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Title: Visualization and Data Analysis 2002

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Title: Visualization and Data Analysis 2002

Full Journal Title: Visualization and Data Analysis 2002

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: Impact Factor

? Zartl, A. and Schiebel, E. (2002), The combination of content maps by co-word analysis. Visualization and Data Analysis 2002, 4665, 359-367.

Abstract: One of the well known relational bibliometric methods is the co-word analysis. The co-occurrence of words can be illustrated in a matrix. By the means of various mathematical methods like cluster analysis and others the matrix can be illustrated in a two-dimensional science-map that represents a well structured rendition of information. The key question of this paper is how can different objects e.g. key-words and authors or institutions be linked by co-word analysis. In bibliographic documents key-words, authors and institutions are elements of each document. Thus we can talk of a direct linkage between these objects according to the joint occur in one document. The properties of one author to appear with certain keywords in certain articles allows a linkage over the documents. Indirect linkage can be found if documents, raised from the connection between authors and key-words, are eliminated in the functional relationship and new networks are generated which show an indirect linkage of authors on the basis of keywords. This paper will show a method how different networks can be linked directly and indirectly by using co-word analysis. The combination of content maps by co-word analysis will be shown using a technology monitoring concerning fuel cells.

Keywords: Analysis, Authors, Bibliometric, Bibliometric Method, Bibliometric Methods, Cluster, Cluster Analysis, Co-Occurrence, Co-Word, Co-Word Analysis, Content Map, Fuel Cells, Information Visualization, Methods, Networks, Technology

Title: Volunteered Paper 2nd International Conference International Humic Substances Society

(Volunteered papers 2nd Intern. Conff. IHSS)

Gosset, T., Trancart, J.L. and Thevenot, D.R. (1984), Preliminary report on kinetics of batch metal complexation by peat. Volunteered Paper 2nd International Conference International Humic Substances Society, (Birmingham UK), 214-219.

Title: Vom Wasser

Full Journal Title: Vom Wasser

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ISSN: 0083-6915


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Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Buschmann, H.J. (1995), The selective removal of dye stuffs and heavy metal ions from waste waters of the textile industry. Vom Wasser, 84, 263-??.

Title: Voprosy Filosofii

Full Journal Title: Voprosy Filosofii

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Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Marshakova-Shaikevich, I.V. (2007), Analysis of international journals in a sphere of philosophical and historical sciences, represented in database of social sciences SSCI. Voprosy Filosofii, (8), 79-90.

Abstract: On the basis of National Science Indicators for 1998-2002 the comparative statistics of research activity of 25 leading countries is given. The Russian indicators (number of publications and citation figures) in the fields of Economics, Sociology, History and Philosope are compared to the World indicators. Sixty five journals were chosen for more detailed analysis. They were drawn from three fields of knowledge: History (17 journals), History of Social Science (16 journals) and History & Philosophy of Science (33 journals). Some journals are common to 2 or more fields, thus History and History of Social Science share some journals with the field of Sociology, History of Social Science have common journals with ten fields (esp. Business, Economics). Journals in philosophy and historical sciences were analyzed along the lines, described in Scientometrics vol.35, No2 (1996), p.283-290. (Marshakova-Shaikevich, 1996). The ideas was to compare the traditional impact factor (Ip) of a journal, as indicated in JCR DB, with the average impact factor of the corresponding field of knowledge (Ig). The technique of calculation of the standard impact factor for a field (Ig) is an inherent part of a method, which allows a cross-field evaluation of scientific journals. For each field 5 journals with the highest Ip values were selected. If the total number of papers in those journals (for the two preceding years) was less than 500 for science and 300 for social sciences, the list was extended until the threshold of 500 (or 300) was reached. The ratio of the total number of current year citations (in ISI source journals) of articles in the list journals (for two preceding years) to the total number of source items in the list journals (in the same two years) represents the group standard impact factor of the field, i.e., Ig= R/S. Standard impact factors Ig is showed in table 3. To evaluate a particular journal we should always compare the traditional impact factor Ip with the standard impact factor of the corresponding field Ig. The most obvious and simple indicator would be the ratio of the two measures: K= (Ip/Ig)x100% - relative (or standard) impact factor of journal. If a journal belongs to two or more fields the arithmetic mean of the two or more Ig’s may be used. The relation of traditional impact factor (Ip) and relative factor (K) may be illustrated by 10 journals: Ip 2003 K 1994-98 K 2003 American Historical Review 0.833 163.8 137.97 Social Studies of Science 1.069 120.7 132.96 Biology & Philosophy 0.691 77.3 85.94 Technology & Culture 0.596 29.4 74.13 ISIS 0.576 97.6 71.64 Economic History Review 0.722 40.8 32.89 Past & Present 0.302 64.3 47.19 History of Psychiatry 0.531 17.8 16.13 Configurations 0.310 42.5 38.56 Journal of Historical Geography 0.554 74.9 35.47 In conclusion it should be stressed that in 1994-1998 American Historical Review and Social Studies of Science occupied 5th and 33rd place in the list of 1810 journals of DBs SSCI ranked by K.

Keywords: Activity, American, Analysis, Calculation, Citation, Citations, Database, Evaluation, Factors, Field, Group, Impact, Impact Factor, Impact Factors, Indicator, Indicators, International, ISI, Journal, Journals, Knowledge, Number Of Publications, Papers, Philosophy, Publications, Research, Russian, Science, Sciences, Scientific Journals, Scientometrics, Social, Social Sciences, Source, SSCI, Standard, Statistics, Technique, Values

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