All authorities to compile a thorough evidence base in order to assess housing need and demand and land availability. This will be delivered through a robust Strategic Housing Market Assessment and Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (PPS 3, para 11)
Develop an understanding of local and sub-regional housing markets, taking into account changing labour patterns, in order to adopt a concerted and comprehensive approach to influencing housing supply across all tenures (RSS Policy L2)
Use SHMA backed housing strategies to create robust frameworks for the delivery of new homes…to create a housing supply that meets local needs, demands and aspirations and, critically that is sensitive to local environments (NW Regional Housing Strategy para 5.11)
It is important that local strategies and neighbourhood management policies are alive to the difficult issues that a high degree of private renting can bring (NW Regional Housing Strategy para 5.12 and detailed policy C)
Focus interventions in the most deprived areas (GM Strategy p49).
Set HMR within a strong economic context and ensure key strategies & investment plans align with HMR priorities (NW RES p.42)
Take account of the key principles identified in the national strategy for neighbourhood renewal and promote urban renaissance by tackling low demand for housing and poor physical conditions (RSS Policy L3)
Ensure a comprehensive approach to housing renewal, clearance and urban regeneration, particularly in regeneration priority areas (RSS Policy L3)
Set HMR within a strong economic context and ensure key strategies & investment plans align with HMR priorities (NW RES p.42)
Housing improvement schemes that comprise any or all of the following measures will be permitted;
Providing new and replacement housing, in a form appropriate to the needs of the local area and wider regeneration objectives;
Improving residential environments and promoting environmental car measures;
Securing the provision of community and leisure facilities;
Enhancing open spaces, landscaped areas, an parks, in accordance with strategic and local needs;
Improving access to and within housing areas, particularly by public transport, cycling and walking; and
Clearing housing that is unfit, or for which there is little or no demand, or that is required for site assembly for regeneration purposes, as resources permit (City of Salford UDP Policy H3)
Reduce unfit housing stock to 7.1% by 2010 (Making it happen in neighbourhoods- The national strategy for neighbourhood renewal, 2005, p.63).
Ensure provision of sufficient good quality, new homes (including an appropriate mix of housing and adequate levels of affordable housing) in suitable locations, whether through new development of the conversion of existing buildings. The aim should be to ensure everyone has the opportunity of a decent home in locations that reduce the need to travel (PPS1, para.23).
Work with developers, investors and stakeholders such as the Salford URCand English Partnerships to ensure an adequate supply of new housing development, including homes to rent, affordable home ownership, and where appropriate, aspirational housing (Salford Housing Strategy p5)
Put in place the conditions to support and accelerate delivery of housing growth (GM Strategy p48)
In determining how much land is required:
LPA’s should not include sites for which they have granted planning permission unless they can demonstrate that the site are developable and are likely to contribute to housing delivery at the point envisaged. (PPS 3, para 58)
Windfalls should not be included in the first 10 years of land supply unless LPA’s can provide robust evidence of genuine local circumstance that prevent specific sites being identified (PPS3 para 59)
LPA’s should set out in LDD’s their policies and strategies for delivering the level of housing provision that will enable the continuous deliver of housing for at least 15 years from the date of adoption. (PPS3 para 53)
LPA’s should:
Identify specific sites to deliver housing for the first five years. To be considered deliverable, sites should at the point of adoption of the LDD: Be available, suitable and achievable within 5 years. (PPS3 para 54)
Identify a further supply of specific deliverable sites for years 6-10 and where possible for years 11-15. Where it is not possible to identify specific sites for years 11-15 broad locations should be indicated. (PPS3 55)
In allocating sites, local planning authorities should:
Adopt a sequential approach
Use results of an up-to-date Housing Market Assessment
Introduce a phasing policy as part of a plan monitor and manage approach
Take account of the need for affordable housing provision (PPS 3, para 33)
Salford should achieve an average annual rate of housing provision, net of clearance of 1600 dwellings per year during the period to 2016 (RSSPolicy L4).
Development plans to incorporate a phasing mechanism which is underpinned by a housing availability study, secures development of previously developed land and buildings as a first priority, allows the release of land for housing in phases over the period of the plan, takes into account the need for co-ordination with necessary infrastructure, and takes account of potential housing provision and policy framework in adjoining local authority areas (RSS Policy L4)
Using the plan monitor manage approach, a Housing Implementation Strategy should set out how the approach to managing the supply of housing and previously developed land targets. (RSS Policy L4) (PPS3, para 62)
A five year supply of deliverable housing sites should be made available and should be monitored on an annual basisinaccordance with Annual Monitoring Reports (PPS 3, para 60)
Plan, monitor and manage the availability of land identified in development plans to achieve an annual average rate of housing provision of 1600 dwellings (PPS3, para 35)
The release of housing land will be managed in accordance with the sequential approach in policy ST11, where there is evidence of an unacceptable actual, or potential, oversupply of housing planning permission will only be granted where the development is:
Considered to be an essential component in the region or the local area
Considered to be essential to the implementation of the UDP strategy
Would satisfy an important identified housing need; or is exceptional in terms of sustainable design and technology