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29-2.02A General

Aggregate for ATPB must be clean and free from decomposed material, organic material, and other deleterious substances.

Produce ATPB under section 39-2.01B(8), except a JMF is not required. Do not use RAP.

The temperature of the aggregate must be from 275 to 325 degrees F before adding the asphalt binder.

Do not store ATPB material longer than 2 hours.

Combine aggregate with 2.5 percent asphalt binder by weight of dry aggregate. An increase or decrease in the asphalt content may be ordered after your proposed aggregate supply has been tested.

29-2.02B Aggregate

The aggregate must comply with the gradation shown in the following table:

Aggregate Gradation

Sieve size

Percentage passing









No. 4


No. 8


No. 200


The aggregate must comply with the requirements shown in the following table:

Aggregate Requirements

Quality characteristic




Percentage of crushed particles (min, %)

California Test 205


Los Angeles rattler loss at 500 rev (max, %)

California Test 211


Cleanness value (min)

California Test 227


Film stripping (max, %)

California Test 302



Equipment for spreading and compacting ATPB must comply with section 39-2.01C(2) except, compact ATPB in 1 layer using one of the following methods:

1. One complete coverage with a steel-tired, 2-axle tandem roller that has an operating weight below 110 lb per linear inch of steel-tire width. Compact when the base mixture is from 200 to 250 degrees F.

2. One complete coverage with a steel-tired, 2-axle tandem roller weighing from 8 to 12 tons. Compact when the base mixture is from 100 to 150 degrees F.
Do not use water to cool the ATPB.

Vibratory rollers complying with the above requirements may be used if the vibratory unit is turned off.

29-2.04 PAYMENT

The Department adjusts the unit price of asphalt treated permeable base if an ordered increase or decrease in asphalt content exceeds the specified amount by more than 0.1 percent by weight of dry aggregate.


29-3.01 GENERAL

Section 29-3 includes specifications for constructing cement treated permeable bases.


29-3.02A General

Cement must comply with section 90-1.02B(2),Type II.

The cement content of CTPB must be at least 287 lb/cu yd.

The water-cement ratio must be approximately 0.37. The Engineer determines the exact water-cement ratio.

29-3.02B Aggregate

Aggregate for CTPB must comply with section 90-1.02C. Aggregate gradation must comply with the specifications for the 1" x no. 4 primary aggregate nominal size coarse gradation in section 90-1.02C(4)(b).


Store, proportion, mix, and transport aggregates, cement and water, under sections 90-1.02F and 90-1.02G except aggregate does not have to be separated into sizes and the quantity of water and penetration requirements do not apply.

Place CTPB under section 40-1.03F(1) except the 3rd paragraph does not apply.

Spread, compact, and shape CTPB under section 40-1.03F(4) or under section 40-1.03F(5). Vibrators must not be used.

Compact with a 2-axle steel-tired roller weighing from 6 to 10 tons. Compact within 30 minutes after spreading the CTPB. Compaction must consist of 2 complete passes of the CTPB.

Cure CTPB by sprinkling the completed surface with a fine spray of water every 2 hours for a period of 8 hours. Start curing the morning after base has been placed.

29-3.04 PAYMENT

Not Used

29-4–29-7 RESERVED


30-1.01 GENERAL

30-1.01A Summary

Section 30-1 includes general specifications for constructing reclaimed pavement bases.

30-1.01B Definitions

OMC: Optimum moisture content

30-1.01C Submittals

30-1.01C(1) General

At least 20 days before starting pavement reclamation work, submit the QC plan.

The QC plan must describe the organization, responsible parties, and procedures you will use to:

1. Perform QC including sampling, testing, and reporting

2. Determine action limits if corrective actions are needed

3. Implement corrective actions

4. Ensure pulverizing, compacting, grading, and finishing activities are coordinated

The QC plan must include copies of the forms that will be used to provide the required inspection records and sampling and testing results. Forms must show project requirements. The form for recording and reporting the QC measurements must show the proportions of materials used.

The QC plan must include a contingency plan that describes the corrective actions you will take in the event of equipment break down. The corrective actions must include repairing and reopening the roadway to traffic using minor HMA under section 39.

