Sbsp affirmative- arl lab- ndi 2011

AT: too late to solve/warming inevitable

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AT: too late to solve/warming inevitable

Not inevitable – significant cuts solve

Somerville, ‘11 – Professor of Oceanography at UC San Diego [Richard, Coordinating Lead Author in Working Group I for the 2007 Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 3-8-2011, “CLIMATE SCIENCE AND EPA'S GREENHOUSE GAS REGULATIONS,” CQ Congressional Testimony, Lexis]
Thus, atmospheric CO2 concentrations are already at levels predicted to lead to global warming of between 2.0 and 2.4C. The conclusion from both the IPCC and subsequent analyses is blunt and stark - immediate and dramatic emission reductions of all greenhouse gases are urgently needed if the 2 deg C (or 3.6 deg F) limit is to be respected. This scientific conclusion illustrates a key point, which is that it will be governments that will decide, by actions or inactions, what level of climate change they regard as tolerable. This choice by governments may be affected by risk tolerance, priorities, economics, and other considerations, but in the end it is a choice that humanity as a whole, acting through national governments, will make. Science and scientists will not and should not make that choice. After governments have set a tolerable limit of climate change, however, climate science can then provide valuable information about what steps will be required to keep climate change within that limit.

Not inevitable – even if temporarily over the tipping point, can be brought back down

Dyer, ‘9 – PhD in ME History [Gwynne, MA in Military History and PhD in Middle Eastern History former @ Senior Lecturer in War Studies at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, Climate Wars]
There is no need to despair. The slow-feedback effects take a long time to work their way through the climate system, and if we could manage to get the carbon dioxide concentration back down to a safe level before they have run their course, they might be stopped in their tracks. As Hansen et al. put it in their paper: A point of no return can be avoided, even if the tipping level [which puts us on course for an ice-free world] is temporarily exceeded. Ocean and ice-sheet inertia permit overshoot, provided the [concentration of carbon dioxide] is returned below the tipping level before initiating irreversible dynamic change .... However, if overshoot is in place for centuries, the thermal perturbation will so penetrate the ocean that recovery without dramatic effects, such as ice-sheet disintegration, becomes unlikely. The real, long-term target is 350 parts per million or lower, if we want the Holocene to last into the indefinite future, but for the remainder of this book I am going to revert to the 450 parts per million ceiling that has become common currency among most of those who are involved in climate change issues. If we manage to stop the rise in the carbon dioxide concentration at or not far beyond that figure, then we must immediately begin the equally urgent and arduous task of getting it back down to a much lower level that is safe for the long term, but one step at a time will have to suffice. I suspect that few now alive will see the day when we seriously start work on bringing the concentration back down to 350, so let us focus here on how to stop it rising past 450.

We can still alter the warming trajectory – SBSP a good method

Glaser 94 (Peter E, The Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies, A global perspective on renewable and solar energy, pdf, proquest, JG)
These forces will result in vastly enhanced demands for energy capable of closing the economic gap between developed and developing countries, as well as improvements in health, a reduction in the destruction of forests, increased availability of food and measures to ensure the safety of drinking water. To achieve these goals, increased use should be made of energy-efficient technologies by both industry and consumers. It will also be necessary to develop and apply advanced technologies utilizing renewable energy sources from Earth and from solar energy conversion systems in space. The objective must be to engage in successful global development, avoid investments in an infrastructure that will be economically and environmentally obsolete, and to ensure that humans, instead of consuming their own environment, will keep the Earth habitable for millennia. To achieve this challenging objective, existing as well as new and emerging technologies based on the use of wireless power transmission make it possible to access and utilize large-scale, renewable energy sources such as wind, hydro, photovoltaic, solar thermal, geothermal and ocean thermal energy conversion at undeveloped or underutilized sites available on several of the Earth's continents, and also the inexhaustible energy of the sun in space for use on Earth. Wireless Power Transmission… … Now is the time to engage in coordinated projects to develop technologies to meet the achievable objectives of global space endeavors, and to recognize the constructive and catalytic role that solar energy available in space and on Earth can play in sustaining future development. Strategic planning by the public and private sectors in several countries is underway now to ensure that space power will be able to make an increasingly important contribution to meet global energy demands. The challenge is not only to arrive at an unbiased assessment of viable options that can meet energy requirements at various stages of human development, but also to recognize that there may be only a limited time left, measured in a few decades, to open up the space frontier so that the contribution of space resources can be demonstrated before humanity is overwhelmed by the multitude of challenges that have to be faced and met. The question is no longer whether humanity will effectively use space resources but who will be in the vanguard to safeguard the Earth's ecology, and the evolution of life on this planet. There still is the opportunity to press forward with adequate resources, and carefully crafted plans to ensure that the Earth will remain a hospitable planet for humanity and all other forms of life.

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