Project on Standards and Regulation regarding a Bird Strike

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4.3 The Pilots:

Figure Federal Aviation Administration [2]

The pilots assume an essential part the wildlife preservation and the counteractive action of the bird strike by thorough flight arranging strategies and aircraft working systems. By keeping up a reasonable discussion with the administrators and the administration, the pilots can help in keeping up the serviceability of alternate aircrafts with no issue. The pilots take after a progression of agenda while keep up a predetermined flight way. They contain general pilot, flight arranging, working standards, and working procedures that take after for every aircraft and data with respect to the aircraft operation [24].

Roles and Responsibilities:

The Aeronautics Act and the Canadian Aviation Regulation gives a detail depiction of the obligations that a pilot in charge ought to take after and the models for flight planning and operation. Regularly the pilot in order is characterized as the sole individual in charge of the aircrafts operation and wellbeing [24]. Some of the rules that are being followed are:

  • Pre-Flight Information (CAR 602.71)

The pilot in command should be familiar with the information’s that is appropriate for intended flight before its commencement.

  • Reckless or Negligent Operation of Aircraft (CAR 602.01)

No person can endanger the life or property of a person through reckless driving of an aircraft.
General Solution for Pilots:

In case of a bird strike it is not possible to find a remedy, but pilots play an important role in minimizing the hazards by proper planning and implementation of the plans [24].

Flight Planning:

Review the information on potential and known hazards

  • At departure point

  • Along the flight route

  • Along the flight path planned for alternate airport.

Pre-flight Preparation [24]:

  • Any approaching flight sees any hazardous activity

  • Be alert for the signs of nesting activity during pre-flight walk.

  • When acquiring information about ATIS from any operator. Note the reports of any bird activity.

  • Plan in advance the necessary actions to be implemented during the case of bird strike.

  • Heating the windshield can make it sustain the bird impacts

Taxiing and Takeoff:

  • Analysis show that 31% of the bird strike occurs during takeoff and so this is a critical phase of flight.

  • Be alert while taxing ad report any bird activity.

Takeoff and Climb:

  • While rolling be prepared to deal with consequences of hazard and conditions such as weather and obstacles.

  • Before taking off check the runway for hazards.

  • If there is a bird activity, the wildlife management are required to clear it off.

  • Use landing lights during takeoff.

  • If a takeoff has been called off during roll due to the activity of birds, inspect the aircraft thoroughly before continuing the flight journey.

  • If there is any bird activity minimize the speed to minimize the impact.

  • If there are birds at a particular altitude, then climb through these altitudes quickly.

  • A vast majority of accidents occur below 10,000 ft altitude, so use landing lights until the aircraft moves above this altitude [24].

Descent and Landing:

  • The decent and landing plays an important phase in flight. Statics shows that 39% of bird strike during descent and landing.

  • Collect the information about bird activity from providers such as ATS, ATIS, UNICOM, and other pilots.

  • The pilots have to be more careful while landing in an unmonitored airport where they do not have the ATS providers, in such cases the pilot could request the airport personnel to inspect the runway to make it clear for the aircraft to land.

  • Reduce the speed during descent to minimize the severity of potential bird strikes.

  • If the pilot feels any safety problems, he can delay the landing until the conditions are right.

Post Flight:

  • If the aircraft is suspected to have hit a bird, then careful inspection of the aircraft should be done by an engineer before the schedule of the next flight.

  • Report the recent bird strike to the corresponding administration.

  • Complete a report on the strike with the photographs of the bird remains and the identity of the species [24].

4.4 Air Operators:

An Air operator plays a vital in both private and business airports in minimizing the probability of reality of wildlife strikes. The capacity comprises of an arrangement agenda of the various operation of the business and business aircrafts. These agendas pass on the general flight arranging and working standards, their particular arranging and operation. For the simple arranging the agendas are given all together of flight [25].

Roles and Responsibilities [25]:

The Canadian Aviation Regulation CAR’s define the rules and responsibilities that an air operator should follow.

  • Flight operation procedures

  • Aircraft dispatch systems

  • Aircraft maintenance procedure

  • Safety systems management and

  • Employment training requirements.

  • Standard Operating Procedure

  • Employee training and operation and

  • Reporting bird strike.

Standard Operating procedure:

Standard operating procedure should be developed addressing the following areas; they are based on the flight operation, dispatch, maintenance and operation of aircrafts. They offer procedure to minimize the wildlife strikes and severity when included in the manuals [25].

