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20 (3), 427-438.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics20, 427.pdf

Abstract: Citation counts often are used to measure scientific accomplishment. It is very difficult, however, to compute accurate citation counts in research where one has a list of scientists but not their complete bibliographies. At the same time, procedures are available that permit informed judgments about whether given scientists were cited at all in given years. The possibility of such judgments suggested that the number of years in which scientists were cited might be used as an alternative measure of scientific accomplishment. This possibility was explored in two studies, one based on 2,713 population scientists and the other on 135 articles published in the journal Fertility and Sterility. Years cited was easy to compute, and had good descriptive statistics, satisfactory generalizability coefficients, high correlations with total citation counts, and distributions little influenced by outliers. These results supported the appropriateness of the years cited measure.

Keywords: Alternative, Bibliographies, Citation, Citation Counts, Correlations, Eminence, Journal, Population, Procedures, Psychology, Research, Science, Statistics

? Vanraan, A.F.J. (1991), Fractal geometry of information space as represented by co-citation-clustering. Scientometrics, 20 (3), 439-449.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics20, 439.pdf

Abstract: In this paper we discuss geometrical properties of ‘information space’ as represented by the phenomenon of co-citation clustering. More specifically, the size distribution of co-citation clusters is studied and interpreted in terms of fractal dimensions.

Keywords: Clustering, Co-Citation, Cocitation, Fractal, Information, Science, Size

? Schubert, A. (1991), Quantitative studies of science a current bibliography No. 17. Scientometrics, 20 (3), 451-458

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics20, 451.pdf

? Yitzhaki, M. and Bentamar, D. (1991), Number of references in biochemistry and other fields - A case-study of the journal of biological chemistry throughout 1910 - 1985. Scientometrics, 21 (1), 3-22.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 3.pdf

Abstract: Large samples of papers published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry in all decades and in some mid-decades were checked in order to study the referencing pattern, throughout the period 1910-1985, in an internationally leading journal, with especially high “citation impact”. All measures show that there has been a significant growth in the number of references per paper, during most of the period, but mainly from the 1950’s on, refuting Meadows’ “upper limit”. A detailed comparison to a wide range of fields shows the JBC rates to be among the highest. Eight factors affecting the number of references are discussed, and some projections for the future are made.

Keywords: Citation Analysis, Comparison, Growth, Impact, Journal, Literatures, Papers, Referencing, Social-Sciences

? Pouris, A. (1991), Identifying areas of strength in South-African technology. Scientometrics, 21 (1), 23-35.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 23.pdf

Abstract: This article is an attempt to identify the strengths and weakness of South African technology as they are manifested in patent analysis. Using the “Technological Activity and Impact Indicators Database” of CHI Research/Computer Horizons, Inc., we identified the South African Innovation profile for the period 1975-1988. Patents are analysed in their aggregate form in patent classes, Standard Industrial Classes and technologically similar classes. The result indicates a shift of activity from low medium technology fields and a weakness in high technology fields. Comparison of scientific and technological activity also reveals that South Africa contributes five times as much in international science than it does in technology. Detailed analyses indicate the rise of a defence related industry in the country and reveal areas of emphasis and neglect.

Keywords: Analysis, Indicators, International, Neglect, Patent, Patent Analysis, Science, South Africa, Technological Activity, Technology

? Bridgstock, M. (1991), The quality of single and multiple authored papers - An unresolved problem. Scientometrics, 21 (1), 37-48.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 37.pdf

Abstract: Evidence is examined for the repeated claim that published papers with more than one author are, on average, of higher quality than those with a single author. Among published studies it is shown that no clear conclusion can be drawn, though evidence supporting the claim is stronger in astronomy and physics than among the social sciences. An empirical study of 656 papers in four Australian science journals produced negative results. Possible reasons for the differing results, and difficulties in researching the field, are highlighted.

Keywords: Citations, Evidence, Journals, Papers, Physics, Productivity, Publication, Quality, Science, Science Journals, Sciences, Scientific Collaboration, Social Sciences, Trends

? Sikorav, J.L. (1991), The utility of scientific papers. Scientometrics, 21 (1), 49-68.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 49.pdf

Abstract: This article investigates the function of scientific papers in the production of scientific knowledge. For this production, the citations made of these papers in the scientific literature can be considered as economic utilities. The work of the scientist is described as the production of citations by means of citations. The number of citations received by a given paper can be used to measure the paper’s formal utility. The formal utility of scientific papers is studied empirically. It is concluded that the references contained in a scientific paper are a major determinant of its future utility.