30-1.01C(2) Asphaltic Emulsion

For each dilution of asphaltic emulsion used on the finished reclaimed pavement surface submit as an informational submittal:

1. Asphaltic emulsion type

2. Weight ratio of water to bituminous material in the original asphaltic emulsion

3. Weight of asphaltic emulsion before diluting

4. Weight of added water

5. Final dilution weight ratio of water to asphaltic emulsion

30-1.01C(3) Quality Assurance Submittals

30-1.01C(3)(a) General

30-1.01C(3)(b) Test Strip

Submit a summary of the determinations made from test strips.
30-1.01C(3)(c) Quality Control Reporting

For each lot, submit a report daily that includes the following items based on the frequencies specified in the table for sampling locations and testing frequencies for the type of pavement reclamation work performed or if not specified, once per lot:

1. General Information:

1.1. Lot number

1.2. Location description

1.3. Beginning and ending stations

1.4. Lane number and offset from centerline

2. A summary of any weight or load slips for each weighed material indicating truck and trailer numbers, tare weight, gross weight, net weight, and date

3. For asphalt emulsion used on finished reclaimed pavement surface, if asphaltic emulsion is specified:

3.1. Emulsion type

3.2. Emulsion application rate in gal/sq yd

3.3. Emulsion dilution as the weight ratio of added water to the original asphaltic emulsion

4. Calculated supplementary aggregate application rate in lb/sq yd and percent of dry weight of reclaimed processed material if supplementary aggregate is specified

5. Calculated cement application rate by lb/sq yd and percent dry weight of reclaimed processed material if cement is specified

6. QC test results for:

6.1. Gradation

6.2. Moisture content, if applicable

6.3. In-place wet density

6.4. Relative compaction

6.5. Depth of cut

7. Note on the daily report the postmile or station limits of any unsuitable materials locations and when the Engineer was notified

Update each day's submitted report within 24 hours of obtaining test results. Consolidate all lots completed in a day into one report with each lot reported separately.

30-1.01D Quality Assurance

30-1.01D(1) General

Divide the area to be reclaimed into lots except the 1st test strip is the 1st lot and must be at least 2,000 sq yd. A quantity placed at the end of a work shift greater than 500 sq yd is considered 1 lot. If a quantity of reclaimed pavement placed at the end of a work shift is less than 500 sq yd, you may either count this quantity as 1 lot or include the test results for quality control in the previous lot.

For any lot including the test strip, stop reclaimed pavement activities and immediately inform the Engineer if any test result does not comply with the specifications.

Stop reclaimed pavement activities for noncompliance with the specifications. Before resuming activities:

1. Notify the Engineer of the adjustments you will make

2. Remedy or replace the noncompliant lot until it complies with specifications

3. Construct a 1000 sq yd test strip with proposed adjustments demonstrating ability to comply with the specifications

4. Obtain authorization

30-1.01D(2) Preoperation Meeting

Schedule a preoperation meeting at a mutually agreed time at the job site to meet with the Engineer. Discuss the project specifications and methods of performing each item of the work. Items discussed must include the processes for:

1. Determining the mix design

2. Production

3. Compacting

4. Grading

5. Finishing

6. Implementing the authorized QC plan

7. Implementing the contingency plan

8. QC sampling and testing

9. Acceptance criteria

Preoperation meeting attendees must sign an attendance sheet provided by the Engineer. The preoperation meeting must be attended by your:

1. Project superintendent

2. Project manager

3. QC manager

4. Workers and your subcontractor's workers, including:

4.1. Foremen

4.2. Ground supervisors

4.3. Representative from testing lab

Do not start pavement reclamation activities, including test strips, until the listed personnel have attended a preoperation meeting.

30-1.01D(3) Test Strip

On the 1st day of pavement reclamation activities and using the same equipment and materials that will be used during production, construct at least 1,500 feet in a single lane width to determine the:

1. Equipment, materials, and processes can produce reclaimed pavement in compliance with the specifications

2. Effect of varying the pulverizing machine's forward speed and drum rotation rate on the consistency of the pulverized material

3. Optimal proportions, as applicable, of supplementary aggregate, stabilizing agents, and water

4. Rolling method and sequence complies with the compaction and finishing specifications

5. Application rate of asphaltic emulsion, as applicable

Do not proceed with reclaimed pavement activities until the Engineer informs you the test strip is authorized. For production, adjustments to the equipment, material, and process determined by the test strip must be authorized. If QC or acceptance test results are not available, you may proceed at your own risk.

30-1.01D(4) Quality Control

30-1.01D(4)(a) General

30-1.01D(4)(b) Sampling and Testing

Take samples under California Test 125.

Testing must be performed by an authorized laboratory. Testing personnel for QC must be qualified under the Department's Independent Assurance Program.

Measure and record the actual cut depth at both ends of the pulverizing drum at least once every 300 feet along the cut length. Take measurements in the Engineer’s presence.

30-1.01D(5) Department Acceptance


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