Sbsp affirmative- arl lab- ndi 2011

***Radar/Lasers*** Radar Scenario

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Radar Scenario

US Situational awareness has a hole that only Restructured Radars can fill

Dinerman 7 (Taylor Dinerman, Journalist at the Space Review, “Solar Power Satellites and Space Radar”,, 7/16/07) SV

Using power from an SPS, such a satellite would be able to liberally use its ion engines to change its orbit. These engines would never be powerful enough to make the kind of quick responsive maneuvers that some space operations commanders would like to see in future LEO-based spacecraft, but they would be a step in the right direction. The demise of the E-10 program that had been intended to replace the Air Force’s JSTARS and AWACS surveillance aircraft has left a hole in future US situational awareness capabilities that neither unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), such as the Predator and Global Hawk, nor existing satellite programs can possibly fill. Space Radar could do so, but only if the program is restructured to make it at once more ambitious in terms of future capability and less ambitious in terms of near-term operations.

SBSP is key to successful restructured radar programs

Dinerman 7 (Taylor Dinerman, Journalist at the Space Review, “Solar Power Satellites and Space Radar”,, 7/16/07) SV

Why, then, does such a system need to rely 100% on its own power? If solar power satellites (SPS) were available in geosynchronous orbit and could beam electricity to the SR satellites in LEO, this might allow the radar satellites to have as much power as their power control systems and heat radiators could handle. Power could be transmitted by a tightly focused laser or microwave beam to one or two receptors, integrated into the spacecraft’s bus. If the radar antenna were integrated into the skin of the satellite the way it is on a B-2 bomber, such satellite would be difficult to detect and track.

SPS protects situational awareness satellites against ASATs – facilitates satellite reconstitution and enhances survivability

Ramos 2k (Kim, USAF Major and professor at the Air Command and Staff College Air University, “Solar Power Constellations Implications for the US Air Force.” April 2000. )

As outlined in Air University study Spacecast 2020, the rapid launch and deployment of satellites is required to comply with the United States National Military Strategy concept of reconstitution. Reconstitution for space is the ability to launch satellites for “unanticipated system failures … [due to hostile actions] and multiple area coverage requirements, [which] … require the immediate placement of satellites into orbit.” 21 Solar power satellites enable reconstitution with unmanned aerial vehicles performing the same functions as satellites, as mentioned previously, and through enabling smaller satellites. One of the difficulties in achieving small satellites is the fact that power generation takes up about 25% of the weight of a satellite. 22 Satellites launched without onboard power generation would be smaller and receive power on orbit from a solar power satellite. Solar power satellites enable reconstitution with unmanned aerial vehicles with unlimited loiter time for immediate deployment for a warfighter, and by reducing the size of satellites which facilitates rapid launches. Small Satellites Small satellites not only fulfill the reconstitution requirement but also meet other requirements for smaller, faster, and cheaper satellites. Typically weighing less than 250 kg, and designed for one mission, “quick checkout and rapid launch,” small satellites offer advantages over larger satellites, which are more expensive, cost more to put in orbit, and take longer to build. 23 Small satellites are good candidates for imagery, and some types of communications. 24 Constellations of small satellites serve another purpose. They have reduced vulnerability and increased survivability compared to single satellites. Powering small satellites with energy beamed from a solar power satellite further reduces their size, cost, and launch requirements. Maneuver One of the vulnerabilities of satellites is that they lack maneuverability. Orbit changes are possible but the amount of station keeping fuel limits these maneuvers. Unscheduled orbital maneuvers for, supported warfighters, on-orbit station keeping, or avoiding an anti-satellite weapon, reduce the life expectancy of satellites. The New World Vistas study concluded, “technologies to substantially enhance survivability are …maneuvering technologies…enabled by the technologies of high generation power in space.” 25 Moreover, the report stated that electrical propulsion and solar power satellites would enable maneuvering for survivability, station keeping, and repositioning to meet warfighter requirements.

Enhanced Space situational awareness deters current Chinese modernization efforts- absent prevention military escalation will increase

Blair and Yali 6 [China Security Published by the World Security Institute and produced jointly with the Chen Shi China Research Group Bruce G. Blair is the President of the World Security Institute. Chen Yali is the editor-in-chief of Washington Observer]

Greater situational awareness through enhanced monitoring and surveillance in space is also crucial to this idea of defense in space. One of the driving forces behind China’s efforts to research space debris identification and tracking is to also improve China’s ability to monitor military assets.68 The ability to identify and discriminate objects in space is crucial to evaluating threats from non-threats in space. The above constitute ‘comprehensive defensive actions,’ centered on capabilities to enhance survivability of China’s satellite networks, and ensure China’s access to space that is considered indispensable for future ‘informationalized warfare.’69 At the heart of this defensive strategy is the need to protect against an adversary’s ability to prevent or restrict China from using space to its economic and national security advantage; that is, the ability to ‘deny the denial.’ It is the dual-use nature of China’s satellite program that will provide the means to achieve that comprehensive defense in space. For example, China’s plan to increase indigenous development and production capacity of durable and miniaturized satellites for missions of data transmission and Earth remote sensing is aimed primarily at civilian and commercial purposes. However, such technologies offer lower cost access to space with greater maneuverability and thus would have a direct impact on military space capability. China also intends to increase its capacity to launch on demand and achieve launch redundancy,70 which also could markedly enhance its military space potential. Chinese slogans such as ‘applying military to civilian,’ and ‘integrating military and civilian’ are used in official discussions to stress the integration and embedding of military with civilian technology development and production.71 Since the early 1990s, the revolution in military affairs has been the central theme for China’s military modernization program, of which space is an indispensable part.72 Such notions indicate the importance of a dual-use strategy. As for existent capabilities in space, although there is no official admission, China does have satellites for navigation, remote sensing, reconnaissance and communication that have military uses.73 These are mainly for ‘power enhancement and support’ capabilities. However, as others have noted, they remain vastly insufficient for gaining any real advantage vis-à-vis U.S. dominance in space74. Nevertheless, it is reasonable to assume that the number of these assets would Eric Hagt ~95~ grow substantially under the planned satellite development program and thus rapidly improve China’s force enabling capacity.

