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Title: Veterinary Quarterly

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Title: Veterinary Quarterly

Full Journal Title: Veterinary Quarterly

ISO Abbreviated Title: Vet. Q.

JCR Abbreviated Title: Vet Quart

ISSN: 0165-2176

Issues/Year: 4

Journal Country/Territory: Netherlands

Language: English

Publisher: Royal Netherlands Veterinary Assoc

Publisher Address: PO Box 14031, 3508 Utrecht, Netherlands

Subject Categories:

Veterinary Sciences: Impact Factor

? Beckers, H.J. (1987), Public health aspects of microbial contaminants in food. Veterinary Quarterly, 9 (4), 342-347

Abstract: Food-borne diseases affect the health and welfare of hundred thousands of people and result in considerable economic loss. Salmonella and Campylobacter are by far the most important causes of food-borne illness. Raw foods of animal origin are the major sources of these pathogens. Mishandling of foods in kitchens contributes to food-borne disease outbreaks. More education is necessary. But because of the inevitable risk of recontamination of cooked foods in every kitchen, more emphasis should be placed on pathogen-free raising of food animals and good manufacturing practices during slaughter. This will minimise contamination of raw foods of animal origin, thus reducing the contamination pressure in the kitchen and more effectively controlling food-borne diseases.

? Mossel, D.A. (1987), Integrated microbiological safety assurance and monitoring of food and drinking water. Professor Kampelmacher’s contribution to postgraduate education in The Netherlands from the point of view of Veterinary Public Health. Veterinary Quarterly, 9 (4), 371-374.

Abstract: The history of academic education in food microbiology and hygiene in the Netherlands has largely been written by Prof. Kampelmacher. The first contribution in this field dates from 1961, and suggested a new approach to teaching Veterinary Public Health. His later research led to the conclusion that intervention would be the only way to control the food-transmitted diseases originating from slaughter animals and poultry, particularly Salmonellosis. This intervention should take place at the beginning of the contamination cycle. In the 1970’s, surveys showed that feed decontamination would no longer efficiently control the endemicity of Salmonellosis. The contamination cycles had become autonomous. Consequently, emphasis on terminal decontamination of food products was necessary. Besides his activities in teaching and research, Prof. Kampelmacher masterminded a modern view of the responsibilities of academic scientists. Moreover, he strongly promoted an interdisciplinary approach to scientific consultation and advice. In this respect, he has unfortunately not been successful in introducing radiation of dangerously contaminated food, having met strong opposition from various quarters. His efforts in multidisciplinary training and research programmes resulted in, among other things, fruitful cooperation between the Agricultural University at Wageningen and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Utrecht University.

Title: Veterinary Research Communications

Full Journal Title: Veterinary Research Communications

ISO Abbreviated Title: Vet. Res. Commun.

JCR Abbreviated Title: Vet Res Commun

ISSN: 0165-7380

Issues/Year: 8

Journal Country/Territory: Netherlands

Language: English

Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publ

Publisher Address: Spuiboulevard 50, PO Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, Netherlands

Subject Categories:

Veterinary Sciences: Impact Factor

? Shane, S.M. and Montrose, M.S. (1985), The occurrence and significance of Campylobacter jejuni in man and animals. Veterinary Research Communications, 9 (3), 167-198.

Abstract: Campylobacter jejuni, which is now recognized as a discrete species, is a gram negative, microaerophilic, thermophilic, nalidixic acid sensitive, hippurate positive pathogen requiring special selective media for propogation. The organism is widely distributed in avian species, experimental and companion animals and in humans. Mammalian Campylobacteriosis is characterized by an enterocolitis of variable severity. The prevalence of the condition is relatively high in young individuals, in underdeveloped countries and in subjects with diarrhea. Food animals, especially poultry, are reservoirs of the organism and infection occurs following consumption of untreated surface water, unpasteurized milk, incompletely cooked meat or other contaminated food products. Close contact with infected immature companion animals is a significant cause of Campylobacteriosis in children and direct intrafamilial transmission and occupational infection have been documented. Campylobacteriosis attributable to C. jejuni is a condition of emerging significance which arises principally from deficiencies in hygiene inherent in the environment and in the food chain which extends from domestic animals to the consumer.

Title: Virchows Archiv

Full Journal Title: Virchows Archiv

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:



Journal Country



Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Fritzsche, F.R., Dietel, M. and Kristiansen, G. (2008), Where we publish - An analysis of the publications of German institutes of pathology. Virchows Archiv, 452 (4), 363-368.

Full Text: 2008\Vir Arc452, 363.pdf

Abstract: Pathologists provide the link between the clinical and the natural science aspect of medicine and are often integrated in translational research projects. We wanted to analyse the spread and position of research led by pathologists in the scientific literature. Publications from institutes of pathology of 21 randomly chosen German university cities between 2004 and 2006 were analysed. To validate our findings we subsequently extended our analysis to 45 university cities from Italy, France and the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden). We detected publications directed by pathologists in numerous biomedical journals, most of which not categorised as “pathology” journals. In the analyses from Germany and Italy, Virchows Archiv led the ranking in terms of absolute number of publications. Meanwhile, Anticancer Research and the International Journal of Cancer took the lead concerning publications from pathologists from the Nordic countries. Our results mirror the wide diversification in scientific pathology and the overlap with other medical subspecialties, especially oncology, cell biology and biochemistry. This explains the problem of defining “pathology” journals and deducting pathological research activity from these publications. However, the general notion that pathology journals are the most important communication medium of pathology research was affirmed.

Keywords: Analysis, Bibliometric, Bibliometric Analysis, Biology, Biomedical, Biomedical Journals, Countries, European-Union, Finland, France, Germany, Impact Factors, Italy, Journals, Journals, Literature, Medical, Medicine, Number of Publications, Oncology, Pathology, Productivity, Publications, Ranking, Research, Research Activity, Research Projects, Science, Scientific Literature, Sweden, Translational Research, University

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