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25 (1), 101-113.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics25, 101.pdf

Abstract: A small written survey with innovation engineers in a large company is discussed, giving some figures on both behaviour and attitudes with respect to 1) information gathering, 2) information production/dissemination and 3) information storage and management. Most results confirm the trends in other research with R & D engineers: the use and management of information is rather improvised with low levels of sophistication. High tech information techniques (databases, online...) are only marginally important in this high-tech environment. Only younger engineers do some structured efforts. The general attitude is to rely mostly on oral, personal and occasional information sources. By combining positive attitudes and behaviour aspects towards information in the job, a measure of ‘information-orientation’ was constructed, which can be seen as an extension of the classical concept of ‘gate-keepers’ in a company. A few questions to reconstruct a ‘critical incident’ with respect to information problems reveal that information situations can be very time- and money-consuming but again solutions depend on occasional and unstructured information work. However the restricted written approach did not prove to be a good one for this kind of analysis. More in-depth interview-techniques will be necessary for analysis within the ‘critical incident theory’-frame.

Keywords: Analysis, Attitude, Attitudes, Behaviour, Environment, Gatekeepers, Information, Innovation, Management, Research, Small, Survey, Techniques, Trends, Work

Notes: MModel

? Dierick, J.C.J. (1992), Determining the Lotka parameters by sampling. Scientometrics, 25 (1), 115-148.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics25, 115.pdf

Abstract: In order to determine the Lotka parameters for a bibliography, one usually uses the complete data set. In this paper it is shown that it is possible to use only a fraction of the original data, namely by sampling randomly. However, sampling can be done either by source, i.e. selecting a fraction of the authors, or by item, i.e. selecting a fraction of the publications. It is shown here both by experiments, using computer simulations, and by mathematical approach, that only sampling by source is allowed for the mentioned purpose. Item samples give a completely disturbed idea about the Lotka’s law for the bibliography. From source sample size equal to 10% onwards, one gets good results. For the calculation of the Lotka exponent, a known, simple and fitting method is used and refined.

Keywords: Experiments, Law, Lotka, Publications, Sample Size, Size

Dorban, M. and Vandevenne, A.F. (1992), Bibliometric analysis of bibliographic behaviors in economic sciences. Scientometrics, 25 (1), 149-165.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics25, 149.pdf

Abstract: A bibliometric study based on the analysis of six Ph. D. thesis in economics. In this study the methodology is based on the distinction we made between two different information sources in each thesis: (1) the bibliography cited either at the end or at the beginning of the thesis, it represents the stock of useful or necessary publications, (2) the citations appearing in each dissertations as a whole, it determines the extent to which the stock is used, because it shows how many times a publication cited in the bibliography is cited in the thesis itself. The results concern the ratio ‘number of titles, authors’, the journal, monograph proportion, languages allocation, study of obsolescence. In the bibliography, 95% of books and articles are less than 30 years old. In the citations, articles and 95% of books are less than 20 years old

Keywords: Analysis, Bibliometric, Bibliometric Study, Citations, Economics, Information, Languages, Libraries, Methodology, Obsolescence, Publication, Publications

? Egghe, L. (1992), Generalized transfer principles in econometrics and informetrics. Scientometrics, 25 (1), 167-191.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics25, 167.pdf

Abstract: The generalized (also called extended) transfer principles as introduced in two earlier papers by Egghe and Rousseau are known to be stronger properties than the classical transfer principle of Dalton. Hence, functions satisfying one of these generalized principles are very good concentration measures. This paper studies the following non-trivial problem: how many different generalized transfer principles can a function satisfy? We show that a function can, at most, satisfy one generalized transfer principle. This also shows that a further generalization of transfer principles, comprising the generalized ones, is not possible. The proof of this result involves the solution of a norm problem in mathematical analysis and analytical geometry.