Keywords: Articles, Basic Research, Citation Analysis, Citations, Economics, Function, Information, Knowledge, Literature, Obsolescence, Papers, Progress, Utility, Work

? Lemarc, M., Courtial, J.P., Senkovska, E.D., Petard, J.P. and Py, Y. (1991), The dynamics of research in the psychology of work from 1973 to 1987 - from the study of companies to the study of professions. Scientometrics, 21 (1), 69-86.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 69.pdf

Abstract: We use a co-word analysis of the key words of 6055 articles that appeared in the psychology of work from 1973 to 1987 and were listed in the PASCAL database to bring out changes in the scientific themes of the field. We can discern which themes remained significant and which disappeared, as well as the psychology of work’s borrowings from and contributions to other disciplines. Co-word analysis therefore constitutes a new tool in the science policy arena.

Keywords: Analysis, Changes, Database, Policy, Psychology, Science, Science Policy, Work

? Budd, J. and Hurt, C.D. (1991), Superstring theory - Information-transfer in an emerging field. Scientometrics, 21 (1), 87-98.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 87.pdf

Abstract: This paper traced an individual paper through the literature as it garnered citations. This paper was chosen because of its seminal nature in a highly controversial area of theoretical physics. The distribution of citations was tested against models suggested by Price and Kuhn as well as compared to other studies which also examined benchmark papers. The results indicate that the paper chosen behaved in a significantly different way from most of the prior models. The suggestion is made that further study of this and papers like it will add much to the theory of information transfer in science.

Keywords: Citations, Information, Literature, Models, Papers, Science, Theory

? Markusova, V.A. and Griffith, B.C. (1991), Highly cited Soviet journals in the physical and life sciences - A study of the function of journals. Scientometrics, 21 (1), 99-113.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 99.pdf

Abstract: The research developed from the identification of the most highly cited Soviet journals in the physical and life sciences. Several measures of growth and citedness were taken at the beginning and end of a recent five-year period, 1982-87, in order to generally assess the functions of these journals. The research involved making comparisons among these groupings of journals and control groupings of journals with similar content, but not published in the Soviet Union. Differences in citedness could be related, in the physical sciences, to the scale of Russophone science within world sciences, but not in the life sciences. In the physical sciences, there are increases in the citedness across Soviet and Western journals, but in the Soviet journals the increase is several times greater than in the control grouping. In sharp contrast, the largest, most cited, Western life sciences’ journals have increased in citedness and other groupings, including Soviet journals, have declined. The measures on control groups show that the extreme levels of improvement in citedness on the part of Soviet physical sciences’ journals reflect local, i.e. Soviet, developments. The decrease in citedness of Soviet life sciences’ journals seems, instead, tied broadly to events in the world life sciences’ literature. There has been, apparently a “centralizing” of attention within those discipline on those few journals publishing major findings while leaving the rest of the world literature behind. In addition, the research developed several findings on the formal properties of the measures used.

Keywords: Control Groups, Functions, Growth, Identification, Journals, Life, Life Sciences, Literature, Physical Sciences, Publishing, Research, Science, Sciences

? Cesaratto, S., Mangano, S. and Sirilli, G. (1991), The innovative behavior of italian firms - A survey on technological innovation and research-and-development. Scientometrics, 21 (1), 115-141.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 115.pdf

Abstract: This paper is based on the findings of a survey on technological innovation in the Italian industry. All Italian manufacturing firms were screened in the analysis and, at the end of a screening process, 8,220 of them, which had introduced relevant technological innovations over the period 1981-1985, filled out either a mail questionnaire or were covered through a personal interview. Data and preliminary comments on the following problem-areas are set in the paper type of innovation introduced in the firm (product, process), impact of innovations on the firm’s products and sales, cost of innovation, technological relevance of innovations introduced, impact of innovations on the utilization of input factors, factors linked to the introduction of innovation, performance of R & D. Data show that technological innovation is a complex aspect of company life, it relates to both products and production processes: in more than half of the cases firms introduced both product and process innovations, whereas only products or processes were introduced in about 20 per cent of cases, respectively. It is also apparent that the majority of innovations are new only for the firm, and that only a limited share are new for the sector or for the country. Looking at the techno-scientific “quality” of the innovations introduced, quite often innovations were classified as technical improvements or enhancements, and in a very limited number of cases they were considered as applications of a scientific breakthrough. The breakdown of the innovation costs shows that, on average, more than half of the cost is attributed to investment (machinery, equipment, etc) one fourth to engineering and design activity, one fifth to R & D and the remaining 5 per cent to marketing activities. The most important factor linked to the introduction of innovation appears to be the acquisition of plant and machinery. This confirms the result of previous analyses which show that the introduction of new technologies hinges upon new machinery and equipment, often the sole means for the acquisition of technology produced by other economic agents - a diffusion and adaptation process is occurring. R & D was mentioned in a limited number of cases. In the paper a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the R & D performed by the firm is reported. In particular, it is shown that the number of R & D performing manufacturing firms is more than double that which emerges from the annual survey on research and development activities carried out by the Italian Central Statistical Office.

