Regular staff, management meetings with UNDP To overcome implementation challenges, regular operations meetings are conducted within JHRA and in coordination with the UNDP Country Office teams. Weekly engagements with UNDP Human Resources, Procurement and Finance Units, and all operations teams atone- stop-shop solutions meetings, have helped JHRA increase its effectiveness. Further areas which require escalation have been undertaken jointly with the Rule of Law Unit and senior management where necessary. VIII. FUTURE PLANS JHRA continues to build upon its current activities to achieve the expected outcomes of the project. In Q, JHRA-supported activities will include Hold national workshop on final ROLIS report NTA staff joint review with MOJ Initiate strategic planning process with Supreme Court Provide leadership training to female MOJ staff Facilitate legislative coordination workshops on Jirga- Shura law, law on obtaining rights, draft articles on land usurpation for penal code Expand LAGF to 7 provinces. Initiate procurement process to identify ME firm for LAGF Engage international consultant on EVAW court work and continue advocacy work and sharing of best practices for special EVAW court Establish NLTC in Herat through inauguration and first training programme. Hold national mayors conference on street vendors rights Hold monthly meetings for street vendors representatives Continue radio series on street vendors rights Execute outreach campaigns drafted by PLAU staff Expand PSA campaign to eight provinces Work on project design for JHRA Phase III