Keywords: Analysis, Function, Functions, Inequality, Papers, Principles, Solution

? Philips, R. (1992), Pseudometrics on bibliographic entities. Scientometrics, 25 (1), 193-199.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics25, 193.pdf

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to define a pseudo-metric on bibliographic entities to measure the distance in content between them. An example of this pseudo-metric is given in the case that the content of the bibliographic material is characterised by means of UDC-numbers.

? Provost, F. and Nieuwenhuysen, P. (1992), Measuring overlap of data-bases in water-supply and sanitation using sampling and the binomial probability-distribution. Scientometrics, 25 (1), 201-209.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics25, 201.pdf

Abstract: A quick and easy method is presented to estimate the overlap of data bases, which can be used to assist the data base producers and managers in their policy towards coverage of their subject area. The method has been applied to bibliographic data bases on low-cost water supply and sanitation, yielding information for users and for the data base producers.

Keywords: Data Base, Information, Policy, Sanitation, Water

Notes: TTopic

Braun, T., Maczelka, H. and Schubert, A. (1992), Scientometric indicators datafiles: Summary statistics and trendlines of major geopolitical regions, 1980-1989. Scientometrics, 25 (2), 211-217.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics25, 211.pdf

Keywords: Facts, Figures, Life Sciences, Newest Version, Physics, Publication Output, Relative Citation Impact

? Glänzel, W. and Winterhager, M. (1992), International Collaboration of 3 East European Countries with Germany in the Sciences, 1980-1989. Scientometrics, 25 (2), 219-227.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics25, 219.pdf

Keywords: Germany

? Chu, H. (1992), Communication between Chinese and non-Chinese scientists in the discovery of high-TC superconductor. 1. The formal perspective. Scientometrics, 25 (2), 229-252.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics25, 229.pdf

Abstract: As the first part of a two-phase study, 240 documents highly cited in a self-created Chinese database and in Science Citation Index for the period of 1987-89 were examined to delineate the formal structure of communication in superconductivity research. Noteworthy similarities, e.g., analogous cited cores, identical publication sources, and comparable intellectual structures of cocitation data, were found in formal communication between Chinese and non-Chinese scientists. However, differences were also located in citedness, timeliness, and direction of communication.

Keywords: Chinese, Citation Patterns, Cocitation, Communication, Country, Database, First, High Metabolism Area, Physics, Publication, Research, Science, Science Citation Index, Structure

? Chu, H. (1992), Communication between Chinese and non-Chinese scientists in the discovery of high-TC superconductors. 2. The informal perspective. Scientometrics, 25 (2), 253-277.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics25, 253.pdf

Abstract: Data obtained through letter poll over 143 researchers who authored the 240 highly cited documents (See the first phase of the study) were used to describe the informal aspects of communication between Chinese and non-Chinese superconductivity researchers. While non-Chinese researchers played both roles equally, Chinese scientists were the destination more often than they were the source in informal communication. Chinese scientists were less visible than their counterparts in the informal domain. The mapping of the informal communication activities among the superconductivity researchers shows that all Chinese scientists except Zhao ZX, a special liaison between the two groups of researchers, clustered away from their non-Chinese colleagues.

Keywords: Chinese, Communication, First

? Huot, C., Quoniam, L. and Dou, H. (1992), A new method for analyzing downloaded data for strategic decision. Scientometrics, 25 (2), 279-294.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics25, 279.pdf

Abstract: Technology assessment survey is nowadays a specific and scientific subject that any manufacture needs for increasing productivity. This function was initially reserved to experts of the studied field. But the increase of information volume has called for a change. Now, we need specialists of technology assessment survey which know about sophisticated methods to extract strategic information from downloaded data. We will explain how to build strategic information. We present here a new and original method of data analysis. This Factorial Relational Analysis is born after 15 years of IBM France mathematics research center works on qualitative data analysis. The method is based on Relational Analysis. The particularity of this method is to work with sparse matrices and to obtain the best classification without any a priori fixation of number of classes. Relational Analysis is used in other sectors than the analysis of matrices issued from downloaded data. For example it is also used in computational lexicography or in credit scoring or in any domain where classification is concerned. Here we choose to present an example of an application in patent analysis.

