Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of British Columbia, EOS-South 360, 6339 Stores Road, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6T 1Z4
Doucet, S., M. Moreira, D. Weis, J.S. Scoates, A. Giret and C. Allègre. 2006. Primitive neon and helium isotopic compositions of high-MgO basalts from the Kerguelen Archipelago, Indian Ocean. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 241(1–2), 65–79.
Department of Natural Resource Sciences, McGill University, Macdonald Campus, 21111 Lakeshore Road, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, H9X 3V9
GSC Atlantic - Marine Resources Geoscience, Natural Resources Canada, 1 Challenger Drive, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, B2Y 4A2
E-mail:; Tel: (902) 426-5657; Fax: (902) 426-4465
Graham Williams is a palynologist whose main focus is the Mesozoic–Cenozoic biostratigraphy of offshore eastern Canada. His fascination with dinoflagellates has led to studies of these microfossils in both hemispheres, including some of the deep ocean basins.
Williams, G.L., H. Brinkhuis, M.A. Pearce, R.A. Fensome and J.W. Weegink. 2004. Chapter 5. Southern Ocean and global dinoflagellate cyst events compared; index events for the Late Cretaceous–Neogene. In Exon, N.F., J.P. Kennett and M.J. Malone, eds. The Tasmanian gateway: Cenozoic climatic and oceanographic development. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program: scientific results, Vol. 189. College Station, TX, Texas A & M University. Ocean Drilling Program, 98 pp., CD-ROM.
Prof. Alexander P. Wolfe
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, ESB 1-13, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2H4
Climate Chemistry Measurements and Research, Atmospheric Science and Technology, Environment Canada, 4905 Dufferin Street, Downsview, Ontario, M3H 5T4
Department of of Geology and Geophysics, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive N.W., Calgary, Alberta, T2N 1N4
Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of British Columbia Okanagan, 3333 University Way, Kelowna, British Columbia, V1V 1V7
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Royal Military College of Canada, P.O. Box 17000 Stn Forces, Kingston, Ontario, K7K 7B4
Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis, Atmospheric Science and Technology, Environment Canada, 3800 Finnerty Road, SCI A203, Victoria, British Columbia, V8P 5C2
Acidification Ferreyra, Hunt, Smol
Acoustics Miller
Adélie Land Poulin
Aeolian processes Nickling
Aeronomy Koustov, Llewellyn, Mattar
McDade, McElroy, McEwen
McWilliams, Naylor, Prikryl
Aerosols Llewellyn, McFarlane
Shepherd, M., Strawbridge
Air quality Drummond, Plummer, McElroy
Alexander Island Hall, Milne, Plato
Algae Campbell, Cullen, Douglas, Ferreyra,
Ferris, Hüner, Laurion, Leavitt, Maldonado
, Pienitz, Poulin, Rochon, Roy, S., Smol
Suttle, Tortell, Varela
Allan Hills Hicock
Altimetry James
Amphipods Conlan
Amundsen Sea Tortell, Schoof
Amundsen-Scott Station McEwen
Andvord Bay Gilbert
Antarctic Circumpolar Current Saenko
Straub, Karsten
Antarctic ice sheet Clarke, Hillaire-Marcel
James, Tremblay
Antarctic Intermediate Water Weaver
Antarctic Peninsula Demers, Eyles, Ferreyra
Gilbert, Hughes Clarke, James, Koppes
Krouse, Lemarchand, Patterson, Pelletier
Plato, Pulsifer, Rivkin, Roy, S., Sharp
Suttle, Vincent
Aquatic systems Farrell, Laurion, Poulin
Smol, Vincent
Argo buoys Freeland, Karsten
Arsenic Reimer
Asteroids Brown
Astrobiology Whyte
Astronomy Beech, Brown, Dobbs, Naylor
Netterfield, Pogosyan
Astrophysics Bond, Dobbs, Holder
Netterfield, Pogosyan
Atlantic Ocean Pakhomov, Saenko, Weaver
Atmospheric chemistry Boone, Bottenheim
Charron, Drummond, Dufour, Hayden
Llewellyn, McConnell, McElroy
McLinden, Plummer, Sica, Strawbridge
Strong, Tarasick, Walker
Atmospheric dynamics Kushner, Moore
, Shepherd, M., Shepherd, T., Son
Tremblay, Weaver
Atmospheric physics Drummond, Hocking
Koustov, Kushner, Llewellyn, McConnell,
McDade, McEwen, McFarlane, McWilliams
Moore, Peltier, Prikryl, Shepherd, M.
