Service equipment battery test software battery protection


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Technical Data

GUBT55A12V (6 units)

Charge/discharge current:


Nominal battery voltage:


Charge voltage range:


Discharge voltage range:



0,5% of set value

Power circuits:


Controlled characteristics:

constant current, voltage, power, resistance

Control elements:

main switch, program selector switch, party line connection, start and stop buttons


LED’s for power, active, charge, discharge, digital instruments for current and voltage with additional test sockets

Controlled variables:

current, voltage, power and resistance

Termination values:

charge time, charge voltage, charge current, Ah charged, Wh charged, discharge time, final discharge voltage, discharge current, Ah discharged, Wh discharged

Programmable functions:

Charge, discharge, pause, cycles, cycles in cycles, “go to” steps

Display of measuring values:

During operation permanently on the monitor of the host computer

Displayed and printed measuring values for each program step:

Voltage, current, time

Power requirements: 3x380V/50Hz, 7.2kVA

Ambient temperature: 10 to 40C.


  1. Gaus Universal Battery Tester GUBT55A12V (6x55A12V) 25500 US$

Delivery Time: three months

Warranty Period: 1 (one) year


Technical Data

GUBT30/100A12V (5 units)

Charge/discharge current:


Nominal battery voltage:


Charge voltage range:


Discharge voltage range:



0,5% of set value

Power circuits:


Controlled characteristics:

constant current, voltage, power, resistance

Control elements:

main switch, program selector switch, party line connection, start and stop buttons


LED’s for power, active, charge, discharge, digital instruments for current and voltage with additional test sockets

Controlled variables:

current, voltage, power and resistance

Termination values:

charge time, charge voltage, charge current, Ah charged, Wh charged, discharge time, final discharge voltage, discharge current, Ah discharged, Wh discharged

Programmable functions:

Charge, discharge, pause, cycles, cycles in cycles, “go to” steps

Display of measuring values:

During operation permanently on the monitor of the host computer

Displayed and printed measuring values for each program step:

Voltage, current, time

Power requirements: 3x380V/50Hz, 5kVA

Ambient temperature: 10 to 40C.


  1. Gaus Universal Battery Tester GUBT30/100A12V (5x30/100A12V) 20500 US$

Delivery Time: three months

Warranty Period: 1 (one) year


The Gaus Industrial Battery Tester GIBT is designed for testing of industrial batteries in a way to meet any requirement, I. E. charge and discharge with freely selectable current, pauses and repetition of a test procedure as a whole or in parts (cycling) and the registration of the measured data. Testing is not limited to lead-acid batteries, but it is possible to test all other types of electrochemical power sources.

Many of the standardized test programs use the current as nominal value. But voltage, power or resistance values may be used as well. A program step may be terminated not only after a specified time, but also when a certain voltage or Ah (or Wh) values is reached. For registration of the measured values, interval of time, voltage, amperhours, or energy (Watt-hours) are suitable parameters.

Each GIBT is provided with its own programmable control and power unit. The power unit is alternatively made in transistor technique or designed as an inverter. For smaller power requirements in the range of 100W to 5000W several charge-discharge units are combined in one cabinet with a common power supply. Each circuit is provided with its own programmable control and the respective transistor power assembly. GIBT for small nominal voltage and high current are preferably made in transistor technique. The discharge energy is converted into heat in power transistors and resistors. More powerful units are designed as inverters and the energy is fed back to the mains.

The programmable control unit is the core of each circuit. It is a standalone microcomputer system for a data logging and precise control of analogue measured values. It also assumes the processing of stored test programs.

In the manual operating mode, it is possible to select one of the stored programs No1-8, interrupt and terminate the program by pressing the respective button. Digital instruments for battery voltage and current are fitted on the front panel.

Automatic operating mode is made via host computer with GBTS100 party line host computer software.

The Programs

All tests programs can be split into steps, where certain operations must be executed under well defined conditions. Each step is fixed in a program line.

Each program step is divided into columns and each column has a headline describing its function.

Column explanations:

Column: Label

Each program step can be labeled which is used for controlling of program executing.

Column: Operation

Each program step starts with an operator determining the function of the test circuit. The operator names are simple abbreviations of the respective functions (charge, discharge, ramp, cycle, pause, stop).

Column: Set value

As nominal values for this step may be entered current, voltage or resistance of power values.

Column: Term. condition

The termination values current, voltage, time, capacity, energy and temperature determine the end of a program step and thus the beginning of the next program step. In building of condition can be used logical operators AND, OR, NOT.

