Przykładowe Materiały Egzaminacyjne JĘzyk angielski poziom 3 Czytanie

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Listening 16

  1. The woman thinks Sergeant Brown …

  1. is performing well on the course

  2. is performing as expected on the course

  3. isn’t attending the course

  4. should perform better on the course

  1. The woman thinks John’s opinion of his soldiers is …

  1. his honest view

  2. supported by evidence

  3. an exaggerated view

  4. an outright lie

  1. This morning Harry couldn’t …

  1. be found

  2. be spoken to

  3. be made to work

  4. be contacted

  1. The man believes the experiment …

  1. has been successful

  2. has proved something beyond doubt

  3. needs to be continued

  4. has been a waste of time

  1. During the morning meeting …

  1. many useful decisions were made

  2. there was a lot of disagreement

  3. nothing useful was done

  4. some progress was made

  1. The woman thinks the tank …

  1. is very powerful

  2. has a long range

  3. is hard to kill

  4. has an accurate gun

  1. The man thinks Harry’s actions were …

  1. irresponsible

  2. planned beforehand

  3. justifiable

  4. spontaneous

Listening 17

  1. The woman thinks Jerry is …

  1. blindly in love with Jasmine

  2. badly treated by Jasmine

  3. very angry with Jasmine

  4. jealous of Jasmine

  1. The man thinks the weather there is …

  1. stable

  2. variable

  3. mild

  4. severe

  1. The man thinks John’s comments were …

  1. supporting his boss

  2. ignoring his boss

  3. weakening his boss

  4. attacking his boss

  1. John refuses because …

  1. he doesn’t have any money

  2. Tom hasn’t paid him back yet

  3. he doesn’t lend money at all

  4. he doesn’t know Tom too well

  1. Brian’s explanation was …

  1. difficult to understand

  2. clear and concise

  3. easy to listen to

  4. too long

  1. Tom is …

  1. ill

  2. tired

  3. angry

  4. hungry

  1. Sue and Mary …

  1. disagree with one another

  2. share the same views

  3. gossip about one another

  4. hate each other

Listening 18

  1. The work on the project …

  1. is almost finished

  2. hasn’t begun yet

  3. has already been finished

  4. will be ready next week

  1. Nick remembers the paratrooper because…

  1. he hated vodka

  2. he liked vodka

  3. he was a soft man

  4. he liked soft drinks

  1. The politician was …

  1. confusing his audience on purpose

  2. explaining his position clearly

  3. criticising the local council

  4. persuading his audiences to green policies

  1. The man thinks the wedding reception was ...

  1. exhausting

  2. too formal

  3. badly organised

  4. enjoyable

  1. Steve has recently become a ...

  1. private detective

  2. a policeman

  3. a secret agent

  4. an MP officer

  1. The commander ordered his soldiers to …

  1. continue advancing

  2. stop the attack

  3. hold their position

  4. lay down their arms

  1. What has happened to Brian?

  1. He's lost his job

  2. He hasn't been promoted

  3. He's found a new job

  4. He's been told to work harder

Listening 19

  1. What does the man believe?

  1. The opposition will be defeated

  2. The president will get stronger

  3. The president could lose power

  4. The country will become more stable

  1. Why can't the woman take a holiday?

  1. She doesn't have enough money

  2. Her son's health has deteriorated

  3. She has a lot of work

  4. Her colleagues are on holiday

  1. What does Ann decide to do?

  1. To accuse John

  2. To tell the truth

  3. To take the blame

  4. To write a report

  1. What is Pete being asked to do?

  1. To tell Joe’s wife

  2. To keep a secret

  3. To fire Joe

  4. To tell the boss

  1. Jane thinks the report …

  1. puts forward a weak argument

  2. should be made the most use of

  3. shouldn’t be used at all

  4. shouldn’t have been written

  1. Jerry …

  1. is selling old sub-standard equipment

  2. has to work hard to make money

  3. has discovered an easy way to make money

  4. is selling goods he stole from the army

  1. Frank hopes that Steven will …

  1. stay in his job

  2. work less

  3. get a better job

  4. be dismissed

Listening 20

  1. What did Tom do?

  1. Asked Jane out

  2. Married Jane

  3. Broke up with Jane

  4. Argued with Jane

  1. What did Simon do?

  1. Enjoyed the party

  2. Spoiled the fun

  3. Got drunk

  4. Made people laugh

  1. Tom thinks …

  1. they should stay five months longer

  2. the radiation will soon kill them

  3. the reports are incorrect

  4. it is time to leave the area

  1. The man thinks …

  1. Jane will regret her choice

  2. she made a good choice

  3. her job is easy

  4. her job is difficult

  1. Tom thinks that Peter and Monica …

  1. are going to break up

  2. are leaving for the holiday

  3. are a happy couple

  4. are fond of climbing

  1. In the end the Matronax …

  1. agreed to employ Steven

  2. didn’t do business with Steven

  3. made money with Steven

  4. reached a compromise with Steven

  1. Martin…

  1. has finished his design

  2. doesn’t know what to do

  3. has some new ideas

  4. is going to give up

Listening 21

  1. Both speakers agree that Miss Palmer needs ...

  1. assistance

  2. supervision

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