LDD’s should identify growth areas and a distribution of additional housing. They should also identify sites for housing and buildings for conversion and re-use, making an allowance for windfalls, and manage the release of housing over the plan period. (PPS3, Para 38)
Ensure new housing provision in locations which support wider regeneration or knowledge based economic growth (NW RES p.42)
In allocating sites local authorities should have regard to: the availability of PDL; the sites location and accessibility, the capacity of existing and potential infrastructure, the ability to build communities; and the physical and environmental constraints on development of land (PPS3 para.36)
Locate larger housing developments around major nodes along good quality transport corridors and seek to ensure all housing developments are accessible by a range of non-car modes (PPS3, para.36)(RSS Policy MCR1)
Identify and bring into housing use empty housing (Reducing Empty Properties, p24)(PPS3, Para 31)(NW Regional Housing Strategy Para 5.12) alsovacant commercial buildings and upper floors above shops and promote such conversions by taking a more flexible approach to development plan standards with regard to densities, car parking, amenity space and overlooking (PPS3 para 31).
Minimise land needed for new housing by:
Reducing vacancy rates to 3% in existing stock by 2021 (RSS Policy L3)
Make allowance for the contribution that can be made by conversions and subdivision (City of Salford UDP Policy H5)
Consider the impact of new housing development upon the existing housing stock and market in the immediate area and adjoining districts (RSS Policy L4)
A key objective is that Local Planning Authorities should continue to make effective use of land by re-using land that has been previously developed…This includes land and buildings that are vacant or derelict as well as land that is currently in use but which has potential for re-development. There is no presumption that land that is previously-developed is necessarily suitable for housing development nor that the whole of the curtilage should be developed (PPS3 paragraph 41).
The national annual target is that at least 60 per cent of new housing should be provided on previously developed land. (PPS 3, Para 41)(Urban White Paper para 7.28)
Regional target for 2021 is that at least 70% of new dwellings, including conversions, should use previously developed land and existing buildings in sustainable locations – for Salford an annual average of at least 90% (RSS Policy L4/table 7.1)
Assess the range of needs for different types of housing across all tenures when assessing housing need. This should include affordable housing and housing to meet the needs of specific groups – the elderly, the disabled, students and young single people, rough sleepers, the homeless and those who need hostel accommodation, key workers, travellers and occupiers of mobile homes and houseboats (PPS3, para 21)
Provide a range of dwelling types to address the housing requirements (including local needs and affordable housing needs) of different groups (for example disabled people, students, older people, black & minority ethnic communities and families with children including single headed households) to ensure the construction of a mix of appropriate house types, sizes, tenures and prices (PPS3 para.20, 21) (Community Plan p.48)
Create a sustainable mix of well-integrated decent homes of different types and tenures to support a range of household sizes, ages and incomes (Sustainable Communities: Building for the Future, key requirements of sustainable communities p.5) (PPS 3, para 20)
Ensure the economic potential of the north is realised through providing an increased supply of high quality housing. (Northern Way, para 9.10, 9.16)
Secure a better social mix by avoiding the creation of large areas of housing of similar characteristics (PPS3 para 20,21)
Provide wider housing opportunity and choice and a better mix in the size, type and location of housing…seek to create mixed communities (PPS3 para.24) (City of Salford UDP Policy H1)
Take a bolder approach to creating sustainable communities. We must provide real housing choices for all households (Moving Forward: Northern Way p.18)
Ensure that there is a stock of attractive and better-quality housing, including attractive affordable housing, available to encourage the development of diverse and socially inclusive communities (RSS Policy L3)
Provide Salford citizens with a choice of high quality, decent homes either in private or public sector, that meets their housing needs whatever their stage in life, supported by excellent housing services that enable them to live independently for as long as they desire (Community Plan p.48)
Local strategies must ensure an adequate supply of family accommodation (NW Regional Housing Strategy para 5.12)
HOUSING DESIGN (Also see Design and Construction)
Promote good design in new housing development in order to create attractive, high-quality living environments that draw out the character of the local area (PPS3, para 48) (UDP, Policy H1)
All new homes to be built to “lifetime homes” and “Code for sustainable homes” standards (RSS Policy L4).
Ensure new homes are well designed taking account of sustainability, and improve the quality of homes through supporting energy efficiency (Salford Housing Strategy p5)
Good design standards, sustainability, accessibility and lifetime homes should be promoted through, for example, the issuing of design guidance, masterplanning or encouraging design competitions (NW Regional Housing Strategy para 5.12)
All public housing to be built to Lifetime Homes standards by 2011 and an aspiration that all new housing will be built to these standards by 2013 (Lifetime Homes; Lifetime neighbourhoods p14)
It is not just lifetime homes that are needed, but lifetime neighbourhoods, where people are not left out or forgotten because they cannot access buildings or public spaces (Lifetime Homes; Lifetime neighbourhoods p15)
Provide the best in housing to encourage city living for the family now and in the future (Design SPD p35)