local children Tourist asking hotel and travel staff where they can locate children for sex Tourist leaves sexually explicit images of children in their hotel room, or views sexually explicit images of children at an internet café. There is a need for all staff to be aware of national, regional and international initiatives designed to prevent child sex tourism, and report suspicions and/or events.
Ethical issues
Ethical issues impacting on the industry (and about which you must investigate house policies and in-house Standard Operating Procedures [SOPs]) include

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