Request for Proposals ("erfp")

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Other Operational Data

General overview of current operation follows.

Purchasing Requirements (if applicable to service): If applicable, Purchasing and State of Georgia Department of Administrative Services (DOAS) have restrictions as to the dollar value of purchases up to $24,999.99, or applicable dollar value mandated by DOAS. Any order or service request (s) over $24,999.99 requires that Purchasing bid that project. There shall be not dividing of order(s) to circumvent these dollar limit requirements. Requests for specific functions not covered shall not exceed the total cost of the job by 10%.

University Owned Equipment: If applicable, the selected supplier will be responsible for any equipment damages or losses to the available equipment or supporting services as the University deems appropriate, excepting that normal wear and tear due to routine use of the equipment or services will not be considered as damage or loss. If applicable, the selected supplier may be responsible for maintenance of some equipment or cable or networking lines as it directly interfaces with the selected supplier's owned equipment.

Fuel – The selected Supplier’s fuel costs shall be built into the selected Supplier’s Hourly Service Rates as proposed in response to the eRFP.
The selected Supplier shall submit a monthly report (the "Fuel Report") to the University itemized by

PantherExpress Shuttle vehicle and, for each vehicle during that month, listing the type and amount of

fuel used, the beginning and ending odometer reading, and the mileage directly corresponding to the

PantherExpress Shuttle operations. Copies of receipts for all fuel consumed for PantherExpress Shuttle

Services for the month shall be attached to this monthly Fuel Report.

Adjustments for Fluctuations in Fuel Costs - The University shall use the process set forth below to review any requests by Supplier for fuel cost adjustments and all such requests are subject to the University's approval in its sole discretion.

Diesel - For adjustments in diesel fuel costs, the University will establish a benchmark price and conduct monthly comparisons of the prevailing cost of diesel fuel in the Atlanta area to the benchmark price. The prevailing fuel cost will be determined by reference to the CPI, Series ID: APUA30074717, Area: South, Size A. If the CPI price per gallon varies more than 5% from the benchmark price of FOUR DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($4.00) per gallon, a fuel adjustment in the form of a rebate (for decreases exceeding 5% below the benchmark price per gallon) or additional invoice (for increases exceeding 5% above the benchmark price per gallon) will be issued to the University based upon the actual gallons of diesel fuel consumed in the respective month.
Any fuel price adjustment will be noted as a rebate of payment in a statement separate from the monthly Service Invoice. Due to the delay in the availability of the CPI, Fuel Adjustment statements will typically follow the involved monthly invoice by four (4) to eight (8) weeks. If applicable, invoices and credits for fuel price adjustments shall be due and payable no later than the 15th day of each month, following the month in which the rebate or additional invoice due to fuel adjustment was determined by the University to be appropriate per the process set forth in this Paragraph. The invoice or rebate shall clearly indicate the month in which the fuel was used for the PantherExpress Shuttle service.

Adjustments to Hourly Service Rates – Any adjustments to Hourly Service Rates shall be subject to the prior written approval of the University. The University shall use the following process to review requests by Contractor to adjust Hourly Service Rates:

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) - All Urban Consumers, Area: South-Size Class A, Item: Transportation, Base Period 1982-84=100, Not Seasonally Adjusted. Any increases in the hourly rates will be based upon negotiations prior to each renewal period using February as the base month for each annual CPI review, and based upon an annual maximum of three percent (3%) or the referenced percentage change in the CPI, whichever is less.

The Supplier and University will annually review costs to determine if the hourly PantherExpress Shuttle Services and/or PantherExpress Charter Services rates shall be impacted and adjusted as an increase or decrease in rates. If the hourly bill rates are changed for any reason, the University and the Contractor may negotiate a change in the fuel benchmark price based upon mutual agreement.

Routes and Schedules - The routes and schedules as well as total hours of operation for the PantherExpress Shuttle service are designated in Exhibit I and any changes to PantherExpress Shuttle routes or schedules at the discretion of the University and are subject to prior written University approval via the Assistant Vice President for Auxiliary and Support Services.

      1. Facilities

Security: The selected supplier will maintain and keep the vehicles and its area secured with only authorized personnel operating the Shuttle vehicles. Any alarms and/or other security devices will be the responsibility of the selected supplier with the Georgia State University Police to be contacted on the call list for any and all security system alarms. The selected supplier will be required to contact the Georgia State University Police in case of a security alert or notification of a security breach.

