The three fundamental goals of European Policy are:
Economic and social cohesion;
Conservation of natural resources and cultural heritage; and
More balanced competitiveness of the European territory. (European Spatial Development Perspective para 18)
Improve policy coherence and ensure sustainable development is the central objective (A Sustainable Europe for a Better World p.6):
Limit climate change and increase the use of clean energy (A Sustainable Europe for a Better World p.10)
Address threats to public health including food safety and quality, use of chemicals and outbreaks of infectious diseases (A Sustainable Europe for a Better World p.11)
Manage natural resources more responsibly, break the links between economic growth, the use of resources and the generation of waste, protect and restore habitats and natural systems and halt the loss of biodiversity (A Sustainable Europe for a Better World p.12)
Improve the transport system, decouple transport growth from GDP, bring about a shift from road to rail, water and public transport (A Sustainable Europe for a Better World p.12)
Improve land-use management, promote more balanced regional development by reducing disparities in economic activity and maintaining the viability of rural and urban communities (A Sustainable Europe for a Better World p.12)
Development plans should apply the following key principles:
Pursue sustainable development in an integrated manner;
Contribute to global sustainability by addressing the causes and potential impacts of climate change;
A spatial planning approach should be at the heart of planning for sustainable development;
Promote high quality inclusive design not just for the short-term but over the lifetime of the development;
Provide clear, comprehensive and inclusive access policies in terms of both location and external physical access;
Community involvement is an essential element in delivering sustainable development and creating sustainable and safe communities (summarised from PPS1 para 13)
Create sustainable communities in which people want to live and: are economically prosperous; have decent homes at prices people can afford; safeguard the countryside; enjoy a well-designed, accessible and pleasant living and working environment; are effectively and fairly governed with a strong sense of community (Sustainable communities in the NW p3)
Local authorities have a critical role in supporting the economy of their area, key roles include:
Leadership and coordination, using their community leadership role and planning powers to set out a clear framework for local development;
Supporting growth and development through ensuring a responsive supply of land that supports business growth and increases housing supply;
Use their land assets to leverage private funding to support growth;
Directly and indirectly influencing investment decisions via the use of statutory powers, particularly the planning system;
Support local infrastructure;
Support local people and businesses;
Providing high quality services, such as schools and transport;
Keep markets fair by maintaining trading standards and provide wider services and investment that increase the attractiveness of an area; and
Leading efforts to support and improve health and well-being of the local population, promoting independence and rehabilitation to ensure that all individuals have the maximum opportunity to benefit from work and to contribute to the local economy (Local Growth White Paper – Box 2a paragraph 2.3)
Establish the North of England as an area of exceptional opportunity, combining a world-class economy with a superb quality of life. (Moving Forward: NWGS para 1.9)
Reduce the pressure on the South by unlocking the unrealised potential of the North (Moving Forward: NWGS para 1.25)
Building sustainable communities and achieving regeneration in the North West is a national, as well as regional, priority (Sustainable communities in the North West – Building for the future)
Manchester and Leeds are the two city regions that appear to have the momentum and capacity to develop most quickly into European-level competitive cities…Together, even more than separately, the Leeds and Manchester city regions offer a genuine alternative to London (Moving Forward: NWGS para1.26)
By 2021 we will see a NW that has realised higher quality of life for all its citizens through improved prosperity, embracing the principles of sustainable development, thereby reducing economic and other disparities within the NW and with the UK as a whole (RSS vision)
The following principles should be applied to all plans and strategies in the North West which apply to development and management of different land uses:
Promote sustainable communities
Promote sustainable economic development
Make the best use of existing resources and infrastructure
The first priority for growth should be the regional centres of Manchester and Liverpool; the second priority should be the inner areas surrounding these regional centres. Emphasis should be placed on areas in need of regeneration and Housing market Renewal Areas in particular. Development in larger suburban centres within the city regions would be compatible with this policy provided that the development is of an appropriate scale and at points where public transport accessibility is good (RSS policy RDF1)
Plans should adhere to the following principles: promote sustainable communities; promote sustainable economic development; make the best use of existing resources and infrastructure; manage travel demand, reduce the need to travel and increase accessibility; marry opportunity and need; promote environmental quality; mainstreaming rural issues; and reduce emissions and adapt to climate change. (RSS Policy DP1)