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Title: Spanish Economic Review

Full Journal Title: Spanish Economic Review

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ISSN: 1435-5469 (Paper) 1435-5477 (Online)


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Publisher: Springer-Verlag Heidelberg

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Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

Dolado, J.J., García-Romero, A. and Zamarro, G. (2003), Publishing performance in economics: Spanish rankings (1990-1999). Spanish Economic Review, 5 (2), 85-100.

Full Text: S\Spa Eco Rev5, 85.pdf

Abstract: This paper contributes to the growing literature that analyses the Spanish publishing performance in Economics throughout the 1990s. Several bibliometric indicators are used in order to provide Spanish rankings (of both institutions and individual authors) based on Econlit journals. Further, lists of the ten most influential authors and articles over that period, in terms of citations, are reported.

? Rodriguez, D. (2006), Publishing performance of Spanish academics: 1970-2004. Spanish Economic Review, 8 (4), 255-270.

Full Text: 2006\Spa Eco Rev8, 255.pdf

Abstract: This work complements some of the results appearing in the article ‘Publishing Performance in Economics: Spanish Rankings’ by Dolado et al. (Span Econ Rev 5:80-103, 2003) Specifically we focus on the robustness of the results regardless of the time span considered, the effect of the choice of a particular database on the final results, and the effects on changes in the unit of institutional measure (departments vs. institutions as a whole). Differences are significant when we expand the time period considered. There are also significant but small differences if we combine datasets to derive the rankings. Finally, department rankings offer a more precise picture of the situation of the Spanish academics, although results do not differ substantially from those obtained when overall institutions are considered.

Keywords: Bibliometric Indicators, DEC, Economics, Effects, Institutions, Performance, Rankings, Robustness, Spanish Academics

Title: Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research

Full Journal Title: Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:



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Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Arcas, N., Alcon, F., Gomez-Limon, J.A. and de Miguel, M.D. (2010), Review. The evolution of research regarding the economics of irrigation water. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 8 (S2), S172-S186.

Full Text: 2010\Spa J Agr Res8, S172.pdf

Abstract: This work analyses the main research trends (subjects, methodology used, countries of the authors and data) in the economics of irrigation water during the last 10 years (2000-2009). For this purpose, a quantitative methodology has been used which is new to this sphere, based on the review of a representative sample of 332 papers published in the 15 most important journals focused on this field of science indexed in the databases of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), the Science Citation Index (SCI) and the Social Science Citation Index (SCCI). The results obtained confirm: a) the notable growth in the number of papers published, especially in the last three years, b) the high degree of collaboration between authors, including those of different origin, for their performance c) the prominence of the USA, Australia, India and Spain as the countries of the first authors and origin of the data, d) the greater attention given to subjects related with “investment project analysis”, “production planning” and, especially, “production function and productivity of water”, and e) the predominance of empirical studies that use basic analysis approaches (cost analysis, investment evaluation, etc.).

Keywords: Analysis, Australia, Citation, Climate, Cost, Databases, Evaluation, Evolution, Field, Growth, India, ISI, Journals, Literature Review, Quantitative Approach, Research, Research Methods, Research Trends, SCI, Science, Science Citation Index, Spain, Subject Areas, Trends, USA, Water

Title: Spanish Journal of Psychology

Full Journal Title: Spanish Journal of Psychology

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title: Span J Psychol



Journal Country/Territory:



Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Igoa, J.M. (2001), The decade 1989-1998 in Spanish psychology: An analysis of research in basic psychological processes, history of psychology, and other related topics. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 4 (2), 123-150.

Full Text: 2001\Spa J Psy4, 123.pdf

Abstract: This article presents a review of research published by Spanish Faculty from the area of basic psychology in the decade 1989-1998. It provides information about research on basic psychological processes commonly studied under the labels of experimental and cognitive psychology, plus a number of topics from other research areas, including some applied psychology issues. The review analyzes the work of 241 faculty members from 27 different Spanish universities, as reflected in 1,882 published papers, book chapters, and books. The analyses carried out in this report include a description of the main research trends found in each area, with some representative references of the published materials, and statistics showing the distribution of this research work in various relevant publications (both Spanish and foreign), with figures that reveal the impact of this work both at a national and international scale.

Keywords: Analyses, Analysis, Distribution, Experimental, Faculty, History, History of Psychology, Impact, Information, International, Papers, Psychology, Publications, Research, Research Work, Review, Scale, Statistics, Trends, Universities, Work

? Sanz, J. (2001), The decade 1989-1998 in Spanish psychology: An analysis of research in personality, assessment, and psychological treatment (clinical and health psychology). Spanish Journal of Psychology, 4 (2), 151-181.