Keywords: Analysis, Assessment, Classification, Data Analysis, France, Function, Information, Methods, Needs, Patent, Patent Analysis, Qualitative, Research, Survey, Technology, Technology Assessment, Work

? Leydesdorff, L. (1992), A validation-study of leximappe. Scientometrics, 25 (2), 295-312.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics25, 295.pdf

Abstract: Clusters of normalized title-words in two sets of patent data in the food-sector (from 1985 and 1989, respectively) are analyzed in terms of their underlying document and word structures. The clusters were generated by using the system LEXIMAPPE of the Paris School of Mines. Both input and output data were kindly made available for validation purposes. Analysis of the data shows that the “centrality” and the “density” of the clusters produced by LEXIMAPPE are primarily dependent on the number of word occurrences in the corresponding parts of the input matrix. While the clusters are kept approximately equal in terms of the number of words (with a maximum of 10), they vary widely in terms of the number of word occurrences in the underlying document sets. “Centrality” and “density” vary correspondingly. The contribution of the smallest cluster to the reduction of uncertainty in the prediction of the document structure is even smaller than that of 77 (other) single words. In the dynamic analysis, I found significant stability where LEXIMAPPE indicated major changes. However, like every clustering algorithm LEXIMAPPE is based on specific assumptions which may lead to specific results that cannot be simulated by using other methods. Researchers who base their results on LEXIMAPPE should be aware of the peculiarities specific to this system.

Keywords: Algorithm, Analysis, Assumptions, Changes, Clustering, Co-Word Analysis, Count, Lead, Leximappe, Methods, Model, Networks, One Might Wish, Patent, Prediction, Reduction, Science Indicators, Stability, Structure, Texts, Uncertainty, Validation

? Courtial, J.P. (1992), A validation-study of leximappe - Comment. Scientometrics, 25 (2), 313-316.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics25, 313.pdf

? Leydesdorff, L. (1992), A validation-study of leximappe - Reply. Scientometrics, 25 (2), 317-319.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics25, 317.pdf

? Okubo, Y., Miquel, J.F., Frigoletto, L. and Dore, J.C. (1992), Structure of international collaboration in science - Typology of countries through multivariate techniques using a link indicator. Scientometrics, 25 (2), 321-351.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics25, 321.pdf

Abstract: In this article patterns of international collaboration in science are investigated using a specific procedure to analyse data collected from the Science Citation Index. We develop an indicator based on the scientific linkages between countries established through internationally co-authored articles (COPs). The credibility, advantages and uses of this indicator are discussed. We apply the Correspondence Factorial Analysis method and the Minimum Spanning Tree classification to this indicator in order to observe the level of resemblance and the main characteristics of the collaboration structured by 98 countries in eight principal fields of science. The results shown summarize the diverse aspects of countries participating in collaborative works and bring into view the cognitive structure of international research. The use of these methods in the investigation of international collaboration contributes to the analysis of the complex structure of the scientific communities of different countries.

Keywords: Analysis, Classification, Collaboration, Credibility, Indicator, International, Investigation, Methods, Research, Science, Science Citation Index, Structure

Johnes, G. and Johnes, J. (1992), Apples and oranges: The aggregation problem in publications analysis. Scientometrics, 25 (2), 353-365.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics25, 353.pdf

Abstract: A major difficulty with bibliometric measures of departmental research contributions based upon publications counts has concerned the summing of publications of different types. An attempt is made in this paper to bypass this aggregation problem by appeal to the methods of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). In this way we investigate the technical efficiency of UK university departments of economics as producers of research. The data set used is an extended version of the one which informed the recent Universities Funding Council peer review, and the results obtained here are compared with those obtained by the Council. We conclude that, although due caution is needed in the interpretation of results, DEA has a positive contribution to make in the development of meaningful indicators of university performance.

