Review for Final: mc general History

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African Trading Kingdoms

  • One similarity between the Ancient African kingdoms of Egypt, Ghana, Mali and Songhai is that all of these kingdoms were located

      1. in mountainous terrain

      2. in coastal areas

      3. on major trading routes

      4. in rain forest areas

    1. Mansa Musa’s journey to Mecca in the 1300’s is evidence that

      1. the Crusades had a great influence on western Africa

      2. most African leaders were educated in the Middle East

      3. European culture was superior to the cultures of western Africa

      4. Islam had a major influence on the Mali Empire
      5. Byzantine Empire

    2. “Western Europe owed a debt of gratitude to the Empire that for almost a thousand years ensured the survival of Christianity during a time when Europe was too weak to accomplish the task.”
      Which Empire is referred to in this quotation?

      1. Hellenistic

      2. Mongol

      3. Byzantine

      4. Ottoman

    1. An influence that spread from the Byzantine Empire to Early Russia was the

      1. Orthodox Christian religion

      2. use of the Latin alphabet

      3. beginning of democracy

      4. factory system

    1. Which empire introduced the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Cyrillic alphabet to Russia?

      1. Mongol

      2. Byzantine

      3. British

      4. Gupta
      1. Islamic Empires / Spread of Islam

    1. A major feature of the Golden Age of Moslem culture was the

      1. political and economic isolation of the Arab world

      2. development of the foundations of modern science and mathematics

      3. adoption of democratic government

      4. persecution of Jews and Christians

    1. Which factor helps explain the scientific and literary achievements of the Muslims during their Golden Age (A.D. 800-1300)?

      1. expansion of trans-Atlantic trade

      2. innovations introduced by the Europeans during the Renaissance

      3. cultural diversity accepted by many Islamic governments

      4. legal equality of all people in the Islamic empire

    2. Mansa Musa’s journey to Mecca in the 1300’s is evidence that

      1. the Crusades had a great influence on western Africa

      2. most African leaders were educated in the Middle East

      3. European culture was superior to the cultures of western Africa

      4. Islam had a major influence on the Mali Empire

    3. Which activity occurred during the Golden Age of Muslim culture?

      1. destruction of books containing Greek and Roman ideas

      2. beginning of pilgrimages to Mecca

      3. opposition to freedom of thought and to foreign ideas by rulers

      4. major discoveries in mathematics and science

    4. The contributions of the Golden Age of Islamic civilization include

      1. advances in mathematics

      2. irrigation systems

      3. polytheistic beliefs

      4. gunpowder and guns
      1. Medieval Europe

    1. In Europe during the Middle Ages, increases in trade and commerce resulted in

      1. lower living standards for industrial workers

      2. decreased economic rivalry between kings

      3. increased political power for the clergy

      4. development of towns and cities

    1. “All things were under its domain...its power was such that no one could hope to escape its scrutiny.”
      Which European institution during the Middle Ages is best described by this statement?

