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Appendix H
Selected Bibliography of Publications in Weather
American Meteorological Society. Proceedings of the First National Conference
on Weather Modification, April 28-May 1, 1968, Albany, New York. Boston,
1968. 532 p.
. Second National Conference on Weather Modification, April 6-9, 1970,
Santa Barbara, California (preprints). Boston, 1970. 440 p.
■ . Proceedings of the International Conference on Weather Modification,
September 6-11, 1971, Canberra, Australia. Sponsored jointly by the American
Meteorological Society and the Australian Academy of Science. Boston, 1971.
373 p.
. Third Conference on Weather Modification, June 26-29, 1972, Rapid City,
South Dakota (preprints). Boston, 1972. 336 p.
. Fourth Conference on Weather Modification. November 18-21, 1974, Fort
Lauderdale, Florida (preprints). Boston, 1974. 575 p.
. Abstracts of Special Regional Weather Modification Conference : Aug-
mentation of Winter Orographic Precipitation in the Western United States,
November 11-13, 1975, San Francisco, California. (Co-sponsored by the U.S.
Department of the Interior. Bureau of Reclamation ; State of California,
Department of Water Resources; and the Weather Modification Association.)
Boston, 1975. 245 p.
■ . Sixth Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification,
October 10-13. 1977. Champaign. Illinois. Boston. 1977. 396 p.
Barrett, Earl W. Inadvertent weather and climate modification. Critical reviews
. in environmental control, v. 6. no. 1, December 1975 : 15-90.
Battan. Louis J. Harvesting the clouds : advances in weather modification. Gar-
den City. New York, Doubleday and Company, 1969. (The Science Study
Series) 148 p.
Changnon. Stanley A.. Jr.. Ray Jay Davis, Barbara C. Farhar, J. Eugene Haas,
J. Loreena Ivens. Martin Y. Jones. Donald A. Klein, Dean Mann. Griffith M.
Morgan. Jr.. Steven T. Sonka. Earl R. Swanson, C. Robert Taylor, and Jon
Van Blokland. Hail suppression : impacts and issues. Urbana, Illinois, Illinois
State Water Survey, April 1977. 432 p.
Changnon, Stanley A.. Floyd A. Huff. Paul T. Schickedanz. and John T. Yogel.
Summary of METROMEX, Volume 1 : weather anomalies and impacts. Bulle-
tin 62. State of Illinois. Department of Registration and Education. (ISWS/
BUL-62/77) Urbana. Illinois. Illinois State Water Survey. 1977. 260 p.
Charak. Mason T. and Mary T. DiGiulian. Weather modification activity reports ;
November 1. 1972. to December 31, 1973. National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration. Office of Environmental Monitoring and Prediction. Rockville,
Maryland. March 1974. 40 p.
Charak. Mason T. Weather modification activity reports: calendar year 1974.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Office of Environmental
Monitoring and Prediction. Rockville, Maryland. March 1975. 37 p.
. Weather modification activity reports ; calendar year 1975. National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Office of Environmental Monitoring
and Prediction. Rockville. Maryland. June 1976. 64 p.
Comptroller General of the United States. Need for a national weather modifica-
tion research program. Report to the Congress. Washington, U.S. General
Accounting Office. August 23. 1974. (B-133202). 64 p.
Cooper. Charles F. and William C. Jolly. Ecological effects of weather modifi-
cation : a problem analvsis. Ann Arbor, Michigan. Universitv of Michigan, May
1969. 160 p.
Dennis. A. S. and A. Gagin. Recommendations for future research in weather
modification. U.S. Department of Commerce. National Oceanic and Atmos-
pheric Administration. Environmental Research Laboratories. Weather Modi-
fication. Program Office. Boulder, Colorado, November 1977. 112 p.
Dorsey, Thomas A. and W. Henry Lambright. Citizen participation mechanisms
and weather modification policy : a survey. Final report to the National Science
Foundation. (SRC TR78-516/NSF OSS77-19066) Syracuse, New York, Syra-
cuse Research Corporation, April 1978. 169 p.