Column: Term. action

Possibilities for The Term. Action columns are:

  • GOTO label -transfers program control to the specified program step

  • NEXT -goes to the next program step

  • STOP -terminates program

Column: Abort condition

The values entered under this column may be the same as for the termination values. However, in this case, the program run will be terminated if one of these limit values is reached.

Column: Registration

The conditions for the registration are entered into the last column. These may be time intervals or changes in current, voltage, capacity, energy or temperature.

Technical Data



charge, discharge, pause, cycles

Control values:

current, voltage, power, resistance

Switch values:

time, voltage, current, ampere-hours, watt-hours, cycles

Power circuit:

transistors with resistance’s

Display on the device:

LED indicators for active, charge, discharge, power, digital meters for current and voltage with additional plugs

Display on the screen:

Function, time, current, voltage, Ah, Wh

Number of Cells:

3 to 6 or 3 to 12 lead-acid, 5 to 9 or 5 to 18 NiCd

Charge voltage range:

6 to 18V or 10 to 36V

Discharge voltage range:

5 to 16V or 5 to 32V

Charge current range:

0.1 to 100% of nominal value

Discharge current range:

0.1 to 100% of nominal value

Accuracy of current:

0,5% of programmed current

Current range:

10 to 300A

Power requirements: 3x380V/50Hz 11000VA

Ambient temperature: 10 to 40C.


  1. Gaus Industrial Battery Tester GIBT300A18V 13800US$

  2. Gaus Industrial Battery Tester GIBT300A36V 17500US$


(12/24V charge/discharge continuous duty, single cell operation, temperature measurement)

Tehničke karakteristike:

  • Opseg napona pražnjenja 0-30V

  • Opseg napona punjenja 0-34V

  • Opseg struje punjenja/pražnjenja 1-200/300A

  • Digitalni voltmetar 0-199.9V

  • Digitalni ampermetar 0-1999A

  • Napajanje 3x380V, 50Hz, 25kVA

  • Dimenzije (ŠxVxD) 1000x2000x500mm (2x19x36HEx500mm)

  • Masa 400kg


U rasponu 1-100% Inom

12bit dual slope A/D conversion

0,2% od pune skale

Kontrolni sistem:

MOSFET tranzistori

Kombinovano analogno-digitalna regulacija

Kontrolna karakteristika:

Konstantna struja, konstantni napon

Opcija: konstantna snaga, otpor (cena po zahtevu)

Kontrolni elementi:

Glavni prekidač, prekidač kontrolne jedinice, centralni prekidač 12/24V, start i stop tasteri, tasteri i prekidači za ručni režim rada


LED diode za indikaciju u ručnom režimu rada (start, stop, pauza, autom/man, program 1-8, program select), digitalni instrumenti za struju i napon

Programabilni parametri regulacije:

Struja, napon, Ah, vreme i otpor

Programabilni uslovi prekida:

Vreme operacije, krajnji napon, struja, ispražnjeni ili uneti Ah…

Programabilne funkcije:

Pražnjenje konst. strujom, punjenje konst. strujom, pražnjenje i punjenje u rampi, punjenje konstantim naponom, pauza, ciklusiranje

Prikaz merenih veličina:

Tokom testa na monitoru PC računara…

Analogni kanali:

Dva fiksna za napon i struju, jedan za temperaturu (opciono) i šest za napon ćelija (opciono)

Konverzija energije:

Disipativnim putem (tranzistori u linearnom režimu rada)


Forsirano vazdušno

  • Merenje 12 bitnim dual-slope A/D konvertorom

  • 10 merenja u sekundi

  • Najmanje trajanje programskog reda 0.2s

  • Opto izolovani drajveri za energetski deo

  • Opto izolovane komunikacione linije

  • Optoizolovano merenje

  • Disipativna snaga max 21kW.

  • Temperatura ambijenta 10 to 40C.


