The Microsoft Secure Score for Identity Security Posture Assessment activity is used to analyze and prioritize the Microsoft Secure Score improvement actions related to identity, documenting the results as part of the 10 - Secure Identities and Access - Key results, Recommendations and Next Steps.pptx presentation.
The objective for the activity is to analyze and prioritize the Microsoft Secure Score actions related to identity, particularly the following:
Guided exploration of Microsoft Secure Score and the recommended improvement actions related to identity, making sure to cover:
An explanation of each recommended improvement action.
Score impact vs. the customer’s priorities.
User impact and implementation details.
Updated 10 - Secure Identities and Access - Key results, Recommendations and Next Steps.pptx presentation.
The delivery resource will need to familiarize themself with:
The 10 - Secure Identities and Access - Key results, Recommendations and Next Steps.pptx presentation.
Microsoft Secure Score and the included improvement actions.
The activities outlined in section 10.2 Business Value Presentation should be completed prior to starting this activity.
Access to the Microsoft Secure Score portal.
The deliverables of the kick-off meeting are defined as:
All Microsoft Secure Score identity-related improvement actions analyzed, prioritized, and documented as part of the 10 - Secure Identities and Access - Key results, Recommendations and Next Steps.pptx presentation.
These deliverables will serve as input to the next steps.
The Microsoft Secure Score for Identity Security Posture Assessment activity focuses on a guided exploration of the Secure Score improvement actions related to identity and preparing the results as part of the 10 - Secure Identities and Access - Key results, Recommendations and Next Steps.pptx presentation.
Ask the customer to sign into the Microsoft Secure Score portal and assist (guide) them in exploring the Overview dashboard.
Open the Improvement Actions tab and use the filter function to show improvement actions within the Identity category.
Open each improvement action that hasn’t already been completed and explain:
In some cases, it might be useful to demonstrate the improvement action functionality and/or feature using a demonstration tenant.
For each improvement action, update the action plan status and notes. For example, if the customer agrees to implement the improvement action, set the status to Planned and add notes if needed. If the customer is planning to implement the improvement action as part of a planned next step, you can also add a tag with the name of the next step. This could, for example, be the name of a planned engagement. You can then later filter the improvement actions based on their tags.
Use the list of planned improvement actions to update the Microsoft Secure Score Results section within the 10 - Secure Identities and Access - Key results, Recommendations and Next Steps.pptx presentation.
Background reading
To prepare for the delivery of the Secure Identities and Access Workshop engagement, refer to Appendix A - Readiness and Technical Content for links to relevant online learning content.