Review of plans, policies and

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  • DCLG (November 2006) Minerals Policy Statement 1: Planning and Minerals

  • DCLG (March 2005) Minerals Policy Statement 2: Controlling and mitigating the environmental effects of mineral extraction in England

  • ODPM (November 1996) Minerals Planning Guidance 7: Reclamation of mineral workings

  • GONW (2008) The North West Plan: Regional Spatial Strategy to 2021

  • HM Government (March 2005) Securing the Future - UK Government sustainable development strategy

  • Salford City Council (2009) City of Salford Unitary Development Plan 2004-2016 – Policies saved beyond 21 June 2009



  • Local authorities should work with stakeholders in the preparation of sub- regional studies of renewable energy resources so as to gain a thorough understanding of the supplies available and how they can best be used to meet national, regional and local targets (RSS, Policy EM17).

  • Local authorities and other public organisations should work in partnership to undertake local area studies. The studies will assess the scale, potential and mechanisms for implementing energy efficiency measures and deploying renewable energy infrastructure (North West Energy Strategy, pg 16)

  • Planning policy must encourage the use of more environment-friendly forms of energy systems (Guiding Principles for Sustainable Spatial Development of the European Continent [2000], para 37).

  • Local authorities should through their plans, programmes and strategies, promote sustainable energy production and consumption in accordance with the principles of the Energy Hierarchy set out below:

    1. Minimise demand for energy and cut unnecessary use (preferred)

    2. Energy use to be as efficient as possible

    3. Renewable energy to be used and renewable sources developed

    4. Any Continuing use of fossil and other fuels to be clean and efficient for heating and CHP (option of last resort)

(North West Energy Strategy, pg 6).

  • LPAs should ensure that development plans contribute to global sustainability by addressing the causes and potential impacts of climate change, through policies which reduce energy use, reduce emissions and promote the development of renewable energy resources (PPS1, para 13[ii]).

  • Regional and local development plans would be expected to have regard to proposed national policy statements on infrastructure (Energy White Paper, 2007 para 8.81).

  • Local authorities have a growing role to play in helping to meet our energy policy goals by leading carbon emission reduction in their communities (Energy White Paper, 2007, para 9.11)

  • Towns and cities need to be more efficient and resilient. Each should produce an energy strategy, involving the utility companies, that maps current and future needs and sets out a plan for future provision, prioritising a range of low carbon, sustainable energy sources (Hallmarks of a Sustainable City p10)

ENERGY AND THE HOME / FUEL POVERTY (Also see Design and Construction)

  • Home energy conservation and fuel poverty strategies should set improvement targets in line with national policy, and be informed by best practice (North West Energy Strategy, pg 16).

  • Ensure that every home is adequately and affordably heated (Energy White Paper, para 1.18).

  • Ensure that fuel poverty is eliminated across the North West by 2016-18 (Advancing Sustainable Energy –a Sustainable Energy Strategy for the North West, para 1.1).

  • Tackle the growing number of NW households living in fuel poverty…enhancing the energy efficiency of poor quality private stock will make a vitally important contribution (NW Regional Housing Strategy)

  • The Government has targets of, as far as practicable, ending fuel poverty in England in vulnerable households by 2010 and in all households by 2016 (UK Climate Change Programme, March 2006, pg 43).

ENERGY AND WASTE (Also see Recycling and Waste Management)

  • Where viable, waste should be used as a source of energy (Securing the future – UK government sustainable development strategy, pg 63).

  • Value in the form of energy should be recovered from waste that is not recycled (RSS Policy EM11).

  • Waste should be used to generate energy only when reducing waste, re-using, recycling or composting are unfeasible (PPS10, Annex C) (North West Energy Strategy, pg 16)

  • The Government and the National Assembly believe that recovery of energy from waste, through using it as a fuel, has an important role to play alongside recycling and composting in a system of sustainable waste management (UK Waste Strategy, para 2.23).


  • Increase energy efficiency (Securing the future – UK government sustainable development strategy, pg 19).

  • Local authorities should encourage energy conservation (MCRSS, para 5.17)(Home Energy Conservation Act 1995, para 1.2) (North West Energy Strategy, pg 16).

  • Local authorities should ensure that their approach to energy is based on minimizing consumption and demand, promoting maximum efficiency and minimum waste in all aspects of local planning, development and energy consumption (RSS, Policy EM16).

  • Development plan policies should seek to minimise the need to consume new resources over the lifetime of the development by making more efficient use or reuse of resources (PPS1, para 22).

  • Plans and strategies must actively facilitate reductions in energy requirements and improvements in energy efficiency by incorporating robust policies which require minimum energy efficiency standards equivalent to the Energy Savings Trust’s current best practice for new development and refurbishment schemes (RSS, Policy EM16).

  • The energy efficiency of conventional power stations should be improved (Guiding Principles for Sustainable Spatial Development of the European Continent [2000], para 44).

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