Shoreline Community College annual outcomes assessment report—2002-03

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After you have reviewed your writing portfolio, write short answers to these questions.

  1. We reviewed the first draft in class in small groups. This is called “peer review.” In terms of the feedback your peers gave you, what was helpful? Was anything not helpful?

  1. What did you change from your first draft to your second draft? Why did you make these changes? If you didn’t make changes, can you explain why?

  1. Explain your writing process. (For example, did you do any prewriting activities? Did you go to the Academic Skills Center? Did you see the teacher or ask a friend for help?)

  1. What did you learn about organization, parts of the essay, coherence and grammar throughout this writing assignment?

  1. Are you satisfied with the points you received for this assignment?

Reviewer’s name: _____________________________________________________________
Writer’s: ___________________________________________________________________
Describe the best part of this essay: ______________________________________________
Is the thesis clearly stated? ______________________________________________________
Is the introduction interesting? _________________________________________________
Is the main idea of each paragraph clear? __________________________________________
Does each body paragraph begin with a topic sentence that has a controlling idea?
Are there any details which do not belong in the essay? ______________________________
Did the author provide enough examples from his or her own experience or from the
reading? _____________________________________________________________________
Is the conclusion effective? ______________________________________________________
How can the author improve this essay? Give the author specific suggestions.



I agree with the following comments: _____________________________________

These are the changes I want to make in response to the reviewers’ suggestions.
I disagree with the following comments: __________________________________
I need help with the following parts of the essay: (Please number in order of priority, for example, 1=most important need)
____ introduction
____ thesis
____ body
___ conclusion
____ vocabulary
____ transitions
____ content
____ grammar
____ other (please describe)

*Attach this form to your draft. Put this form and the reviewers’ forms in your portfolio.

Essay Cover Sheet Name ______________

  1. What was the writing assignment. (Use your own words.)

  1. List the most successful thing you did in writing this paper.

  1. Describe your writing process. (For example, how long did it take you? Did you write it all in one day? What help did you receive? What problems did you encounter?)

  1. Prewriting Activities: What did you use? In what way or ways did any of these activities help you? Would you use any of these before you write your next essay? Would you like to learn more about prewriting activities?

  1. Is there anything you learned that you could apply to the next writing assignment?

C-4 Communication Assignment Cover Sheet

Discipline: English As a Second Language
Course: ESL 098: Academic ESL I
Instructor: Donna Biscay
Course Prerequisites: ESL Placement
Assignment Title: Essay Cover Sheet
Assignment Description: Students fill out this cover sheet each time they turn in an essay. It is a self-assessment of their writing process and of the quality of their writing.
Student Population: ESL 098 students are three quarters away from English 101. They are learning essay structure and have mastered intermediate grammar skills. They are learning more complicated verb usage and sentence structure.
Assignment Timeframe: Students get the cover page assignment with the writing assignment.
Communication Outcomes Addressed:

I. Listen to, understand, evaluate and respond to verbal and non-verbal messages.

III. Formulate and verbally express focused, coherent, and organized information, ideas, and opinions, with style and content appropriate for the purpose and audience, in a variety of communication contexts, such as one-on-one situations, small groups and classes.

VI. Assess themselves as communicators, based on the standards of clear and effective communication expressed or implied above and make adjustments and improvements in their communication strategies.

Other Outcomes Addressed

Essay Cover Sheet Name ______________

        1. What was the writing assignment. (Use your own words.)

        1. List the most successful thing you did in writing this paper.

        1. Describe your writing process. (For example, how long did it take you? Did you write it all in one day? What help did you receive? What problems did you encounter?)

        1. Prewriting Activities: What did you use? In what way or ways did any of these activities help you? Would you use any of these before you write your next essay? Would you like to learn more about prewriting activities?

        1. Is there anything you learned that you could apply to the next writing assignment?

C-5 Communication Assignment Cover Sheet
Discipline: Developmental English
Course: English 080, 090 and 100
Instructor: Pam Dusenberry
Course Prerequisites: Asset placement or completion of the previous English course.
Assignment Title: Reading Log
Assignment Description: Students complete this 11-step reading process assignment every time they read for class. It helps them practice a process for reading and recording what they learn based on what excellent readers do.
Student Population: Students in English 080 are learning the elements of good reading and writing processes and what is expected in college in these areas. English 090 and 100 students are furthering these processes.
Assignment Timeframe: Students complete this assignment 20-30 times in the course of the quarter. They have from one day to a week to complete each one.
Communication Outcomes Addressed:

I. Listen to, understand, evaluate and respond to verbal and non-verbal messages.

II. Comprehend, analyze and evaluate information in a given text (such as a story, essay, poem, textbook, etc.).

III. Formulate and verbally express focused, coherent, and organized information, ideas, and opinions, with style and content appropriate for the purpose and audience, in a variety of communication contexts, such as one-on-one situations, small groups and classes.

IV. Formulate and express information, ideas and opinions in mechanically sound written forms that have a clear purpose, focus, thesis and organization; that are appropriate for their audience in content and style; and that support, clarify, and expand complex ideas with relevant details, examples and arguments.

VI. Assess themselves as communicators, based on the standards of clear and effective communication expressed or implied above and make adjustments and improvements in their communication strategies.

Other Outcomes Addressed

General Intellectual Abilities: I. A. and D.

Information Literacy: IV. A.

English 080 – 090 – 100

Pam Dusenberry

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