Keywords: Adaptation, Analysis, Breakthrough, Cost, Costs, Development, Diffusion, Equipment, Innovation, Life, Marketing, Plant, Qualitative, Qualitative Analysis, Questionnaire, Relevance, Research, Research And Development, Screening, Sector, Survey, Technological Innovation, Technologies, Technology, Utilization

Vinkler, P. (1991), Magic triangle for three relative impact indicators. Scientometrics, 21 (1), 143-146.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 143.pdf

Abstract: Simple relations were found between Relative Citation Rate (RCR), Relative Subfield Citedness (R(w)) and Subfield Publication Strategy (P(s)) indicators. The R(w) indicator is supposed to be more characteristic of the international scientific impact of papers than RCR using mean citation rate of journals representing the respective subfield, as standard.

Keywords: Citation, Indicator, Indicators, International, Journals, Papers, Relations, Standard

? Garg, K.C. and Sharma, P. (1991), Solar power research - A scientometric study of world literature. Scientometrics, 21 (2), 147-157.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 147.pdf

Abstract: An analysis of the output of the literature scanned in Engineering Index during 1970-84 on solar power research indicates that the growth of the literature had been vigorous after the energy crisis in 1973 till 1982. The number of papers at conferences are quite close to the number of references in journals. The area of solar collectors and solar cells has received maximum attention. Publication output of literature by different countries follows the trend in basic sciences with USA being the major producer. The research activity became global after the energy crisis. Performance of the developed countries is low in some fields of solar power.

Keywords: Analysis, Conferences, Growth, Journals, Literature, Papers, Research, Sciences, USA

? Englisch, H. (1991), Monotonous structure measures for social-groups. Scientometrics, 21 (2), 159-169.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 159.pdf

Abstract: The structure measure by Kretschmer1 estimates the cooperation of a scientist. It is generalized in such a way that it increases with respect to the cooperation strength with one of the collaborators. An alternative to the hierarchical structure measure is proposed which is continuous in all cooperation strengths.

Keywords: Alternative, Citations, Cooperation, Estimates, Hierarchical Structure, Structure

? Zhu, J., Meadows, A.J. and Mason, G. (1991), Citations and departmental research ratings. Scientometrics, 21 (2), 171-179.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 171.pdf

Abstract: A recent extensive review of research in British universities has produced a research rating for each university department based primarily on peer review of the department’s publications. In this preliminary study, we compare these ratings with publication and citation data for the chemistry departments at two British universities. The results underline the importance of the most productive researchers in departments. This point is supported by citation data from a chemical engineering department.

Keywords: Chemistry, Citation, Peer Review, Peer-Review, Publication, Publications, Research, Review, Universities, University

? Burrell, Q.L. (1991), The Bradford distribution and the Gini index. Scientometrics, 21 (2), 181-194.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 181.pdf

Abstract: It is pointed out that the so-called “Bradford distribution” derived by Leimkuhler is more properly viewed as the theoretical form of a variant of the Lorenz curve. The equation of this Leimkuhler curve allows an easy calculation of the Gini coefficient of concentration which can be compared with empirical values.

Keywords: Lorenz, Rule

Notes: UUniversity

? Zachos, G. (1992), Research output evaluation of two university departments in Greece with the use of bibliometric indicators. Scientometrics, 21 (2), 195-221.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 195.pdf

Abstract: The results of a study for evaluating research performance of two Greek University Departments of Mathematics are presented. In order to achieve this elements from the Sussex and Leiden methodologies of constructing and using bibliometric indicators were used. Comparison of the two groups were based on their similarities. The convergence of bibliometric indicators procedure as applied in Leiden methodology together with a number new bibliometric indicators were used. Results shown that bibliometric indicators if applied properly may give very interesting information on the research performance and nature of research carried out in University Departments.

Keywords: Bibliometric, Bibliometric Indicators, Greece, Indicators, Information, Methodology, Research, Research Performance, Science

Lewison, G. and Cunningham, P. (1991), Bibliometric studies for the evaluation of trans-national research. Scientometrics, 21 (2), 223-244.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 223.pdf

Abstract: Results are given of an analysis of the scientific papers describing work carried out under two European Community research programmes, in biotechnology and environmental chemicals. They were shown to be more multinational in their authorship than other papers in the same journals, and as a consequence, more frequently cited in the 5 years following publication. The citation rates peak early for the biotechnology papers suggesting that effective measures have been taken to disseminate the results of the work to other scientists so that they have become aware of them earlier than usual

Keywords: Analysis, Authorship, Biotechnology, Citation, Environmental, Journals, Papers, Publication, Research, Work

? Bonzi, S. and Snyder, H.W. (1991), Motivations for citation - A comparison of self citation and citation to others. Scientometrics, 21 (2), 245-254.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 245.pdf

Abstract: The citation motivations among 51 self citing authors in several natural science disciplines were investigated. Results of a survey on reasons for both self citation and citation to others show that there are very few differences in motivation, and that there are plausible intellectual grounds for those differences which are substantial. Analysis of exposure in text reveals virtually no differences between self citations and citations to others. Analysis of individual disciplines also uncover no substantive differences in either motivation or exposure in text.

