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Title: Soviet Geography Review and Translation

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Title: Soviet Geography Review and Translation

Full Journal Title: Soviet Geography Review and Translation

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Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Harris, C.D. (1980), Most-cited geographical serials on Soviet-Union. Soviet Geography Review and Translation, 21 (9), 615-616.

Keywords: Serials

Title: Soviet Physics Crystallography, USSR

Full Journal Title: Soviet Physics Crystallography, USSR

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title: Sov Phys-Cryst Engl Transl



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Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Dukova, E.D. and Gavrilen, E.V. (1970), Morphology and surface kinetics of growth of beta- methylnaphthalene from alcohol solution - an intermediate adsorption film of melt. Soviet Physics Crystallography, USSR, 14 (5), 736-??.

? Chernov, A.A. Kuznetso, V.A. (1970), Kinetics of hydrothermal crystallization of quartz in different solutions and adsorption film hypothesis. Soviet Physics Crystallography, USSR, 14 (5), 753-??.

Title: Soviet Physics-Solid State

Full Journal Title: Soviet Physics-Solid State

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title: Sov Phys-Solid State-Engl Tr



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Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Zingerman, Y.P. and Morozovskii, V.A. (1961), Ionization method for studing the kinetics of adsorption processes on the surfaces of solid bodies. Soviet Physics-Solid State, 3 (1), 88-94.

Title: Soviet Physics-Technical Physics

Full Journal Title: Soviet Physics-Technical Physics

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:



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Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Liashenko, V.I. and Litovchenko, V.G. (1958), Effect of adsorption of molecules on the work function and the conductivity of germanium. 2. Kinetics of the process. Soviet Physics-Technical Physics, 3 (3), 429-433.

Title: Soviet Soil Science

Full Journal Title: Soviet Soil Science

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title: Sov Soil Sci



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Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Pakshina, S.M. and Petukhov, V.R. (1974), Effect of diffuse double ion layer on kinetics of exchange adsorption of cations in soil. Soviet Soil Science, 6 (5), 586-592.

Title: Soviet Soil Science-USSR

Full Journal Title: Soviet Soil Science-USSR

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:


IDS Number: D9004


Journal Country



Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Turnas, P.A. (1965), Use of peat soils in drained bogs in agriculture and forestry (according to material presented at international congress on peat Leningrad 1963). Soviet Soil Science-USSR, 4, 436-??.

? Galaktio, A.A. (1968), Role of individual organic components of peat in adsorption of ammonia. Soviet Soil Science-USSR, 12, 1636-??.

Title: Sozial-und Präventivmedizin/Social and Preventive Medicine

Full Journal Title: Sozial-und Praventivmedizin

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:

ISSN: 0303-8408


Journal Country



Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

Stellman, S.D. (2003), Issues of causality in the history of occupational epidemiology. Sozial-und Präventivmedizin, 48 (3), 151-160.

Full Text: S\Soz Pra48, 151.pdf

Abstract: Occupational epidemiology has its roots in classical medicine. However, it became a quantitative discipline only in the 20th, century, through the pioneering work of individuals such as Case, Lloyd, and Selikoff and organizations such as the Division of Occupational Health of the U.S. Public Health Service. Studies of chemical dye workers, bituminous coal miners, smelting workers, and uranium miners have been especially important sources of innovations in methodology and in development of logical reasoning leading to acceptance of causal relationships of occupational exposures that lead to respiratory diseases and cancer. The cooperation of labor unions, such as those of steel and asbestos workers, has often been a crucial factor in providing essential data.

Keywords: Occupation, Epidemiology, History, Causality, Epidemiologic Method, Asbestos-Exposure, Cancer Mortality, Uranium Miners, United-States, Patterns, Workers, Vietnam

Decker, O., Beutel, M.E. and Brähler, E. (2004), Deep impact: Evaluation in the sciences. Sozial-und Präventivmedizin, 49 (1), 10-14.

Full Text: S\Soz Pra49, 10.pdf

Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to evaluate the psychometric properties of the impact factor as an assessment procedure. Detailed criteria regarding theoretical underpinnings, test administration, scoring and interpretation are applied. The impact factor appears to be of limited use for deciding which journals to subscribe. It is not suitable for evaluating achievements of individual scientists and research groups. The impact factor contains serious sources of errors and flaws resulting in strong biases against culture- and language-bound medical subspecialties and non-Anglo-American countries. Possible alternatives are discussed.

Prof. Dr. Elmar Brähler is the director of the Department of Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology, University Medial School in Leipzig. Dr. Manfred Beutel is a professor of the Department of Psychosomatic and Psychotherapy, University Medical School in Gießen. Dr. Oliver Decker is an assistant at the Department of Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology, University Medical School in Leipzig

Porta, M., Fernandez, E., Murillo, J., Alguacil, J. and Copete, J.L. (2004), Commentary I - The bibliographic ‘impact factor’, the total number of citations and related bibliometric indicators: The need to focus on journals of public health and preventive medicine. Sozial-und Präventivmedizin, 49 (1), 15-18.

Full Text: 2004\Soz Pra49, 15.pdf

Keywords: Frequency, Institute, Quality, Science

? Zwahlen, M., Junker, C. and Egger, M. (2004), Commentary II - The journal impact factor in the evaluation of research quality: Villain, scapegoat or innocent bystander? Sozial-und Präventivmedizin, 49 (1), 19-22.

Full Text: 2004\Soz Pra49, 19.pdf

Keywords: Indicators, Science

Kaltenborn, K.F. (2004), Commentary III - Validity and fairness of the impact factor - a comment on the article by Decker et al. Sozial-und Präventivmedizin, 49 (1), 23-24.

Full Text: 2004\Soz Pra49, 23.pdf

Keywords: Journals

von Troschke, J. and Stossel, U. (2004), Commentary IV - New horizons for impact discussions needed. Sozial-und Präventivmedizin, 49 (1), 25-26.

Full Text: 2004\Soz Pra49, 25.pdf

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