Maintenance and Safety of Facilities: The University will require that the Shuttle Services vehicles are kept clean and that the selected supplier complies with existing procedures as to removal of debris, and other applicable procedures. The selected supplier will advise the University as to any preventative maintenance, or related issues pertaining to the University's responsibilities in the operation of the services. If the specific area is the University's responsibility, the Auxiliary and Support Services representative, or his/her designee, will directly contact the services areas for the repair and/or maintenance. The selected supplier shall address how routine maintenance will be accomplished.
The selected supplier will advise the University as to property damage and/or theft or any safety hazard, and will contact the designated Auxiliary and Support Services representative who will contact or have his/her designee contact the appropriate departments such as the Georgia State University Police or Safety and Risk Management.

Location of Vehicle Maintenance and Operations Facility: To ensure prompt service recovery, the selected supplier’s Vehicle Maintenance and Operations facility will be located within a 10 mile radius of the GSU Student Center located at 30 Courtland Street, Atlanta, Georgia. Red lines indicate N/S, E/W 10 mile grid.

      1. Operations

The designated primary representatives for the University for the Shuttle Services include the Assistant Vice President for Auxiliary and Support Services, the Director of Parking and Transportation and the Manager of Parking and Transportation Operations. The selected supplier's assigned Management personnel shall routinely meet with the representatives for Auxiliary and Support Services, and supply reports as indicated herein.

Operational Plan: The selected supplier shall provide both short term and long term operational plans to the University.

Campus Relations: The selected supplier will maintain good campus relations with the University community and maintain good working relationships with the individuals designated by the University to serve as the University's representative(s) without bias and/or favoritism. Selected supplier employees are expected to be goodwill ambassadors for Auxiliary and Support Services and for the University.

      1. Accounting and Financial Reporting

Accounting Reports and Audits: On a predetermined and routine basis, the selected supplier must reconcile its reports on services, charter sales; charges; and/or any monetary exchanges and provide monthly and annual accounting reports to the University regarding the selected supplier's operations at Georgia State University. The reports must reflect the total Shuttle Services operation at the University. These accounting and operational records must be forwarded as backup to any financial consideration in a timely manner, as required by the University, and no less than monthly to the Auxiliary and Support Services Office.
The selected supplier will be strictly accountable for all receipts, disbursements, collections, delinquency and any other applicable reports on the operation of the service and will reconcile these reports with the designated representative(s) as required. These accounting records must be kept on file at the selected supplier's office for accessibility and for review or audit upon demand with or without prior notification by Georgia State University. Furthermore, the University, at its discretion, may require an independent certified audit opinion of the annual financial statement for the Shuttle Services operation.
The University has a right to request appropriate changes in reports and will do so judiciously and in agreement with the selected supplier.

Invoices - Itemized invoices shall be due to the University no later than the 15th day of each month for the services of the previous month. Invoices shall be addressed to the Director of Parking and Transportation, Auxiliary and Support Services, P. O. Box 3971, Atlanta, Georgia 30302-3971. Payment of invoices by the University shall be made within thirty (30) days of the University’s receipt of the invoice. For each vehicle, Contractor shall also include beginning and ending odometer readings and mileage used in the PantherExpress Shuttle operations.

Payment to the University - All Payments to the University must be made by certified check, money order or Contractor's check, unless the University and the Contractor agree to an electronic form of payment, drawn to the order of Georgia State University and delivered to the Director of Parking and Transportation, Auxiliary and Support Services, P. O. Box 3971, Atlanta, Georgia 30302-3971. There will be a FIFTY DOLLAR AND NO CENTS ($50.00) late fee for all late payments plus interest at the rate of 1.5% per month. A TWENTY FIVE DOLLAR AND NO CENTS ($25.00) fee will be charged for all returned checks.

PantherExpress Shuttle Charter Services – Supplier shall provide charter pricing and any associated fees, in the cost proposal section of Supplier’s responses. Charter pricing shall be firm during the first year of the Agreement, unless otherwise mutually agreed by the parties. Any adjustments to Hourly Service Rates shall be subject to the prior written approval of the University. The University shall use the following process to review requests by Contractor to adjust Hourly Service Rates:
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) - All Urban Consumers, Area: South-Size Class A, Item: Transportation, Base Period 1982-84=100, Not Seasonally Adjusted. Any increases in the hourly rates will be based upon negotiations prior to each renewal period using February as the base month for each annual CPI review, and based upon an annual maximum of three percent (3%) or the referenced percentage change in the CPI, whichever is less.

If applicable, either party may establish an electronic and/or on-line reservation system for the PantherExpress chartering services for incorporation into selected supplier’s operation.

Taxes and Fees - The selected supplier shall be responsible for any and all federal, state and local taxes and fees required for the provision of the Services.

Review of Records – At all reasonable times, the University has the right to review the selected supplier’s records concerning the services provided under the Agreement resulting herefrom.