Elliott, Robert D., Russell W. Shaffer, Arnold Court, and Jack F. Hannaford,
Colorado River Basin Pilot Project ; comprehensive evaluation report : five-
seasons, 1970-1971 . . . 1974-1975. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the
Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Division of Atmospheric Water Resources
Management. Goleta, California, Aerometrics, Inc., October 1976. (report no.
ARI-76-1) 650 p.
Fleagle, Robert G. (editor). Weather modification: science and public policy.
Seattle. University of Washington Press, 1968. 147 p.
Fleagle, Robert G., James A. Crutchfield, Ralph W. Johnson, and Mohamed F.
Abdo. Weather modification in the public interest. (Published by the American
Meteorological Society and the University of Washington Press) Seattle, U. of
Washington Press, 1974. 88 p.
Grant. Lewis O. and John D. Reid (compilers). Workshop for an Assessment
of the Present and Potential Role of Weather Modification in Agricultural
Production, July 15-18, 1975, Ft. Collins, Colorado. Colorado State University,
August 1975. 236 p.
Griffiths, John F. and M. Joan Griffiths. Bibliography of the urban modification
of the atmosphere and hydrologie environment. College Station, Texas, Texas
A & M University, Department of Meteorology, February 1974. 100 p.
Grimes, Annie E. An annotated bibliography on weather modification, 1960-1969.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Environmental Data Serv-
ice, Environmental Science Information Center. Rockville, Maryland. 1972
( NO AA technical memorandum EDS ESIC-1) 407 p.
Ilc-is. Wilmot N. (editor). Weather and climate modification. New York, John
Wiley and Sons, 1974. 842 p. (Contains 22 chapters on various aspects of
weather modification, contributed by experts in various phases of the field.)
Halacy, Daniel S., Jr. The weather changers. New York, Harper and Row, 1968.
246 p.
Hromocky, Alexander. Weather modification (bibliography). Library of Congress
Science Tracer Bullet. (TB 75-5) . Washington, June 1975. 13 p.
Justus, John R. A bibliography of selected Federal and congressional publica-
tions on weather modification. Congressional Research Service. Library of
Congress. January 14. 1977. 4 p.
Kellogg, William W. Is mankind warming the Earth? Bulletin of the atomic
scientists, v. 34. February 1978: 10-19.
Klein, D. A. (editor). Environmental impacts of nucleating agents used in
weather modification. Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, Dowden, Hutchison, and
Ross (in press).
Matthews, W. II.. W. W. Kellogg, and G. D. Robinson, editors. Man's impact on
the climate. Cambridge. MIT Press, 1971. 594 p.
National Center for Atmospheric Research. National Hail Research Experiment
randomized seeding experiment, 1972-1974: final report. Boulder, Colorado,
December 1976. In five volumes. 260 + 530 4- 313 + 326 + 207 p.
. The National Hail Research Experiment: summer 1976 summary report.
Boulder, Colorado, December 1977. (NCAR-71 00-77/2.) 217 p.
National Research Council. Committee on Atmospheric Sciences. Panel on
Weather and Climate Modification. Weather and climate modifications: prob-
lems and prospects, (in two volumes) Washington, National Academy of
Sciences. 1966. (Publication No. 1350.) 40 + 212 p.
. Weather and climate modification: problems and progress. Washington,
National Academy of Sciences, 1973. (ISBN 0-309-02121-9). 280 p.
U.S. Committee for the Global Atmospheric Research Program. Under-
derstanding climatic change: a program for action. Washington, National
Academy Of Sciences, 1975, 239 p.
Geophysics Research Board. Energy and climate. Washington, National
Academy of Sciences. 1977, 281 p.
Newell. Homer E. A recommended national program in weather modification.
Federal Council for Science and Technology. Interdepartmental Committee for
Atmospheric Sciences. (I CAS report no. 10a). Washington, November 19GG.
93 p.
North American Interstate Weather Modification Council. Conference on Weather
Modification— a Usable Technology ; its Potential Impact on the World Food
Crisis. January 16-17, 1975, Denver, Colorado. (Pub. 75-1). 150 p.