Keywords: Aggregation, Assessments, Bibliometric, Data Envelopment Analysis, Development, Economics, Efficiency, Indicators, Methods, Peer Review, Peer-Review, Publications, Research, Review, UK, University, University Departments

Maczelka, H. and Zsindely, S. (1992), All well if starts well? Citation infancy of recently launched chemistry journals. Scientometrics, 25 (2), 367-372.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics25, 367.pdf

Abstract: The impact factor and the journal self-citation rate of 22 newly launched chemistry journals has been investigated. The dependence of these indicators on the journal’s age was found to be rather characteristic to the initial period of a journal’s ‘life cycle’.

Keywords: Chemistry, Impact Factor, Indicators, Journal, Journals, Self-Citation

? Glänzel, W. and Schubert, A. (1992), Some facts and figures on highly cited papers in the sciences, 1981-1985. Scientometrics, 25 (3), 373-380.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics25, 373.pdf

Keywords: Citation Impact, Publication Output, Relative Indicators

? Czapski, G., Frenkel, A., Kohn, D. and Shoham, A. (1992), Cooperation between Israeli and foreign researchers. Scientometrics, 25 (3), 381-400.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics25, 381.pdf

Abstract: This paper analyses the reasons, framework and trends of scientific cooperation between Israeli and foreign researchers for the period 1974-1983. The study used the ISI database purchased by the S. Neaman Institute, containing all Israeli publications for the above mentioned years. A complementary survey was carried out including a sample of two academic institutions. The survey database established on the basis of replies of 249 researchers who replied to the survey questionnaires includes data regarding 5,893 papers, 1550 of which had not been included in the ISI database. The findings show that about one third of the papers missing from the ISI database is due to the fact that authors did not note their permanent Israeli address under the paper’s title. Other reasons for the partial coverage of the ISI database is that the ISI database does not cover all the professional journals and all types of scientific publications. The survey points to an absolute increase of the actual bulk of the research performed by Israeli scientists abroad. Major differences were found between researchers among different departments as regards framework for research performed abroad, reasons and sources of funding. The main reason listed for foreign cooperation was that of true cooperation (50%) and this is a very positive phenomenon.

Keywords: Complementary, Cooperation, Database, Framework, Institutions, ISI, Journals, Papers, Publications, Questionnaires, Research, Scientific Publications, Survey, Trends

? Formann, A.K. (1992), Academic personnel-selection - Description and prognosis of the decisions made by the committee for the selection of candidates for a full professorship. Scientometrics, 25 (3), 401-414.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics25, 401.pdf

Abstract: On the example of filling the vacancy of a full professorship for general psychology, the usefulness of the least-squares variant of Guttman’s scalogram analysis (method of principal components for multicategory items) is demonstrated for giving assistance the process of personnel selection. Using some criteria being available per applicant such as adequacy of field of work, age, and number of publications, this scaling procedure results in weights for each of the categories of the criteria indicating the relative importance of each criterion, and scores for all applicants pointing at their aptness. Since the recommendations deduced from the applicants’ scores matched the decisions of the selection committee to a high degree, some aspects of the selection committee’s decision process could be reconstructed as well as the predictive power of the method of principal components is exemplified. From the observation that this method worked well in case of 46 applicants and up to 7 criteria altogether having 18 categories, but did fail if applied to 9 candidates only, its suitability for moderate sample sizes can be infered which can be seen to be typical of the first screening steps within a multi-stage selection process.