      1. Operational Responsibilities Including Utilities

Utilities, Operational/Phone Lines – If the University assigns space to the selected supplier, the selected Supplier shall be responsible for the cost of all utilities for the assigned area, and any other applicable operational lines (i.e. lines for voice, data, credit card terminals, etc.). University shall bill selected supplier for utilities and use of phone/operational lines except in cases where the involved utilities or services are separately metered or separately billed in which case selected supplier shall remit payment directly to the invoicing entity. The selected Supplier shall be responsible for all long distance, directory or operator-assisted phone calls made using University telephone lines. The selected Supplier shall reimburse all such expenses to the University within thirty (30) days of date of invoice.
Common Areas Charge – If the University assigns space to the selected supplier, the University also reserves the right to charge the selected Supplier a predetermined fee as a common areas charge for common area usage of electricity, cable or telephone lines, computer data lines, computer/pc networking and trouble-shooting services, data services, removal and recycling of refuse, pest control and any other applicable fees with regards to any common areas of the assigned space. The University reserves the right to change such fees upon sixty (60) days written notice to reflect any increases/decreases in the associated costs to the University.
If applicable for selected supplier on-site facilities or space utilization, the following information represents the minimal responsibilities of the selected supplier unless otherwise mutually agreed upon, preferably in writing, by the University and the selected supplier. If the selected supplier is given access to or use of any University owned items or equipment, the selected supplier must not relocate, destroy, or alter University property. Surplus of any University owned property made available for use by the selected supplier shall be processed by and subject to the approval of the University via the Office of the Assistant Vice President for Auxiliary and Support Services.

      1. General Selected Supplier Requirements

The selected supplier shall provide and routinely update the University as to changes in ownership, business operations; construction or renovation plans, and/or as to any pertinent changes or occurrences with the selected supplier and its operation.

The selected supplier will maintain appropriate communications regarding, but not limited to, any changes in activity; applicable marketing plan(s); and any routine analysis or recommendations.

      1. Additional Requirements

Applicable to selected suppliers who park at the University: Limited parking privileges, if parking is available, outside of what is outlined in this RFP may be obtained by the selected supplier for a limited number of employees at a price to be set by Auxiliary and Support Services based at a current rate established by Georgia State University with payment in advance upon receipt of an invoice and/or payment due upon arrival for specified visits. Those selected suppliers who request parking on a monthly basis for the selected supplier's employees will be monthly invoiced in advance by Auxiliary and Support Services and will be requested to pay for selected supplier employee parking and a separate check made payable to Georgia State University.
It is the responsibility of the selected supplier to register its employees in a timely manner with Auxiliary and Support Services and to obtain procedures and information as to any service vehicle parking permits and parking payment. Nonpayment of fees shall result in the loss of parking privileges. It is the selected supplier's responsibility to return all decals, tags or other designated parking items when the selected supplier or any of his/her employees leave voluntarily or are terminated. The selected supplier will be responsible for all permits and any parking citations attributable to such permits.

If, because of reasons beyond the control of the University (i.e., fire; weather; operational closings (local, state or federal mandated or suggested closings); etc.), business operations at the University or in any facility is interrupted or stopped, the University shall have no liability for any loss of consumables, service costs or any other applicable losses. Furthermore, in such emergency or extenuating circumstances such as those noted above the University has the right to suspend or to terminate the Agreement by giving written notice to suspend by certified mail without penalty.

Furthermore, the University shall not be responsible for the disappearance of any of the selected supplier owned items; damage; or theft whether or not due to break-ins, burglary, power failure, hurricanes, electrical storms, other acts of God, or acts, functions or events beyond the control of the University, the machines, or associated products. The University will not be responsible for any losses resulting from any electrical or similar systems and the failure on the part of the selected supplier for not providing backup facilities and/or power; nor will the University be responsible for any losses resulting from interruptions in utility services or any other such failure of utilities (water, gas, electricity, telephone, cable, etc.) and/or power.

      1. Selected Supplier’s Management and Other Personnel

The selected supplier will provide at minimum the following management and supervisory personnel dedicated to Panther Express operations:

  1. One (1) Region Director of Operations, who will be responsible for supervising the day-to-day operations within the Atlanta area (permissible to be shared with other Atlanta-area clients).

  2. One (1) Operations Manager who is responsible for supervising the day-to-day Panther Express Shuttle operations.

  3. One (1) Day Supervisor and one (1) Evening Supervisor to oversee drivers assigned to the Panther Express Shuttle operations. Weekend coverage will be rotated, ensuring coverage within a normal 40 hour work week.

