Project on Standards and Regulation regarding a Bird Strike

Airframe and Engine Manufacturers

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4.5 Airframe and Engine Manufacturers:

The engine and the airframe assumes an imperative part in the wellbeing highlights as it the one that the bird strike is inclined to happen and assistant would bring about the risky fiascos. In this area we examine the arrangement that is being advanced to guarantee that the models that are being developed would consent to avionics gauges and would withstand the bird strike. The ebb and flow innovative work bargains in these territories; [5]

  • Certification standards

  • Design and materials and

  • Testing. [5]

Certification standards:

The affirmation benchmarks for the airframe and the engines ought to be inspected at times in view of the unplanned reports created throughout the years. These recommend for the upgrade in the principles and controls that have been created and it ought to be prepared to enhance the gauges for the structure and engines. At that point the prepared tenets is submitted for remarks and afterward embedded into the customary guidelines. It as a rule takes a couple of years to embed another run the show. There are two bodies that characterize the benchmarks and direction with respect to the affirmation of an aircraft, they are the government aeronautics organization and the European joint avionics power. For the most part, an aircraft is institutionalized by these two direction. A standout amongst the most unfriendly approaches to minimize the cruelty in the bird strike is to force more decides that would bring about better nature of the airframes and engines.

The standardization process for a helicopter can be found in the (FAR 27) for the normal category and (FAR 29) for the transport category standards to improve standards for rotorcraft performance, system propulsion and airframes [26]. So when such amendment is proposed, they are reviewed by a group of industries

  • Rotorcraft manufacturers

  • Aerospace Industries Association of America

  • Association European des Constructers de Material Aerospatiale

  • Helicopter Association International

  • European Joint Aviation Authority

  • Transport Canada

  • The United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority

The figure demonstrates the effect constrains that would come about when a bird strikes an aircraft. As necessities be, we see that a four-lb flying animal striking a windshield at 300 kts creates an impact of up to 55,000 lbs. Meanwhile, a 15-lb goose hitting a windshield at 300 kts delivers an effect constrain of up to 82,000 lbs. A drive that outperforms windshield accreditation measures by 200 to 300 percent. [2Figure: windshield damaged due to bird strike [2]

Solution to Air Frame:

In 2000, FAA controlled new principles for the airframe and these new measures fit with the direction that was produced by the JAA, which empowers the makers to outline and grow new structure that would bolster both the controls and that would ingest expanded number of birds and genuine number of birds [26].Taking after the overview, another confirmation standard was set up, updating diagram besides, necessities for every fly engine sizes, and overhauling bird-ingestion test prerequisites for gigantic, high evade extent turbofan engines. The rethought standard addresses strike by single tremendous birds and those by groups of birds, and put forth a number of regulation for evaluations of engine airworthiness.

Airframe Design and Materials:

  • The new airframe uses lighter and stronger materials to improve SFC and range than improve impact strength.

  • Improvements to safeguard the critical components such as fuel lines, hydraulic cables and wiring.

  • The new control movement system known as fly by wire reduces the much complexity in controlling the surfaces and the only disadvantages will that pilots cannot feel the flutter when a damage occurs [26].

Engine design and Developments:

  • Introduction of high bypass-ratio turbofan due to its increased fuel efficiency and reduced maintenance costs.

  • Improvement of the thermodynamic efficiency by employing advanced materials and design technology. This improved the structural integrity and thereby minimizing the damage from birds.

  • New aircrafts employ full-authority digital engine control to control the performance such as marinating thrust even though the engine fail out by sensing the engine flameout [26].


Bird strikes were underestimated as a threat to aviation safety and the measures. At the end it must be noted that learning lessons from the past to progress towards a safer future is very important. At the same time it must be kept in mind that the challenges and the problems are expected to be different with changing needs and times. So far fowl strike confirmation necessities seem to have been responsive to past events, however new events have demonstrated that there are specific zones of concern. Moreover, there are no bird strike related confirmation prerequisites for light aircrafts. Therefore it depicts the need of setting up of some standards for these too. It is important to avoid the bird strikes but it is also important to do the same in sustainable manner that is without harming the environment. In an attempt to keep the birds away, we sometimes tend to destroy their natural habitat, intensive deforestation is carried out to destroy all the bird sitting zones. This all can create a natural imbalance. So we must undertake least damaging measures and also we must look forward for some damage compensating measures like compensating the deforestation by creating a green zones away from the airport zones, creating artificial arriving spots for migratory birds and strategical planning for the new air stripes is important so that a safer future is ensured without compromising the interests for nature and environment.



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