      1. the Guild

      2. Knighthood

      3. the Church

      4. the nation-state

    1. The Middle Ages in Western Europe was characterized by

      1. the manor system and the importance of land ownership

      2. absolute monarchies and strong central governments

      3. decreased emphasis on religion in daily life

      4. extensive trade with Asia and the Middle East

    2. Feudal societies are generally characterized by

      1. an emphasis on social order

      2. a representative government

      3. many economic opportunities

      4. the protection of political rights

    1. In Europe, a long-term effect of the Crusades was

      1. the strengthening of the feudal system

      2. the adoption of Islamic religious practices

      3. an increased demand for goods from the East

      4. increased European isolation

    1. The art, music, and philosophy of the medieval period in Europe generally dealt with

      1. human scientific achievements

      2. religious themes

      3. materialism

      4. classic Greek and Roman subjects

    1. Which statement best describes the result of the Crusades?

      1. Europeans maintained a lasting control over much of the Middle East

      2. Islamic influence dominated Europe

      3. Europeans developed tolerance of Non-Christian religions

      4. trade between Europe and the Middle East was expanded

    2. What were two indirect results of the Crusades?

      1. trade and commerce increased and the feudal system was strengthened

      2. trade and commerce declined and the feudal system was strengthened

      3. trade and commerce increased and the feudal system was weakened

      4. trade and commerce declined and the feudal system was weakened

    3. In Europe during the Middle Ages, the force that provided unification and stability was the

      1. central government in Rome

      2. military alliance between France and Germany

      3. federation of the craft guilds

      4. Roman Catholic Church

    1. In European feudal society, an individual’s social status was generally determined by

      1. birth

      2. education and training

      3. individual abilities

      4. marriage

    1. Which economic system existed in Europe during the early Middle Ages?

      1. free market

      2. socialism

      3. manorialism

      4. command

    1. A major goal of the Christian Church during the Crusades (1096–1291) was to

      1. establish Christianity in western Europe

      2. capture the Holy Land from Islamic rulers

      3. unite warring Arab peoples

      4. strengthen English dominance in the Arab world

      1. Feudal Japan

    1. Korea greatly influenced the development of early Japan by

      1. acting as a bridge for ideas from China

      2. providing Japan with the technology for industrialization

      3. serving as a barrier against Chinese aggression

      4. protecting Japan from early European exploration

    2. In Japan between 1603 and 1868, the most notable action taken by the Tokugawa Shogunate was the

      1. military conquest of China

      2. development of extensive trade with the Americas

      3. formation of cultural links with Europe

      4. virtual isolation of the country from the outside world

    1. The code of bushido of the Japanese samurai is most similar to

      1. belief in reincarnation and karma of Hindus

      2. practice of chivalry by European knights

      3. teachings of Judaism

      4. theory of natural rights of the Enlightenment writers

    1. A valid generalization about early Japanese culture is that Japan

      1. had a strong influence on the development of culture in Korea

      2. spread Shinto throughout Asia

      3. maintained a uniquely individual culture while borrowing much from other cultures

      4. imported almost all of its cultural ideas from China, resulting in nearly identical cultures

    2. Mongol Empire

    3. The Mongols played a significant role in Russian history by

      1. supporting Czar Nicholas II during the Russian Revolution

      2. supporting the rule of Ivan the Terrible

      3. ending the reign of Catherine the Great

      4. isolating Russia from Western Europe during the early Renaissance

    4. European Renaissance

    5. In Europe, a major characteristic of humanism was

      1. a belief in the supremacy of the state in relation to individual rights

      2. a rejection of ancient civilizations and their cultures

      3. an emphasis on social control and obedience to national rulers

      4. an appreciation for the basic worth of individual achievement

    6. Which statement best describes a characteristic of the Renaissance in Europe?

      1. the social structure became very rigid

      2. creativity in the arts was encouraged

      3. the political structure was similar to that of the Roman Empire

      4. humanism decreased in importance

    7. Europe is waking out of a long, deep sleep…time was when learning was only found in the religious orders…learning has passed to secular princes and peers.”
      This quotation best describes the

      1. Renaissance

      2. decline of the Roman Empire

      3. Crusades

      4. rise of Christianity

    1. Which statement describes a direct effect of the Renaissance on Western Europe?

      1. the philosophy of humanism brought about a decrease in the power of the Roman Catholic Church

      2. art began to reflect an increased emphasis on religious themes

      3. nationalistic movements among the minority ethnic groups in the region declines

      4. the feudal system was developed to provide stability in a decentralized political structure

    2. The Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation were similar in that both were

      1. stimulated by a spirit of inquiry

      2. supported by the working class

      3. limited to Italy, France, and Germany

      4. encouraged by the successes of the French Revolution

    1. One factor that enabled the Renaissance to flourish in Northern Italy was that the region had

      1. a wealthy class that invested in the arts

      2. a socialist for of government

      3. limited contact with the Byzantine Empire

      4. a shrinking middle class

    1. European society during the Renaissance differed from European society during the Middle Ages in that during the Renaissance

      1. the Church was no longer influential

      2. the emphasis on individual worth increased

      3. economic activity declined

      4. art no longer contained religious themes

    1. Which idea about leadership would Niccolo Machiavelli most likely support?

      1. leaders should do whatever is necessary to achieve their goals

      2. leaders should fight against discrimination and intolerance

      3. leaders should listen to the desires of the people

      4. elected leaders should be fair and good

    2. Reformation & Counter-Reformation

    3. Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses were a call for

      1. religious revolt against the German princes

      2. reforms within the Roman Catholic Church

      3. greater papal authority

      4. crusades to spread Christianity

    1. In Western Europe, a major immediate effect of the Reformation was a

      1. renewed domination of the Catholic Church over the German states

      2. greater tolerance of religions other than Christianity

      3. decrease in educational opportunities for the middle class

      4. decline in religious unity and in the power of the Catholic Church

    2. During the Renaissance, which development contributed most to the Protestant Reformation?

      1. interest in Ancient Greece and Rome

      2. advances in mathematics and science

      3. questioning of traditional authority

      4. attention to realism and detail

    1. Which was a result of the Protestant Reformation in Europe?

      1. the Catholic Church accepted the dominance of the new Protestant religions in Italy, France, and Germany