Full Text: 2001\Spa J Psy4, 151.pdf

Abstract: The aim of this study is to analyze Spanish research published between 1989 and 1998 in clinical psychology and its most directly related psychological disciplines: personality psychology, psychopathology, differential psychology, health psychology, and psychological assessment. A search was performed in the various databases of the works published in that decade by Spanish university professors who investigate in these areas. Their localization was verified by direct correspondence with the professors, to whom was also sent a questionnaire to evaluate their research field and preferred theoretical approach. The 2,079 works located allowed me to identify 85 different research trends. These research trends are characterized by the predominance of applied studies over basic studies, of empirical research over theoretical research, and of the cognitive-behavioral approach over the rest of the theoretical orientations. In addition, various bibliometrical indicators of production, dissemination, and impact were calculated. They revealed that productivity and dissemination of Spanish research in these areas grew considerably during this 1989-98 period.

Keywords: Analysis, Approach, Assessment, Clinical, Clinical Psychology, Databases, Field, Health, Impact, Indicators, Personality, Personality Psychology, Productivity, Psychological Assessment, Psychological Treatment, Psychology, Questionnaire, Research, Treatment, Trends, University

? Sánchez-Miguel, E. and García-Sánchez, J.N. (2001), The decade 1989-1998 in Spanish psychology: An analysis of research in development and educational psychology. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 4 (2), 182-202.

Full Text: 2001\Spa J Psy4, 182.pdf

Abstract: In this study, we identified 67 research trends that meet the criteria of this special issue. In the following pages, all the research trends will be reviewed, grouped into five categories: personal and social development, cognitive and linguistic development, developmental and educational contexts, cognition and instruction, and development and learning disabilities. A general overview of the area is obtained by dividing each category into subcategories, thus arranging the identified research trends in a four-level hierarchical structure. Taking into account this analysis, in our Conclusions section, we note the regularities with regard to the issues that have been studied the most, the predominant type of works, and, more important, the most noteworthy imbalances. We reached six conclusions: (1) Research on educational changes predominates over the study of developmental changes, (2) the study of formal education is predominant over informal education, (3) cognitive-linguistic aspects predominate over personal and social aspects, (4) application of knowledge predominates over the generation of new knowledge, (5) new educational-practice proposals predominate over the study of these educational practices, and (6) the study of change is not related to the proposals that promote change.

Keywords: Analysis, Application, Changes, Cognition, Criteria, Development, Education, Educational Psychology, General, Generation, Hierarchical Structure, Instruction, Knowledge, Learning, Practices, Psychology, Research, Social, Structure, Trends

? Blanco, A. and de la Corte, L. (2001), The decade 1989-1998 in Spanish psychology: an analysis of research in social psychology. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 4 (2), 203-218.

Full Text: 2001\Spa J Psy4, 203.pdf

Abstract: In this study, a detailed exploration is carried out of the production of research and theory in social psychology in the Spanish context. The main research areas are: Work and organizational psychology, social health psychology, community and social services psychology, environmental research, judicial and political psychology, psychosocial theory and meta-theory, social psychology of language, research on emotion, group processes and social identity. The growing importance of social psychology within the framework of Spanish psychology is emphasized, and the relation with specific social problems from the national context, and the paradoxically scarce originality of the theoretical perspectives and the leading research, strongly influenced by Anglo Saxon social psychology, is commented upon.

Keywords: Analysis, Community, Context, Environmental, Environmental Research, Framework, Health, Organizational, Psychology, Psychosocial, Research, Services, Social, Theory

? Herreros de Tejada, P. and Munoz Tedo, C. (2001), The decade 1989-1998 in Spanish psychology: An analysis of research in psychobiology. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 4 (2), 219-236.

Full Text: 2001\Spa J Psy4, 219.pdf

Abstract: In this paper, we present an analysis of the research published during the 1989-1998 decade by tenured Spanish faculty members from the area of psychobiology. Database search and direct correspondence with the 110 faculty members rendered a list of 904 psychobiological papers. Classification and analysis of these papers led to the definition of at least 70 different research trends. Topics are grouped into several specific research areas: Learning and Memory, Development and Neural Plasticity, Emotion and Stress, Ethology, Neuropsychology, Sensory Processing, and Psychopharmacology. The international dissemination of this research, published in journals of high impact index, and the increasing number of papers are two noteworthy features.

Keywords: Analysis, Faculty, Impact, Impact Index, Index, International, Journals, Papers, Psychology, Research, Trends

? Íñiguez-Rueda, L., Martínez-Martínez, L.M., Muñoz-Justicia, J.M., Peñaranda-Cólera, M.C., Sahagún-Padilla, M.A. and Alvarado, J.G. (2008), The mapping of Spanish social psychology through its conferences: A bibliornetric perspective. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 11 (1), 137-158.