General Operating Principles:

The principles and techniques that is executed to minimize the bird strike are;

  • Plan the maximum possible altitude to be 3000ft AGL to minimize the probability of bird strike and is more challenging at low altitude.

  • By maximizing the rate of climb at departure, the probability of bird strike minimizes. This can be achieved by using Vertical Noise Abatement profile A.

  • Minimizing the speed limits the severity of bird strike

  • While accelerating above 250kts below 10,000 ft. MSL, it would result in the reduced speed while accelerating thereby prevailing in the altitude of the birds. They involve the birds of the larger size that are frequent and causes more damage

  • Using landing lights while operating below 10000ft.

  • Avoid planning and flying routes that are more known for bird habitant, along lake, river, and ocean at a low altitude.

  • For a rotatory aircraft the severity of strikes can be minimized by, making the pilots wear the helmets by visor, which minimizes the danger of windshield penetration

  • If the strike occurs the aircraft should be carefully inspected by an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer. Carefully inspect the main and tail motor as it’s not easily detectable [25].

Solutions for Air Operators:

Careful planning and application of rules and responsibilities can minimize the possibility and the severity of the wildlife hazards.

Flight Operating Manual:

In the event of the flight planning, careful study should be done with the data collected on the potential of the hazard in the flight path

  • At the departure airport

  • In the flight path

  • In the arrival point and

  • Any other alternative planned airport [25].

The information regarding the potential hazard can be obtained from

  • The documentation about the airports contained in the Canada flight supplements

  • NOTAM and BIRDTAM in specific few countries that have the hazard details

  • Rules in the journal of Canada’s Aeronautical information publication

  • Aviation hazard advisory system that monitor the current movement of the birds [25].

Ramp operations:

In order to remove the bird life from the ramp areas the ramp operation Sop should mention the following:

  • Immediate removal of all garbage especially the food waste and make them in a closed storage

  • Cover all the containers with lids

  • The duty of the ramp officers is to make sure that the birds are not feed near the ramp areas.

  • Collecting all information and reporting them to airport wildlife management personnel.

Employee Training:

Every last worker who is filling in as an air operator ought to experience preparing on dangers and expenses of wildlife strikes and the measures to minimize the cost and give the greatest security. There are a few ranges to be given for the operators in setting up the groups for the crises that regularly follow on account of a bird strike. Some of the suggested training method to follow are;

  • Annual data briefing on the bird strike that has been spotted within the company and the industry. They should review the situation and prepare an emergency procedure to follow in such situation.

  • Train in the simulator for the situation that involves aircraft performance degradation and multiple damages resulting in bird strike and the situation that forces the management to take the necessary actions that needs to be implemented for the safety of the passengers.

  • The crew resource management techniques should be performed to ensure the optimal usage of the cockpit and other available resources during the emergency situation such as a bird strike [25].

Employee Awareness:

An aircraft organization has no commitment to make the workers mindful of the numerous issues connected with the bird strike, however the air operator has certain guidelines and direction in the autos in regards to the security mindfulness. They need to spread the security mindfulness among the representatives. A portion of the common sense and the fruitful courses through which the bird strike is viably conveyed through the workers are;

  • Analysing and publishing the annual statics in the bird strikes

  • Implanting the sketches of the bird strike to make a creative awareness

  • Issuing bulletins regarding the bird strike to warn the pilots

  • Issuing warning to pilots about the migratory bird’s approach and the safety measures that has to be implemented, in the wake of a disaster

  • Educate all the members in the company in terms of disaster management and the procedures to reduce the risks

  • Keeping all materials easily available for employee review [25].

Air operators should consider developing these systems to require flight groups and bolster work constrain to report all untamed life strikes. It is also critical to ensure the support of a broad, far reaching, common life strike database. This database could be used to recognize specific examples and propel change of practical courses of action that direct perils. Some suggested portions of an untamed life strike prosperity reporting system are recorded underneath:

• The security reporting framework must be established on the standard of non-correctional reporting of wellbeing episodes.

• Safety reporting-framework information that is imparted to other wellbeing experts must be displayed in a mysterious shape that darkens character of the journalist.

• Wildlife-strike information must be imparted to other wellbeing experts, for example, Transport Canada and airport natural life administration staff.

• Wildlife-occurrence report structures ought to reflect the Transport Canada Bird/Wildlife Strike Report frame to guarantee remedy data is accounted for in a uniform way.

• Maintenance work force ought to likewise have a method whereby they can report wildlife strike harm to the natural life occurrence reporting framework [25].

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