The selected supplier shall agree to employ only those persons who have the training, and working habits that are judged to be suitable in the atmosphere of an academic institution. The University shall have the right to demand an immediate change of management and personnel serving the University's premises without recourse or explanation, but will exercise that right judiciously. Each employee should be interviewed by the selected supplier with respect to his or her attitude, personal hygiene, etc. Suppliers shall submit résumés, including educational and experiential backgrounds of the management and supervisory staff members that would be assigned to the PantherExpress operations.
The success of the Georgia State University Shuttle Service depends upon the drivers working as a team to provide the safest and most efficient service possible to passengers. The primary objective of the Shuttle Services is the safe operation of the vehicles. However, the selected supplier’s personnel must be courteous at all times and are expected to answer questions and provide information and assistance to passengers when needed.

The selected supplier's personnel represent Georgia State University and are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times to foster positive relations with the University community and members of the surrounding community.

Regarding the selected supplier and its personnel, the selected supplier will provide to the University its Policies and Procedures as to Drug and Alcohol testing (initial and frequency) as outlined in the most recent DOT requirements including compliance if applicable with the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991: Disciplinary Action and Termination procedures, and policy of notification of same to the University representative; Training methods and programs (in-services, conferences, associations or professional organizations and their conferences, or any other format).

The selected supplier's management and personnel training should include, but not be limited to, a program which will ensure that all employees perform their jobs with the highest standards of efficiency, courtesy, and professionalism.

All of the selected supplier's personnel (Management, Supervisors, Support Personnel, and Drivers) shall receive periodic refresher training ( at minimum, before the beginning of each academic term of the University) conducted by the selected supplier, in matters pertaining to safety, customer service, and other matters of importance in Panther Express operations.

All selected supplier management and personnel shall wear seasonal uniforms, subject to approval by the University; readily recognizable as to the selected supplier's company name with all uniforms clean and well maintained. Selected supplier's personnel will not wear personal jackets or personal hats during Shuttle Service hours of operation. Selected supplier's management and personnel shall have name identification badges that are easily readable, and will be required to show proper identification when Security or University personnel request such identification.


  1. The selected supplier shall provide one (1) Regional Director of Operations who will be responsible for supervising day-to-day operations within the Atlanta area (permissible to be shared with other Atlanta-area clients). In addition, the selected supplier shall provide one (1) dedicated Operations Manager and two (2) dedicated Supervisory personnel, on the sites of Panther Express services, to oversee daily PantherExpress operations, including day, evening and weekend shifts. The University reserves the right to request specific staffing for the on-site locations and times to be staffed by the Operations Manager and two Supervisory personnel during periods of Panther Express operations, understanding that such hours are limited to a 40 hour work week as well as allowing for specific office time needs. Such needs include, but are not limited to, fit-for-duty checks of drivers at the beginning of their shifts, as well as various reporting needs required by both the University and the supplier.

  2. The on-site Operations Manager will be responsible for supervising the day-to-day operations of the PantherExpress services provided by the Contractor and shall be the local primary direct contact for the University regarding the performance of the PantherExpress services. When not performing required duties in the office, the operations manager shall also provide on-site supervision throughout PantherExpress stops, on all routes of the PantherExpress services, working with the other supervisory personnel and PantherExpress drivers to assure that targeted services levels are maintained for bus departure times, running times, recovery times, and total round-trip cycle times on the PantherExpress routes.

  3. The Supervisory personnel will be responsible for routinely reviewing and inspecting all PantherExpress vehicle operations as well as other duties as assigned. In addition to being on the sites of PantherExpress operations to provide dispatching and supervision of PantherExpress drivers at the Turner Field Blue Lot and at the Langdale Hall PantherExpress stops, the supervisory personnel will work with the Operations Manager and PantherExpress drivers to assure that targeted services levels are maintained for bus departure times, running times, recovery times, and total round-trip cycle times on the PantherExpress routes.

  4. Unless otherwise directed by the University, the selected supplier shall assure that the Operations Manager and Supervisory personnel will dispatch and supervise the drivers at the Turner Field Blue Lot and at the Langdale Hall PantherExpress stops. Such times for targeted on-site supervision will be directed by the University, and will allow for other in-office work requirements and work at the supplier’s operating base, within the availability of staff work schedules.

  5. The selected supplier's Managers will be responsible for the oversight of daily routes and direct supervision of all drivers assigned to the PantherExpress Shuttle operation. The Managers will work directly with the Director of Parking and Transportation and with the Manager of Parking and Transportation Operations.

  6. Ideally, supervision will be provided during peak periods at Turner Field to monitor passenger loads and ensure optimal spacing between buses. However, unannounced observations should also be made during off-peak times to ensure drivers are on-task and operations are running smoothly.