      2. Spain became a predominately Protestant nation

      3. Catholic Church leaders refused to make any changes in church practices

      4. the power of the Catholic Church in Europe was weakened

    2. Which factor helped most to bring about the Protestant Reformation?

      1. the Catholic clergy had lost faith in their religion

      2. Islam was attracting many converts in Western Europe

      3. kings and princes in Northern Europe resented the power of the Catholic Church

      4. the exploration of the Americas led to the introduction of new religious ideas

    3. The Protestant Reformation represents a turning point in European history because it

      1. allowed religious reformers to escape persecution

      2. standardized all religious writings

      3. ended religious unity in Western Europe

      4. forced most of Europe’s monarchs to become Protestants

    1. “Unless I am convinced by Scripture and plain reason... my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will hot recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise.”

    2. —Martin Luther, Diet of Worms (1517)

    3. When Martin Luther said “my conscience is captive to the Word of God,” he was referring to his belief in

      1. the supremacy of the Bible over Church policies

      2. imprisoning those who disagreed with Church teachings

      3. maintaining the unity of the Church

      4. the need for nepotism

    1. Martin Luther’s posting of the Ninety-Five Theses is considered by many to be a turning point in history because

      1. the Pope’s right to sell indulgences was strengthened

      2. Luther soon became the leader of Germany

      3. the power of the Roman Catholic Church was lessened and royal power grew

      4. the Roman Catholic Church unified the German states

    2. In Spain, an effect of the Inquisition during the 16th century was to

      1. prevent the introduction of Protestant religions

      2. reintroduce Moorish culture to the Iberian Peninsula

      3. encourage the development of the Industrial Revolution

      4. implement the ideas of the Renaissance in major cities

    3. Age of Exploration

    4. In Latin America, the Maya and the Aztec civilizations were similar in that they

      1. showed little evidence of urbanization

      2. lacked a strong central government

      3. developed complex mathematical and calendar systems

      4. used military weapons superior to those of Europeans

    1. A study of the Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations of Latin America would show that these civilizations

      1. developed advanced and complex societies before the arrival of the Europeans

      2. established extensive trade with Pacific Rim nations

      3. were strongly influenced by their contact with Asian and African civilizations

      4. were relatively large, but not well organized

    2. Which was a result of the Commercial Revolution

      1. decline in population growth in Europe

      2. shift of power from Western Europe to Eastern Europe

      3. spread of feudalism throughout Western Europe

      4. expansion of European influence overseas

    1. The Commercial Revolution in Western Europe led directly to the

      1. development of a socialist economy

      2. establishment of the Guild System

      3. weakening of the power of the middle class

      4. expansion of world trade

    1. Which system developed as a result of the Commercial Revolution

      1. manorialism

      2. communism

      3. bartering

      4. market economy

    1. Which of these events during the Age of Exploration was a cause of the other three?

      1. Europeans brought food, animals, and ideas from one continent to another

      2. European diseases had an adverse effect on the native populations of new territories

      3. warfare increased as European nations competed for land and power

      4. advances in learning and technology made long ocean voyages possible

    2. The Native American population of Mexico in 1492 has been estimated at 25 million; the population in 1608 has been estimated at 1.7 million. This decrease in population was mainly a result of

      1. crop failures brought on by poor weather conditions

      2. emigration of Native Americans to Europe and Africa

      3. wars between various native groups

      4. diseases introduced by the Spanish

    1. In Latin America during the early period of Spanish colonialism, the deaths of large numbers of the native people led to

      1. a decline in Spanish immigration to the Americas

      2. the removal of most Spanish troops from the Americas

      3. the importation of slaves from Africa

      4. improved health care in the colonies

    1. One reason the Spanish conquistadors were able to conquer the Aztec and Inca Empires rapid is that

      1. these empires had no standing armies

      2. the Spanish had better weapons than the Aztecs and Incas did

      3. the Spanish greatly outnumbered the Aztecs and Incas

      4. the Aztecs and Incas joined together to fight the Spanish

    2. Which was a characteristic of the policy of mercantilism followed by Spanish colonial rulers in Latin America?

      1. the colonies were forced to develop local industries to support themselves

      2. Spain sought trade agreements between its colonies and the English colonies in North America

      3. the colonies were required to provide raw materials to Spain and to purchase Spanish manufactured goods

      4. Spain encouraged the colonies to develop new political systems to meet colonial needs

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