Keywords: Analysis, Contingency-Tables, Criteria, First, Personnel, Personnel Selection, Psychology, Publications, Recommendations, Scaling, Screening, Work

? Pouris, A. (1992), Economic sanctions and research-and-development. Scientometrics, 25 (3), 415-424.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics25, 415.pdf

Abstract: This article identifies the effects of disinvestment on the R & D activities in South Africa. The importance of the article lies in its relevance for science and trade policy and in the examination of this angle of sanctions against South Africa. The results indicate that foreign owned companies increase their R & D activities as the threat of disinvestment intensifies. The same phenomenon applies to the new management of companies which disinvest. A side finding of importance is the fact that only a small proportion (3%) of the R & D activity in the country is undertaken by foreign owned companies. A number of explanations am offered for the observed behaviours.

Keywords: Examination, Investment, Management, Policy, Relevance, Science, Small, South Africa, South-Africa

Notes: TTopic

Bordons, M. and Barrigón, S. (1992), Bibliometric analysis of publications of Spanish pharmacologists in the SCI (1984-89). 2. Contribution to subfields other than pharmacology and pharmacy (ISI). Scientometrics, 25 (3), 425-446.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics25, 425.pdf

Abstract: During the period 1984-89 Spanish pharmacologists published 344 papers (44.3% of their total scientific production) (Science Citation Index, CD-Edition) in journals classified by the SCI in subfields different from Pharmacology & Pharmacy. Distribution by institutions, geographical regions, journals, subfields and research levels am presented. The Normalized Journal Position (NJP) is introduced as indicator of the expected impact in each subfield. Results are compared with those of the analysis of the production of Spanish pharmacologists in the Pharmacology & Pharmacy subfield, presented in a previous paper. Some of the features detected am common to both areas, such as: increasing trend in the productivity over years irregular geographical distribution with three regions as major producers, or university as main producer institution. Special features of the extra-Pharmacology area are also pointed out: irregular growth of publication number over years, high dispersion of publications in journals and subfields high collaboration rate, and low percentage of authors with at least 1 paper/year, among others. Attending to journal of publication, cross-disciplinarity research of Spanish pharmacologists is analysed, being Neurosciences, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and Physiology, the main border fields involved.

Keywords: Analysis, Basic Science, Collaboration, Growth, Indicator, Institutions, Journal, Journals, Papers, Publication, Publications, Research, SCI, Science Citation Index, Scientific Production, University

? Anderson, F. and Dalpe, R. (1992), A profile of Canadian coal and petroleum research communities. Scientometrics, 25 (3), 447-463.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics25, 447.pdf

Abstract: The objective of this paper is to show that various bibliometric indicators are a good departure point to describe a national research community, as well as the linkages between research institutions, the users of the research and the funders of the research community. We profile the Canadian coal and petroleum research communities. The role of CANMET, a government research laboratory, is examined as example of how our analysis can be useful to policy-makers and decision-makers.

Keywords: Analysis, Bibliometric, Bibliometric Indicators, Coal, Community, Indicators, Innovators, Institutions, Networks, Research

? Small, H. (1993), Macrolevel changes in the structure of cocitation clusters - 1983-1989. Scientometrics, 26 (1), 5-20.

Full Text: 1993\Scientometrics26, 5.pdf

Abstract: At ISI we haw used a consistent method for clustering the combined Science Citation Index and Social Sciences Citation Index for the last seven years (1983 to 1989). This method involves clustering highly cited documents by single-link clustering and then clustering the resultant clusters, a total of four times. This gives a hierarchical or nested structure of clusters four levels deep. Relationships among clusters at a given level can be depicted by multidimensional scaling, and by comparing successive year maps we can see how the relationships of major disciplines have changed from year to year. We focus mainly on the two highest levels of aggregation, C4 and C5, to make observations about structural changes in science involving the major disciplines. Distinction is made between changes which appear to be cyclic or oscillatory in nature, and those which appear to be more permanent or unidirectional.

Keywords: Aggregation, Changes, Clustering, ISI, Multidimensional, Multidimensional Scaling, Nested, Permanent, Scaling, Science, Science Citation Index, Structure

Schubert, A. and Braun, T. (1993), Reference standards for citation based assessments so scientometrics. Scientometrics,

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