  7. The selected supplier must designate a full-time Shuttle Services Manager(s) for each work shift to remain in radio and telephone contact with the Auxiliary and Support Services, Parking and Transportation Office to mutually assist and communicate with other transportation vehicles, with Georgia State University Police; and/or to assist in the resolution of any problems, emergencies, or pertinent exchange information which may arise.

  8. The Shuttle Services Manager will routinely review operations, inspect vehicles, personally fill staff vacancies if necessary, consult with Auxiliary and Support Services on current and future service programs, and act with full authority on the selected supplier's behalf and in any and all matters pertaining to the specifics of the Agreement.

  9. The Manager will possess a valid Class B commercial driver's license and be able to assume driving responsibilities on any route where the scheduled driver is unable to perform his/her duties.

  10. All selected supplier Shuttle Services Management personnel shall be clearly identifiable and available to assist when their services are needed.

  11. An emergency contact list of all selected supplier Management personnel must be provided and kept up to date with Auxiliary and Support Services.

  12. The selected supplier and his/her personnel shall observe all rules and regulations of the University. Failure to observe such rules and regulations shall be reason for removal of the selected firm's personnel from the University's grounds and may result in the University requiring dismissal from the selected supplier’s operations in providing PantherExpress services for the University, due to less than satisfactory or unacceptable performance, at the discretion of the University and replacement of such personnel. Smoking is prohibited on the University campus and will only be allowed in University designated areas.

  13. Since there are certain restricted areas on campus, the selected supplier or his/her employees shall only enter the areas outlined in this Agreement.

Personnel – General:

  1. All personnel shall be trained to follow safety regulations such as mandated by the applicable laws, rules and regulations of the city, University, state and federal agencies. Furthermore the selected supplier will restrict employees with infections or any other health concerns required by the rules and regulations of the Board of Health.

  2. The selected supplier shall be an equal opportunity employer and shall neither discriminate nor permit discrimination in its operations or employment practices against any person or group of persons on the grounds of age, race, color, religion, national origin, sex or disability in any manner prohibited by law.

  3. The selected supplier is responsible for training of its personnel to ensure proper accessibility to the disabled or to anyone who needs such assistance in the areas as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (and any other applicable federal and state laws).

  4. The University has the right to approve all Shuttle Services Management personnel as well as Shuttle Services drivers.

Additional Management and Personnel Requirements - The University will require that the selected supplier quarterly inform the University as to the driver requirements including, but not limited to the following:

  1. The selected supplier shall agree to employ sufficient number of qualified personnel tor safe and efficient operations.

  2. The selected supplier's personnel will possess the following minimum qualifications and requirements:

  1. All drivers must have a High School diploma or GED.

  2. All drivers must have a Class B Commercial Driver's License with passenger endorsement.

  3. Air Brake Endorsement will be required for drivers to operate any vehicle so equipped.

  4. A driver may have no more than one (1) moving violation for each of the past five (5) years, prior to employment.

  5. A driver may not continue to drive if he or she receives more than two (2) moving violations within any twelve (12)-month period after employment.

  6. Drivers must pass the federally mandated drug screening and agree to random drug testing as a condition of their employment.

  7. While operating University Shuttle vehicles, drivers will not wear earphones, audio equipment for the purpose of listening to music or recorded materials other than announcements approved by the University, nor use and will not talk on cell phones or respond to pagers while driving.

  1. Under no circumstance will the selected supplier employ any Shuttle Service personnel (i.e., drivers or management) assigned to this Agreement who have any felony convictions or convictions for drug or alcohol offenses.

      1. Directory: PRSapp -> bid-documents -> EQ Folder
        EQ Folder -> 6 Full Power Racks with Pull Up Bar (Maximum 8 feet tall)
        bid-documents -> Request for Qualifications
        bid-documents -> Invitation to bid your firm is hereby invited to submit to the City of Atlanta, Department of Procurement “dop
        bid-documents -> Invitation to bid your firm is hereby invited to submit to the City of Atlanta, Department of Procurement “dop
        bid-documents -> Wednesday, September 10, 2014 addendum number 1 Solicitation Number: itb 900 15-625 Title: Parking Areas & Decks Cleaning & Sweeping
        bid-documents -> Invitation to bid your firm is hereby invited to submit to the City of Atlanta, Department of Procurement “dop
        bid-documents -> Atlanta Falcons Stadium Company, llc (“Falcons”) Georgia World Congress Center Authority (“Authority”)
        EQ Folder -> Attachment "E"
        EQ Folder -> Georgia department of corrections

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