Keywords: Citation, Citations, Classification, Exposure, Science, Self, Self-Citation, Survey

? Massimo, L. (1991), The use of indicators in the research-and-development evaluation activity of the European communities. Scientometrics, 21 (3), 255-262.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 255.pdf

Abstract: The goals of the evaluation of the R & D programmes of the Commission of the European Communities is to assess, beside scientific and technical achievements, the added value due to the implementation of these activities at European level. This requires the development of techniques different from those normally used for the measurement of scientific output. In particular a number of indicators have been developed to assess international cooperation promoted by EC programmes and the resulting economic and industrial impact.

Keywords: Cooperation, Development, EC, Evaluation, Indicators, International, International Cooperation, Measurement, Scientific Output, Techniques

? Bobe, B. (1991), Trends in the use of research-and-development output indicators in EC program-evaluation. Scientometrics, 21 (3), 263-282.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 263.pdf

Abstract: This paper rests upon a review of 15 evaluation reports of R & D programmes worked out during the 80’s by the European Commission. The analysis aims at answering the main questions: Why did emerge the needs for output indicators in the middle of the 80’s? What kind of output indicators were built up (or tentative)? With which methodology? What were their actual use in the evaluation reports? The linkage between EC R & D policies and evaluation is examined in order to discuss the relationships between the goals of R & D programmes and the criteria for evaluation. It is shown that the followed evaluation methodology and the evaluation goals at hand are paramount for the choice of output indicators: such goals encompass a.o. the description of the programmes, the assessment of the contractors opinion, the appraisal of the “techno-economic” effects of the programmes. As a result “expected output indicators” were developed (BRITE programme). On the other hand, one has called “meta-evaluation”, the indirect measurement of Scientific results by bibliometry (BEP-BAP programmes). Similarly, “intermediate indicators” were built up for evaluating the programmes management performance (ESPRIT programme). At last “derived output indicators” were used for techno-economic evaluation, (EURAM programmes) leading to the quantified global judgement of a “before-after” methodology, (SCIENCE-STIMULATION programmes).

Keywords: Analysis, Assessment, Bibliometry, Criteria, Ec, Evaluation, Indicators, Linkage, Management, Measurement, Methodology, Needs, Review

? Collins, P.M.D. and Ringe, M.J. (1991), Europeanization of the market for contract research. Scientometrics, 21 (3), 283-289.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 283.pdf

Abstract: This paper outlines the results of a recent survey of the UK contract research market, estimated at 900 MECU (1988/89). Most UK contract research organization (CROs) undertake a small but significant amount of overseas contract R & D (both for other Member States and elsewhere), and see this increasing as the Single European Market (SEM) develops. Most UK CROs have participated in EC R & D programmes and viewed involvement as a, generally, positive experience. UK Industrial customers of contract R & D, although more UK orientated, also believe the SEM will increase the amount of contracting from Member States. Industrial companies involved in EC R & D programmes also noted benefits from involvement. Both UK CROs and the industrial customer organizations saw the SEM and the associated Europeanization process as enhancing commercial contacts with organizations in other Member States.

Keywords: Contract, EC, Market, Research, SEM, Small, Survey, UK

? Moed, H.F., Debruin, R.E., Nederhof, A.J. and Tijssen, R.J.W. (1991), International scientific cooperation and awareness within the European community - Problems and perspectives. Scientometrics, 21 (3), 291-311.

Full Text: 1991\Scientometrics21, 291.pdf

Abstract: International scientific co-operation (ISC) and awareness are topics of increasing interest for both scientists and science policy makers. In this paper, we adopt primarily the science policy point of view. After a concise overview of the literature we summarize the main results of the research we conducted. The main outcome with respect to ISC is that it increases. However, large differences exist between countries and between scientific disciplines. ISC and awareness constitute a complex phenonenon, affected by several factors, science-internal, as well as external. In the paper several techniques are described, amongst which those that can visualize ISC relations through analytical maps. An important aspect of our research methodology is the combination of various quantitative, bibliometric analyses and qualitative research on the structure of science and the relations between science and society. Finally, we sketch perspectives for future research.

Keywords: Bibliometric, Cooperation, Literature, Methodology, Policy, Qualitative, Qualitative Research, Relations, Research, Science, Science Policy, Society, Structure, Techniques

Narin, F., Stevens, K. and Whitlow, E.S. (1991), Scientific cooperation in Europe and the citation of multinationally authored papers. Scientometrics,

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