. . Conference on Weather Modification, Today and Tomorrow. Second an-
nual meeting of the NAIWMC, January 15-16, 1976, Kansas City, Missouri.
(Pub. no. 76-1). 119 p.
■ . Legal uncertainties and legislation in weather modification. Special and
third annual meetings of the Council. August 5-6, 1976 and December 2-3. 1976,
both in Denver, Colorado. (NAIWMC Pub. no. 77-1.) Las Cruces, New Mexico,
September 1977. 173 p.
Robinson, G. D. (editor). Report on the Third Inadvertent Weather Modification
Workshop, Hartford, Connecticut, May 23-27, 1977. (CEM Report 4215-
604) Hartford, Connecticut, The Center for the Environment and Man, No-
vember 1977. 167 p.
Sewell, W. R. D., et al. Modifying the weather: a social assessment. Western
geographical series, vol. 9. Victoria, British Columbia, University of Victoria,
July 1973. 349 p.
Smith, Ivan C. and Bonnie L. Carson. Trace metals in the environment : vol. 2,
silver. Ann Arbor, Michigan, Ann Arbor Science Publishers, 1977. 490 p.
Special Commission on Weather Modification. Weather and climate modification.
Report to the National Science Foundation. NSF 66-3. Washington, D.C., De-
cember 20, 1965. 155 p.
State of South Dakota. Department of Natural Resources Development. Division
of Weather Modification. Conference on Weather Modification in the United
States ; Potential and Problems for Interstate Action. Sioux Falls, South Da-
kota, June 10-12, 1974, 248 p.
(This conference, called by the Governor of South Dakota, was attended
by officials from 23 States and from the Canadian Province of Alberta and
resulted in the formation of the North American Interstate Weather Modifica-
tion Council.)
Steinhoff, Harold W. and Jack D. Ives (editors). Ecological impacts of snow-
pack augmentation in the San Juan Mountains, Colorado. Final report of the
San Juan Ecology Project to the Bureau of Reclamation. Prepared by Colorado
State University, Fort Collins, Colorado; University of Colorado, Boulder,
. Colorado; and Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado, March 9. 1976. 489 p.
Taubenfeld, Howard J. (editor). Controlling the weather; a study of law and
regulatory processes. New York, Dunellen, 1970. 275 p.
Thomas, William A. (editor), Legal and scientific uncertainties of weather modi-
fication. (Proceedings of a symposium convened at Duke University, March 11-
12, 1976, by the National Conference of Lawyers and Scientists.) Durham,
North Carolina, Duke University Press, 1977. 155 p.
U.S. Advisory Committee on Weather Control. Final report of the Advisory
Committee on Weather Control, (in two volumes) Washington, U.S. Govt.
Print. Off.. December 31, 1957. 32 4- 422 p. (Volume II contains 2259 refer-
ences on U.S. and foreign works on weather modification and related subjects
through 1957.)
U.S. Congress. House of Representatives. Committee on Science and Technology.
Subcommittee on the Environment and the Atmosphere. Weather modification.
Hearings, 94th Congress, 2d session. June 15, 16, 17, and 18, 1976. (No. 79)
Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1976. 524 p.
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce. Subcommittee on Oceans and
Atmosphere. Atmospheric Research Control Act. Hearing. 94th Congress, 2d
session, on S. 2705. S. 2706, and S. 2707. February 17, 1976. Washington. U.S.
Govt. Print. Off.. 1976. 297 p.
U.S. Department of Commerce. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra-
tion. Summary report: weather modification; fiscal years 1969. 1970. 1971.
Office of the Assistant Administrator for Environmental Monitoring and Pre-
diction. Rockville, Maryland. May 1973. 163 p.
. Summary report: weather modification: fiscal year 1972. Office of En-
vironmental Monitoring and Prediction. Rockville, Marvland, November 1973.
226 p.
. Summary report : weather modification ; fiscal year 1973. Office of En-
vironmental Monitoring and Prediction. Rockville, Maryland, December 1974.
154 p.
■•. Draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for the hurricane ameliora-
tion research project. Rockville, Maryland, February 1978. 192 p.