Procom Exam: Language is symbolic because it is a vehicle of expression

Language choices and pragmatic effects

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Language choices and pragmatic effects:

    1. Ambiguity/ Equivocation: Using ambiguity/ equivocation to keep possibilities open, more choices (ex. to not hurt someone’s feelings while still not really lying

    2. Immediacy: Personalized language, often used to persuade in public speeches, involving others to persuade such as ‘we’

    3. Abstraction: Giving things names (to make explanations easier, to predict…), can be used to create stereotypes, by abstracting things, things lose their individuality

    4. Figurative language: Metaphors: for ex. describing arguments by using metaphors of war: ‘destroying someone’s argument’, difficult, abstract concepts onto more understandable ideas, often have political influence or goals that influence the way we look at a topic

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