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Immigration Increases- availability of jobs in the United States during the Industrial Revolution leads to an increase of immigrants into factory jobs.

Nativism- anti-immigrant feelings due to competition for jobs. (Jewish, Catholic, Irish, Italians ect.)

Immigrant Answers

Why did many immigrants come to the United States?

How helped the immigrants? How


What is life like for many immigrants in the United States?

(Think Gangs of New York)

Assimilation- the idea of acting and looking “American”

Melting Pot- many cultures forming or “melting” into a new American culture.

Progressive Era Need to know Terms

Muckrakers Prohibition suffrage Upton Sinclair (Jungle)

Jacob Riis Jane Addams (Hull House) Child Labor Boss Tweed

Unit IV Quiz

1. Before the former Confederate states could be

readmitted to the Union, the congressional plan

for Reconstruction required them to

(1) ratify the 14th amendment

(2) imprison all former Confederate soldiers

(3) provide 40 acres of land to all freedmen

(4) help rebuild Northern industries
2. "Although important strides were made, Reconstruction failed to provide lasting guarantees of the civil rights of the freedmen.” Which evidence best supports this statement

  1. passage of Jim Crow laws in the latter part of the 19th century

  2. ratification of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments

  3. refusal of Southern States to allow sharecropping

  4. passage of the Civil Rights Acts of 1866

3. The Reconstruction plans of President Abraham

Lincoln and President Andrew Johnson included

a provision for the

(1) resumption of full participation in Congress

by Southern States

(2) long-term military occupation of the


(3) payment of war reparations by Southern States

(4) harsh punishment of former Confederate


4. In the late 1800s, southern state governments

used literacy tests, poll taxes, and grandfather

clauses to

(1) ensure that only educated individuals voted

(2) require African Americans to attend school

(3) prevent African Americans from voting

(4) integrate public facilities
5. Literacy tests and poll taxes were often used to

(1) enforce constitutional amendments added

after the Civil War

(2) limit voter participation by African Americans

(3) promote equal educational opportunities for

minority persons

(4) provide job training for freedmen
6. The passage of Jim Crow laws in the South after

Reconstruction was aided in part by

(1) a narrow interpretation of the 14th amendment

by the United States Supreme Court

(2) a change in the southern economy from

agricultural to industrial

(3) the growth of Republican-dominated governments in the South

(4) the rise in European immigration to the

7. Which statement best expresses the melting pot

theory as it relates to American society?

(1) Only European immigrants will be allowed

into the United States.

(2) All immigrant groups will maintain their

separate cultures.

(3) Different cultures will blend to form a

uniquely American culture.

(4) Immigrant ghettos will develop in urban

8. Society advances when its fittest members are

allowed to assert themselves with the least


The idea expressed in this statement is most

consistent with the

(1) principles of Social Darwinism

(2) concept of assimilation

(3) goals of the Progressive movement

(4) melting pot theory of American culture

9. The theory of Social Darwinism was often used to justify the

(1) creation of the Ku Klux Klan

(2) formation of business monopolies

(3) use of strikes by labor unions

(4) passage of antitrust laws
10. In passing the Sherman Antitrust Act (1890),

Congress intended to

(1) prevent large corporations from eliminating

their competition

(2) distinguish good trusts from bad trusts

(3) regulate rates charged by railroads

(4) force large trusts to bargain with labor unions
11. A high protective tariff passed by Congress is

intended to affect the United States economy by

(1) promoting free trade

(2) limiting industrial jobs

(3) encouraging American manufacturing

(4) expanding global interdependence

12. Which government action is most closely

associated with the efforts of muckrakers?

(1) ratification of the woman’s suffrage


(2) approval of the graduated income tax

(3) creation of the National Forest Service

(4) passage of the Meat Inspection Act

13. Muckrakers Ida Tarbell and Upton Sinclair

influenced the federal government to

(1) grant citizenship to people who had entered

the country illegally

(2) pass legislation to correct harmful business


(3) force individual states to regulate monopolies

(4) end racial discrimination in the workplace
14. In the early 1900s, Progressive Era reformers

sought to increase citizen participation in

government by supporting the

(1) expansion of the spoils system

(2) direct election of senators

(3) creation of the electoral college

(4) formation of the Federal Reserve system
15. Passage of the Homestead Act and of legislation

supporting the construction of transcontinental

railroads demonstrated the federal government’s

commitment to

(1) limits on big business

(2) settlement of western territories

(3) conservation of natural resources

(4) equality for all immigrants

16. The Homestead Act (1862) attempted to

promote development of western lands by

(1) creating a system of dams for crop irrigation

(2) providing free land to settlers

(3) removing all restrictions on immigration

(4) placing Native American Indians on

17. Both the Interstate Commerce Act and the

Sherman Antitrust Act were

(1) inspired by the effectiveness of earlier state


(2) designed to protect business from foreign


(3) declared unconstitutional by the Supreme

Court in the late 1800s

(4) passed by the federal government to regulate

big business

18. In the last half of the 1800s, which development led to the other three?

(1) expansion of the middle class

(2) growth of industrialization

(3) formation of trusts

(4) creation of labor unions
19. The “new immigrants” to the United States

between 1890 and 1915 came primarily from

(1) southern and eastern Europe

(2) northern and western Europe

(3) East Asia

(4) Latin America

20. During the late 1800s, which group strongly

supported an open immigration policy?

(1) conservationists (3) factory owners

(2) nativists (4) southern farmers

21. Which factor contributed the most to

urbanization in the late 1800s?

(1) assimilation (3) imperialism

(2) industrialization (4) nullification

22. During the late 1800s and early 1900s, the term

robber baron best defined a person who

(1) controlled large tracts of western lands

(2) used ruthless business tactics

(3) stole from the rich to give to the poor

(4) encouraged the conservation of raw materials

Unit V Imperialism- World War

Growth of a Navy- Alfred T Mahan argued that the United States had to invest in its Navy to expand. (strongest Navy= Power)

Open Door Policy- All countries had an “open door” to China to ensure fair accessibility of Chinese markets.

Annexation of Hawaii in 1898-Hawaii becomes a state due to the American’s interest in sugar plantations.

Causes of The Spanish American War

Effects/ Results of Spanish American War

  • US wants to expand in Latin America & Asia

  • In Cuba & Philippines people rebel against Spanish rule.

  • Explosion of the USS Maine (was not Spain’s FAULT)

  • US defeats Spain in less than 4 months.

  • Spain recognizes Cuba’s independence

  • Puerto Rico, Philippines, & Guam become US territories.

  • US recognized as a World Power.


oosevelt Corollary-

Panama Canal-
The “Big Stick” Policy- United States intervening to protect American Investments.

Taft’s Dollar Diplomacy- United States helped keep order in other’s society by increasing

American investments. (Pay Offs)

The Good Neighbor Policy- Hoover & FDR improved relations with Latin America

by emphasizing cooperation instead of intervention.

Federal Reserve- A committee that regulates the interest rates

World War I


What was the direct cause for the United States entering the war?_________________________________
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare-
Trench warfare-

Victory Gardens-
Schenck v. United States- landmark court case that determined that freedom of speech CAN be restricted during wartime.

Red Scare- A scare of communism as a result of the Bolsheviks Revolution. An intense fear of communism swept the United States.

Wilson’s 14 Points: Wilson’s plan to keep peace

  • Freedom of the Seas

  • Removal of trade barriers

  • Arms reduction

  • An association of nations for peace

Treaty of Versailles-

Germany Pays war Reparations-

League of Nation
What does the Political Cartoon Represent? Why is it important?

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