Shepherd, T., Son, Strawbridge, Strong
Atmospheric physics Weaver, Worthy
Aurora Krouse, McDade, McEwen
McWilliams, Prikryl
Bacteria Ferreyra, Foght, Greer, Leavitt
Lemarchand, Lovejoy, Maldonado
Pelletier, Price, Reiswig, Rivkin
Siciliano, Suttle, Tortell, Vali, Vincent
Basalts Scoates
Bathymetry Hughes Clarke
Béchervaise Island Romaine
Bellingshausen Sea Pakhomov
Benthic zone Conlan, Ferreyra, Leavitt, Rautio
Bindschadler Ice Stream Clarke
Biochemistry Daugulis, Hüner, Maldonado
Pakhomov, Tortell, Turner, Varela
Biodegradation Foght, Greer, Vali
Biodiversity Ricciardi, Whyte
Biogeochemistry Haas, Maldonado, Price
Rivkin, Sharp, Siciliano, Thomas
Biogeography Stehlik
Biology Adams, Côté, Davidsen, Haas, Hall
Hindle, Krouse, Miller, Rivkin, Schloss
Siciliano, Smith, Stehlik, Strobeck, Suttle
Terhune, Tortell, Vali, Wolfe
Biomarkers Douglas, Hobson, Vali
Biomass Pakhomov, Poulin, Romaine
Bioremediation Daugulis, Pelletier, Plato
Reimer, Siciliano, Vincent, Zeeb
Birds Hobson, Miller, Patterson, Romaine
Smol, Stirling
Bonney, Lake Hüner, Maldonado
BOOMERanG Bond, Netterfield, Pogosyan
Bouvet Island Pakhomov
Boyd Strait Gilbert
Bransfield Strait Hannington
Bratina Island Hüner
Brialmont Cove Gilbert
Bromine Bottenheim, Tarasick
Byers Peninsula Pienitz, Vincent
Cambrian Eyles
Canada Glacier Mueller, Pollard
Cape Roberts Hall
Carbon dioxide Ferreyra, Flato, Fyfe, Gregorich
Kushner, Pakhomov, Saenko, Schloss
Thomas, Tortell, Weaver, Worthy, Zickfeld
Carbon cycle Demers, Eaton, Laurion
Pakhomov, Rivkin, Saenko, Thomas
Tortell, Varela, Worthy, Zickfeld
Carbon monoxide Boone, Drummond, Hayden
McLinden, Sica, Strong, Walker
Chemistry Barbier, Davidsen, Muir, Pelletier
Reimer, Sharp, Siciliano
Cenozoic Hicock, Scoates, Williams, Wolfe
Carpentry Macdonald
Cartography Pulsifer, Taylor
Casey Station Patterson, Siciliano, Terhune
Chlorophyll Poulin, Schloss
Clark Glacier Sharp
Climate Charron, Cogley, Copland, Haas
Kushner, Lamoureux, Marshall, McFarlane
LeDrew, Roots, Saenko, Shepherd, M.