Escalation causes extinction- results in resource depletion, economic collapse, and destruction of MAD

Bhagwat 10 [Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat, former Chief of the Naval Staff, India “The Weaponization of Space: Corporate Driven Military Unleashes Pre-emptive Wars” October 17, 2010]

As early as 1996, General Joseph Ashy , CinC US Space Command told ‘Aviation Week & Space Technology’ …. “Its politically sensitive …but its going to happen …some people do not want to hear this , but absolutely we are going to fight in Space , we’re getting to fight from space and we’re going to fight into space.” One analysis rightly concludes “that the US ( TCC ) is gearing up for the unilateral (military ) control of Space which over arches Planet Earth , all occupants and its entire contents --- with that vantage position it could overpower every opponent .” In chasing profits they boast of ‘blowing up the world,’ if necessary . However, there is many a slip, as the saying goes, between the cup and the slip . Post 2007 with the gathering financial implosion and indebtedness and loss of manufacturing capacity of the US system gathering visible momentum , the end game may turn out differently! According to some think tanks , only a few years ago , they declared that …. “Other nations lack the money and / or technology to compete with the US in the developing of space age weapons , Friedman is quoted for instance ,…..that China and Russia were passing blips.” In fact China, and to a lesser extent Russia , are the bankrupt US Treasury’s creditors ….China has been indirectly financing the Corporate wars in Afghanistan and Iraq…the US global military presence and the US Space Command’s growing dreams . But illusions can be dangerous by sparking off an uncontrolled arms Race in Space with its attendant risks and unexpected consequences that may blow up planet earth, notwithstanding the fact that the US economy is in terminal decline while its corporate warriors of the Transnational capitalist class profit and retain their wealth and riches in diverse financial securities , albeit toxic ones like Derivatives , CDOs and CDSs and other commercial paper in a huge ponzi web of deceit. We are indeed as the Chinese say living in interesting times. As US Space Command’s drives ahead with building Space WMD systems and synergizing with Ballistic Missile Defense , National Missile Defense and Anti-Satellite ( ASAT ) weapon sysytems , China and Russia will enter with defensively oriented systems and if China does , India will follow and Pakistan too . The whole game is counter –productive and result in more ‘Mutually Assured Destruction’ ( MAD ) as with nuclear weapons ….but not in the minds of the Transnational capitalist class which loves the Midas touch . The ‘Outer Space Treaty 1967 , was signed and sealed by the US , Soviet Union , China and India among others . The Outer Space treaty is a legally binding instrument . however it has a caveat ,which by omission permits the ‘passive military use of space .’ The Prime Ministers of Canada and Russia at the Millenium Summit in September 2000 and again in a meeting in December 2000 promised to work in close cooperation to prevent an arms race in Space. In a well reasoned paper presented to a Conference on Disarmament in Space , held in Moscow in 2001 , Dr Rebecca Johnson , Executive Director of the Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy called for a step by step ‘Ottawa Process’ and referred to a constructive working paper tabled by France at the Conference on Disarmament ( CD ) in Geneva. Dr Rebecca Johnson also suggested that a number of American companies with interests in Telecom , Navigation and Entertainment industries have a stake in keeping Space peaceful . She made another relevant observation that ‘Demilitarisation of Space is linked to ‘Demilitarisation of International Relations.’ Recalling Srilanka’s contribution to a proposed moratorium on testing ASAT weapons and for a discussion on a ‘Rules of the Road’ for Space in an attempt to pre-empt weaponisation of Space; the Srilankan ambassador to the CD , Geneva , Jayantha Dhanapala , as early as 1985, emphasized with rare foresight that “preventing an arms race in outer space is an easier task than attempting to control and decelerate such a race after it has begun... therefore, the urgency, to prohibit through multi-lateral negotiations the stationing of weapons in space designed to damage , destroy or interfere with any country’s space craft.” It would be ideal if the BMD and NMD projects are also halted , if not on the realization of their practical futility , then simply because the coming ‘Greatest Depression’ must lead to a major review and recall on grounds of financial non-feasibility alone. An eminent thinker and analyst in the global network for preservation of the space sanctuary has spoken thus : “ It wont do much good to anti-war people to demand an end to the war in Iraq, Afghanistan , nuclear war , weaponisation of Space ….unless they ( we ) mobilize the millions to demand the end of the underlying system , profit is all the human being nothing, that has now produced quasi-permanent war , conflict, violence, tension and sectarian strife (death squads and PMC personnel masquerading as Special Operation Groups with remote control drone bombers outside the control of any democratic institution of the State system / apparatus .)” We are threatened with the destruction and decimation of peoples and nations the world over , including the destruction of the life-sustaining resources of mother earth .

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