It is recommended that a single, secure environment should be set up to hold copies of Project IP. The purpose of this is to act as a central repository to ensure that the Odyssey IP is stored safely, in one place, to assist with post-project development, further research work, and eventual implementation and exploitation. This needs to be accessible to all Consortium partners. "Apache Subversion" ( an open-source version control system has been put forward for this purpose, using a secure server at Sheffield Hallam University.
The aim is the capture the following information:
Background IP to the project, according to clause 5.3.1 of the Odyssey consortium agreement, partners are contractually obligated to disclose details of Background which they are introducing to the project.
Foreground IP, i.e. new IP created during project work, including software code, reports, system design, draft protocols and standards, official correspondence, and important working documents including emails.
Details of externally sourced information used by partners during the project, including publications, standards, where the authorship is defined
Success of this is entirely dependant on the participation of partners, who will be required to submit IP information on a regular basis, at least once per quarter. The Apache Subversion system allows universal access for Consortium members, and it will make the process of managing and exploiting IPR created by partners easier and more efficient.
The first stage is to ask partners to fill in the template later in this document with the relevant information. This template will then be sent out to all partners on a monthly basis so that any new information can be added.
25. Odyssey IPR Consortium Agreement Guidelines 25.1 Foreground
Regarding Foreground, Grant Agreement Article II.26 - Article II.29 shall apply with the following additions:
25.1.1 Joint ownership
In case of joint ownership of Foreground each of the joint owners shall be entitled to use the joint Foreground as it sees fit, and to grant non-exclusive licenses to third parties, without any right to sub-license subject to the following conditions:
at least 45 days prior notice must be given to the other joint owner(s);
and fair and reasonable compensation must be provided to the other joint owner(s).
25.1.2 Transfer of Foreground
Each Party may transfer ownership of its own Foreground following the procedures of the Grant Agreement Article II 27.
It may identify specific third parties it intends to transfer Foreground to in [Attachment (6)] to this Consortium Agreement. The other Parties hereby waive their right to object to a transfer to listed third parties according to the Grant Agreement Article II.27.3.
The transferring Party shall, however, notify the other Parties of such transfer and shall ensure that the rights of the other Parties will not be affected by such transfer. Any addition to [Attachment (6)] after signature of this Consortium Agreement requires a decision of the General Assembly.
The Parties recognize that in the framework of a merger or an acquisition of an important part of its assets, a Party may be subject to confidentiality obligations which prevent it from giving the full 45 days prior notice foreseen in Grant Agreement Article II 27.2.
a) In the case of joint ownership of foreground, each of the joint owners shall be entitled to use the joint Foreground as it sees fit, and to grant non-exclusive licenses to third parties, without any right to sub-license subject to the following conditions:
at least 45 days prior notice must be given to the other joint owner(s) and fair and reasonable compensation must be provided to the other joint owner(s).
25.2.1 Publication
Dissemination activities including but not restricted to publications and presentations shall be governed by Article II.30 of the Grant Agreement. Notwithstanding the time-limits set out in Article II. 30 of the Grant Agreement the following shall apply:
The time limit to give prior notice of any Dissemination activity shall be 20 days. The time limit to object on grounds stated in Article II.30 of the Grant Agreement is 30 days. If this period expires without any objections made, the respective Party may disseminate its publication or representation at its own discretion.
The Party objecting a publication has to show that its legitimate interests will suffer disproportionately great harm and shall include a request for necessary modifications. Dissemination of any Party’ Confidential Information (as defined under clause Section 10 below) or Background is expressly prohibited without that Party’s express written permission.
If under certain conditions it is not possible to give notice within the above time limit the affected Party has to send to the Project Manager at the latest 7 days before the submission date the title, list of authors, abstract of the publication as well as the name of the conference, workshop or journal, to which the publication is submitted. In the case the publication has the nature of a book or a chapter in a book, the affected Party has to announce the intention at least 1 month before the submission to the publisher or to corresponding official organization. It is then up to the Project Manager to decide if any obligations are violated and if modifications are required.
25.2.2 Publication of another Party’s Foreground or Background
For the avoidance of doubt, a Party may not publish Foreground or Background of another Party, even if such Foreground or Background is amalgamated with the Party’s Foreground, without the other Party’s prior written approval.
25.2.3 Cooperation obligations
The Parties undertake to cooperate to allow the timely submission, examination, publication and defence of any dissertation or thesis for a degree which includes their Foreground or Background. However, confidentiality and publication clauses have to be respected.
25.2.4 Use of names, logos or trademarks
Nothing in this Consortium Agreement shall be construed as conferring rights to use in advertising, publicity or otherwise the name of the Parties or any of their logos or trademarks without their prior written approval.
25.2.5 Dissemination in public media
Dissemination activities in public media may occur for television broadcast, radio broadcast, daily or periodical newspapers, non-scientific journals or the internet.
Such activities are strongly related to the initiating Party, who leads the specific activity. If necessary the leading Party may involve other Parties for support. The Project Manager has to be informed at least 14 days in advance about such activities and the corresponding dissemination results are to be stored in the project’s dissemination archive.
The dissemination has to make reference to the project, the consortium, the funding organisation (Commission) by means of placing the logo and address of the project website as background images or mentioning in words in audio interviews. In either case the contribution of the whole consortium for the obtained results should be pointed out.
25.2.6 List of authors
In cases that a scientific publication involves indirect contributions of other Parties, in which cases the contribution is necessary to make the publication possible, the prior approval of the involved Party is needed, it is advised to mention those Parties on fair conditions either as co-author or acknowledge the creation of the pre-existing knowledge.
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