Tremblay, Weaver
Climate change Baker, Couture, Demers, Déry
Drummond, Ferreyra, Flato, Freeland, Fyfe
Galbraith, Gilbert, Hillaire-Marcel, Hunt
Kavanaugh, Koppes, Lemarchand
Lemarchand, Lewkowicz, McElroy
McFarlane, Milne, Mueller, Pakhomov
Patterson, Peltier, Pienitz, Plummer
Pollard, Ricciardi, Roy, M., Saenko, Schloss
Scott, Shepherd, T., Smol, Son, Stirling
Strawbridge, Suttle, Tortell, Tremblay
Varela, Vincent, Weaver, Wolfe, Worthy
Wu, Zickfeld
Coates Land Crevier, Rigby
Comets Beech, Brown
Commonwealth Glacier Mueller
Community structure Conlan, Ferreyra, Hunt
Concordia, Subglacial Lake Clarke
Commandante Ferraz Station Whyte
Conservation Macdonald
Contaminants Greer, Hobson, Metcalfe
Muir, Pelletier, Plato, Reimer
Siciliano, Smol, Vincent, Zeeb
Copepods Haas, Schloss
Corals Scott
Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) Bond
Dobbs, Holder, Netterfield, Pogosyan
Cosmology Bond, Dobbs, Holder
Netterfield, Pogosyan
Crystallography Barbier
Cyanobacteria Campbell, Ferris, Hüner
Lovejoy, Suttle, Tortell, Vincent
Crustaceans Conlan, Reiswig
Crozet Archipelago Côté, Miller, Pelletier
Cretaceous Currie, Williams
Currents Freeland, Fyfe, Galbraith
Cryoplanation Hall
Cosmonaut Sea Hunt, Moore, Pakhomov
Cryoconite Vincent
Cryosols Tarnocai
Cryosphere LeDrew, Mueller
Ctenophore Pakhomov
Cybercartographic Atlas of Antarctica Pulsifer
Data management Boone, LeDrew, Pulsifer
Dating Gilbert, Hillaire-Marcel, Patterson
Davis Station Terhune
Deglaciation Roy, M., Saenko
Denitrification Galbraith, Maldonado, Siciliano
Diamictons Menzies
Diatoms Douglas, Ferreyra, Poulin
Tortell, Wolfe
Dinoflagellates Williams
Dinosaurs Currie
DNA sequencing Strobeck, Egger
Drake Passage Schloss
Drescher Inlet Terhune
Dronning Maud Land Eaton, Granberg
Dumont d’Urville Station Pelletier, Poulin
Ecology Côté, Demers, Egger, Ferreyra
Krouse, Lanoil, Maldonado, Mueller
Pakhomov, Price, Rautio, Rochon, Scott
Siciliano, Stehlik, Stirling, Strobeck,
Suttle, Tortell, Vincent, Whyte
Ecosystems Demers, Laurion, Laurion
Leavitt, Mueller, Pakhomov, Pienitz
Pitcher, Poulin, Ricciardi, Schloss
Stirling, Trites, Varela, Vincent
Education Adams, Copland, Douglas
Green, Maher, Roots, Roy, S.
Botany Wolfe
Ekströmisen Déry
Electron Microscopy Barbier, Vali
Elephant Island Metcalfe
Enderby Land James
Environmental Science Pelletier, Reimer
Scott, Scott, Smith, Weis
Eocene Williams
Erebus Layne
Eutrophication Smol, Vincent
Falkland Islands Arocena, Hall, Hobson, Miller
Ferrar Province Bédard
Filchner Ice Shelf Crevier, Mattar, Rigby, Schoof
Fish Farrell, Muir, Pakhomov, Patterson
Pitcher, Ricciardi, Romaine, Smol
Fluid dynamics Shepherd, T.
Food webs Demers, Ferreyra, Hunt
Lemarchand, Muir, Pakhomov
Reimer, Rivkin, Romaine, Vincent
Foraminifera Scott
Forecasting Flato, McConnell
Fossil Bluff Field Station Plato
Fossils Williams
Foundation Ice Stream Mattar
Freeze-thaw Hall
Freon Boone, McLinden, Sica, Walker
Fungi Egger, Vincent
Galaxies Holder
Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains Cogley, Elieff
Garwood Valley Pollard
General circulation McFarlane, Peltier
Genomics Lanoil, Nadeau, Stehlik
Strobeck, Suttle, Whyte
Geochemistry Baker, Bédard, Ferris
Hillaire-Marcel, Layne, Patterson
Scoates, Varela, Weis, Wolfe
Geochronology Scoates, Weis
Geodesy James, Peltier
Geodynamics Peltier, Wu
Geographical information Hall, Pulsifer, Cogley
Geology Krouse, Roots, Scoates
Geomatics Pulsifer, Taylor
Geomorphology Cogley, Koppes, Lamoureux
Lewkowicz, Nickling, Pienitz
Pollard, Shaw, Young
Geophysics Davidsen, Milne, Peltier, Pollard
Roots, Schmitt, Shepherd, T., Straub, Wu
George VI Sound Hall
Gerlache Strait Gilbert
Glacial geology Barr, Eyles, Gilbert, Gilbert
Hall, Hicock, James, Menzies, Milne
Peltier, Roy, M., Saenko, Scott, Young
Glaciation Eyles, Hillaire-Marcel, James
Menzies, Peltier, Tremblay, Wu, Young
Glacier dynamics Kavanaugh, Marshall, Schoof
Glaciers Clarke, Foght, Kavanaugh, Koppes
Lanoil, Mattar, Menzies, Milne, Rabus
Rigby, Schoof, Sharp, Turner, Vincent
Glaciology Clarke, Cogley, Copland
Mueller, Roots, Schoof
Gondwana Eyles
Governance Adams, Bigras, Conlan
Dey-Nuttall, Douglas, Ommanney, Roots
Gravimetry Elieff, James, Milne, Wu
Gravity waves Prikryl, Moore
Greenhouse gases see carbon dioxide
Greenpeace Trough Gilbert
Ground ice Couture, Pollard, Whyte
Hanson Formation Currie
Hazards Rabus, Rigby
Heinrich events Schoof
History Barr
Hoare, Lake Scott
Howard Glacier Mueller
Hydrocarbons Pelletier
Hydrofluorocarbons Boone, McLinden
McLinden, Sica, Strong, Walker
Hydrogen chloride Boone, McLinden
Sica, Strong, Walker
Hydrology Adams, Déry, Krouse
Lamoureux, Lewkowicz, Pollard
Ice cores Blake, Davidsen, Galbraith, Lanoil
Ice sheets Clarke, Hicock, Hughes Clarke
Marshall, Milne, Peltier, Roy, M.
