Pengaruh Corona Virus Desease Terhadap Dunia Usaha Tahun Penelitian : 2020

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Pengaruh Corona Virus Desease Terhadap Dunia Usaha-1

At the beginning of 2020 the world was shocked by the emergence of diseases that originated from viruses. The virus originating from Wuhan, China was later known as Covid-19 (Corona Virus Deseases). This virus does not only spread in the city, but spread throughout the world. The world also felt a very extraordinary impact from the presence of this virus. The resulting impact leads to the economic, business, business, tourism, environmental and social sectors. Almost all countries are affected, even developed countries also feel it. Do not know the race, ethnicity, and country, one by one the victims fell, many of them who did not survive because of this virus. Not only survivors did not number in the tens, but reached thousands of victims.

Not only survivors did not number in the tens, but thousands of victims died because of this disease. If accumulated globally, the number of victims of this virus reaches tens of thousands of lives. The large number of fatalities is because many of the governments are not ready to face the arrival of this virus, governments in each country even overwhelmed by the arrival of this virus. The most affected are in the economic sector, where almost all economic sectors fell because of the implementation of a system of social and lockdown restrictions in a country. This makes the business people confused to run their business. Because not all people have a permanent job that guarantees their social life. This study aims to determine the worst effects of the Covid-19 virus and this study seeks to determine the extent of the government's role in providing solutions to these problems.

Keywords: COVID 19; business; economy

  1. Pendahuluan

Hingga Sabtu (16/5), WHO menetapkan status pandemi global terhadap COVID-19, WHO mencatat terdapat 4.536.673 kasus penyakit tersebut yang tersebar di 110 negara di seluruh dunia. Direktur WHO Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus saat itu menyebutkan bahwa penyakit itu tak lagi sekadar krisis kesehatan publik, melainkan krisis yang menyentuh seluruh aspek kemanusiaan. Karena itu, tiap individu harus ikut menghentikan penyebaran virus.

Virus Corona di masyarakat kian hari semakin meningkat dan mempengaruhi perekonomian Indonesia. Dampak ekonomi akibat virus ini semula hanya menggerus sisi eksternal perekonomian Indonesia melalui kenaikan sejumlah komoditas impor dari China. Nilai tukar rupiah sempat melemah, sementara pasar bursa pun meradang seiring laju Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) yang terkoreksi dalam. Pertumbuhan ekonomi pun diperkirakan akan melambat drastis, terkikis oleh penjalaran dampak virus ke berbagai sektor diperekonomian.

Pelemahan perekonomian akibat virus corona membuat aktivitas sektor manufaktur, perdagangan, transportasi, dan akomodasi seperti restoran dan perhotelan merupakan yang paling rentan. Sehingga, terjadi gangguan aktivitas bisnis yang akan menurunkan kinerja, pemutusan hubungan kerja, dan bahkan mengalami ancaman kebangkrutan.

Di sisi lain, memburuknya aktivitas ekonomi dan dunia usaha akan merembet ke sektor keuangan. Perbankan dan perusahaan pembiayaan berpotensi mengalami persoalan likuiditas dan insolvency. Dampak ekonomi dari wabah Covid-19 terhadap perekonomian Indonesia akan sangat ditentukan oleh pilihan kebijakan dan kesigapan pemerintah untuk mengatasi wabah tersebut. Perbedaan tingkat fatality rate di berbagai negara juga menjadi pelajaran berharga bahwa kebijakan pemerintah sangat menentukan dalam mengatasi pandemi ini, selain dukungan sistem dan perilaku masyarakat.

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