(12V charge/discharge continuous duty, single cell operation, temperature measurement)
Gaus Industrial Battery Tester GIBT200/300A12V
GIBT200/300A12V je mikroprocesorki uređaj za laboratorijsko ispitivanje svih vrsta testova kapaciteta, životnog veka itd. industrijskih baterija po svim standardima ispitivanja. To je uređaj iz familije Gausovih uređaja predviđenih za rad u party line sistemu (veći broj uređaja na zajedničkoj komunikacionoj liniji sa PC računarom) u okviru softvera tipa Gaus Battery Test System GBTS1.**. Smešten je u dvokrilni pokretni čelično-aluminijumski orman 36HE x500mm x (2x19)inča. Ukupno ima tri posebne jedinice, dve za ispitivanje strujom do 200A i jednu za ispitivanje strujom do 300A. Svaku jedinicu čine ga upravljački modul, tranzistorski moduli za punjenje i pražnjenje sa sistemom za hlađenje, energetski transformator i diodni most sa kontaktorima i osiguračima. Regulacija struje je analogno-digitalna. Energetski deo je dimenzionisan da trpi kontinualne testove (permanentno opterećenje) strujama do 200/300A.
Tehničke karakteristike:

  • Opseg napona pražnjenja 0-14V

  • Opseg napona punjenja 0-18V

  • Opseg struje punjenja/pražnjenja 1-200/300A

  • Digitalni voltmetar 0-19,99V

  • Digitalni ampermetar 0-1999A

  • Napajanje 3x380V, 50Hz, 15kVA

  • Dimenzije (ŠxVxD) 1000x2000x500mm (2x19x36HEx500mm)

  • Masa 200kg

Technical Data
GIBT200/300A12V (2x0-200A, 1x0-300A):


charge, discharge, pause, cycles

Control values:

current, voltage, Ah, resistance

Switch values:

time, voltage, current, ampere-hours, watt-hours, cycles

Power circuit:

MOSFET transistors with resistance’s

Display on the device:

LED indicators for active, charge, discharge, power, digital meters for current and voltage with additional plugs

Display on the screen:

Function, time, current, voltage, Ah

Number of Cells:

up to 6 lead-acid, up to 9 NiCd

Charge voltage range:

0 to 18V

Discharge voltage range:

0 to 14V

Charge current range:

0.1 to 100% of nominal value

Discharge current range:

0.1 to 100% of nominal value

Accuracy of current:

0,5% of programmed current

Current range:

1 to 200/300A

Power requirements: 3x380V/50Hz 15000VA

Ambient temperature: 10 to 40C.

Delivery Time: three months

Warranty Period: 2 (two) year


  1. Gaus Industrial Battery Tester GIBT200/300A12V (single cell operation) sa energetskim i mernim kablovima, 2 jedinice od 0 do 200A i jedna od 0 do 300A, napon punjenja do 18V, napon pražnjenja od 0 do 14V 27500 EURO


  • Dodatak za merenje temperature (5 merenja u sekundi, raspon –50 do +150C sa monitoringom) za jednu jedinicu 250 EURO

  • 6 cell voltage monitor + dodatak u softveru za jednu jedinicu 1000 EURO


Gaus Traction Battery Tester is universal unit for production, testing and service of traction batteries:

  1. individual forming of traction battery

  2. cycling (charge, discharge)

  3. All capacitive and life time testing

  4. service

  5. accuracy 1%

  6. Host computer software- Gaus Battery Test System GBTS1.06

Technical Data



Max 100A or 170A for Ubatt32V (option)


Max 240A

Nominal voltage:


Voltage range (charge):


Voltage range (discharge):



1% of set value

Power circuit:

MOSFET transistors and transistor-load groups

Controlled characteristics:

constant current, voltage, power, resistance

Control elements:

main switch, program selector switch, party line connection, start and stop buttons


LED’s for power, active, charge, discharge, digital instruments for current and voltage with additional test sockets

Controlled variables:

current, voltage, power and resistance

Termination values:

charge time, charge voltage, charge current, Ah charged, Wh charged, discharge time, final discharge voltage, discharge current, Ah discharged, Wh discharged

Programmable functions:

Charge, discharge, pause, cycles, cycles in cycles, “go to” steps

Display of measuring values:

During operation permanently on the monitor of the host computer

  • 12 bit dual slope A/D converter

  • 10 measuring per second

  • min. time step 0.2s

  • Opto-isolated drivers

  • Opto –isolated communication lines

  • Opto-isolated measuring

  • Power supply 3x380V 50Hz 8kW

  • Dissipation max 20kW.

  • Ambient temperature 10 to 40C.


  1. Gaus Traction Battery Tester GTBT80A110V 5100 US$

  2. Gaus Traction Battery Tester GTBT120A110V 6350 US$

  3. Gaus Traction Battery Tester GTBT240A110V 7150 US$

Additional charge current (+70A) 2150 US$

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