Full Text: 2008\Spa J Psy11, 137.pdf

Abstract: This study of papers gathered from the proceedings presented at Spanish social psychology conferences explores the use of bibliometrics for studying scientific disciplines. A reference database of all the papers included in the conference proceedings of events held from 1983 to 2000 was generated and classified by thematic area, paper type and author institutional affiliation. The references were laid out on contingency tables and mapped with correspondence analysis. The results show that there is a growing number of co-authored papers and a predominance of empirical over theoretical paper types. Some institutions have a higher concentration of theoretical papers while others work mostly in the areas of organizational and health psychology. In terms of empirical papers, there is a tendency towards generating more qualitative-based studies over the span of time captured by this work. There are also a number of papers written about such areas as cultural psychology that points to the emergence of an interest in critical social psychology. Concluding remarks underline the role of conferences and scientific meetings as an important indicator of the dynamic development of a scientific discipline.

Keywords: Affiliation, Analysis, Bibliometrics, Bibliometrics, Conference Proceedings, Conferences, Correspondence Analysis, Database, Development, Emergence, Health, Health Psychology, Mapping, Papers, Reference, Spanish, Spanish Social Psychology, Subject Areas, Types of Studies

? García-Pérez, M.A. (2009), The Hirsch h Index in a non-mainstream area: Methodology of the behavioral sciences in Spain. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 12 (2), 833-849.

Full Text: 2009\Spa J Psy12, 833.pdf

Abstract: The h index has advantages over journal impact factors for assessing the research performance of individuals, and it is becoming a reference tool for career assessment that is starting to be considered by some agencies as an aid in decisions for promotion, allocation, and funding. The h index has been reported to have adequate properties as a measure of the research accomplishments of individuals in areas where h values are usually high (i.e., at or above 40), but some concerns have been raised that its validity in other non-mainstream research areas is suspect. This paper presents data from an exhaustive computation and analysis of h indices for 204 faculty members in the area of Methodology of the Behavioral Sciences in Spain, an area where h indices tend to be low worldwide. The results indicate that the h index is substantially increased by self-citations and that the average h of full professors is not meaningfully larger than the average h of associate professors. Other interesting relations between h indices and demographic and academic variables are described, including the gender and age bias of h. In this field, but perhaps also in other fields where the average h is low, little justification is found for the use of the h index as a fair measure of research performance that can aid in funding or promotion decisions.

Keywords: Bibliometric Indicators, Chi-Square, Citation Analysis, h Index, Hirsch Index, Impact-Factors, Indicators, Journals, Psychology, Scientists, Self-Citations, Tests

? Portillo-Salido, E.F. (2010), A bibliometric analysis of research in psychopharmacology by psychology departments (1987-2007). Spanish Journal of Psychology, 13 (1), 503-515.

Full Text: 2010\Spa J Psy13, 503.pdf

Abstract: From the very outset of scientific Psychology, psychologists have shown interest for drugs and their effects on behavior. This has given rise to numerous contributions, mostly in the form of Psychopharmacology publications. The aim of this study was to quantitatively evaluate these contributions and compare them with other academic disciplines related to Psychopharmacology. Using the PubMed database, we retrieved information about articles from 15 journals included in the Pharmacology and Pharmacy category of the Journal Citation Reports database for a 21-year period (1987 to 2007). There were 37540 articles which about 52% were represented by 3 journals. About 70% of psychology publications were represented by 2 of these journals. Psychology departments accounted for the 11% of the published papers, which places Psychology third behind Psychiatry and Pharmacology, which contributed to 22.69 and 13% respectively. Psychology contributed to the greatest number of studies in 3 journals, second in 3 and third in 8. This report represents the first effort to explore the contribution of academic Psychology to the multidisciplinary science of psychopharmacology. Although leaders of production of psychopharmacology research were from Psychiatry and Pharmacology, Psychology departments are an important source of studies and thus of knowledge in the field of Psychopharmacology.

Keywords: Anesthetic Drug, Articles, Behavioral Pharmacology, Bibliometric, Bibliometric Analysis, Bibliometric Study, Chlorpromazine, Citation, Contribution, Database, Efficiency, European-Union, Induced Seizures, Journal Citation Reports, Journals, Knowledge, Maze-Trained Rats, Multidisciplinary, Normal Males, Pharmacology, Phenothiazine Compounds, Psychiatry, Psychology, Psychopharmacology, Publications, Research, Science, Scientific Journals, White-Rats

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