Schoof, Shaw, Weaver, Wu
Ice shelves Pienitz, Vincent, Whyte
Icebergs Gilbert, Roy, M., Tremblay
Igneous processes Baker, Bédard, Scoates, Weis
Indian Ocean Saenko
Infrared McDade
Instrumentation Blake, Cullen, Dufour
Granberg, Kavanaugh, Naylor
Ionosphere Mattar, McWilliams
Prikryl, Shepherd, M.
Iron enrichment Cullen, Maldonado
Price, Rivkin, Thomas, Tortell
Isostacy James, Peltier, Wu
Isotopes Hillaire-Marcel, Hobson, Hunt
Krouse, Lanoil, Layne, Pakhomov
Patterson, Scoates, Sharp, Tortell
Varela, Weis, Worthy
Jubany Station Pelletier
Jurassic Currie
Kamb Ice Stream Clarke, Lanoil
Kelp Pakhomov
Kerguelen Archipelago Hobson, Pelletier
Scoates, Weis
King George Island Demers, Ferreyra
Patterson, Pelletier, Poulin, Schloss, Whyte
Krill Krouse, Pakhomov, Romaine, Trites
Lake ice Adams, Granberg, Lewkowicz, Mueller
Lallemand Fjord Gilbert
Larsemann Hills Lovejoy, Vincent
Larsen Ice Shelf Gilbert, Schloss
Larsen polynya Haas
Laser profiler Elieff
Last Glacial Maximum Flato, McFarlane
Peltier, Schoof
Lava geochemistry Bédard
Lazarev Sea Hunt, Pakhomov
Lichens Campbell
Lidar Strawbridge
Light absorption Roy, S., Vincent
Lillie glacier Crevier, Rigby
Limnology Douglas, Laurion, Leavitt
Mueller, Pienitz, Rautio, Smol, Vincent
Lithosphere Eaton, James, Wu
Livingston Island Douglas, Pienitz, Vincent
MacAyeal Ice Stream Clarke
Macquarie Station Siciliano
Magmatic processes Baker, Bédard
Layne, Scoates, Weis
Magnetometry Elieff
Magnetosphere McWilliams
Maguerite Bay Shaw
Mammals Muir
Mantle dynamics Frederiksen, James, Weis, Wu
Mapping Pulsifer, Rabus, Rigby, Taylor
Marguerite Bay Clarke, Krouse
Marie Byrd Land James, Roy, M.
Marine ecosystems Hunt, Lemarchand
Lovejoy, Pitcher, Ricciardi, Stirling, Varela
Mawson Station Terhune
McMurdo Dry Valley Douglas, Ferris
Gregorich, Hicock, Lanoil, Mueller
Nickling, Pollard, Scott, Sharp
Shaw, Vincent, Whyte
McMurdo Ice Shelf Copland, Sharp, Vincent
McMurdo Sound Conlan, Pollard, Rivkin
Schmitt, Terhune
Melchior Station Roy, S.
Mercer Ice Stream Clarke
Mercury Bottenheim, Muir, Tarasick
Mesosphere Hocking, Shepherd, M.
Mesozoic Williams
Meteor radars Hocking
Meteorites Beech, Brown, Schmitt, Vali
Methane Boone, Egger, Ferris, Gregorich
McLinden, Sharp, Sica, Strong
Vincent, Walker, Worthy