***AFF*** SPS Solves – 1 Gigawatt
We have the tech now – only economic barriers
Coopersmith 2-3-11, Professor of History and Texas A&M, “The cost of reaching orbit: Ground-based launch systems” [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S026596461100035X]
Space-based solar power (SBSP) promises GW of electric power with minimum environmental damage. While it was too ambitious when proposed in 1968, technological advances and growing concern about providing environmentally friendly electricity have renewed interest in collecting solar energy and transmitting it to Earth” A 2007 study by me National Space Security office (NSSO) of the Department of Defense stated building a I-GW solar power station in geosynchronous orbit was technically feasible." the major economic challenge will be launching the 3000 metric tons of material and equipment to construct an SBSP station The NSSO study concluded. "The nation’s existing EELV [Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle-based space logistic infrastructure could not handle the volume or reach the necessary cost efficiencies In support a cost-effective SBSP system".2' Only drastic reductions in launch costs will make SBSP economically feasible. as Table 1 indicates. For SBSP to become a reality. reducing the cost of reaching orbit is as important as the SBSP technology.
SPS Solves – Needs Development
SPS will work with development.
Boechler et al, School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA, 6
[Nicholas Boechler, Sameer Hameer, Sam Wanis, Narayanan Komerath; “An Evolutionary Model for Space Solar Power”; 2006; http://www.adl.gatech.edu/archives/adlp06020701.pdf; Boyce]
By carefully integrating environmental and energy policy issues, and rethinking the concept of SSP, we show that a viable, realistic, socially and politically acceptable technical path can be laid to reach the dream of Space Solar Power. While a simplistic calculation of end-to-end efficiency shows beamed power transmission to be far inferior to transmission via high voltage lines, a space-based power grid opens up various markets and opportunities that are otherwise closed. The single most important point of the present concept is that it provides the long-sought Evolutionary Path towards Space Solar Power. The inverted thinking of SPG, where we initially beam power into space rather than from it, is the key. Initial system size and scope are kept small to enable deployment and revenue generation, giving time for market forces to identify the opportunities. The production/deployment cost of a 36satellite system is covered to at least 50% from transmission line costs of the power transacted, with substantial added benefits from carbon cost savings. Advancement to Stage 2 will require improved microwave power handling (waveguide) technology, and in nanoscale fabrication for direct conversion to microwaves
SPS works but needs development
Matsumoto, 1973: Ph.D., Kyoto University, 2000-2002 Professor, Radio Science Center for Space and Atmosphere, Kyoto University, 2008: President, Kyoto University, Japan; 2
[Hiroshi Matsumoto; “Research on Solar Power Satellites and Microwave Power Transmisison in Japan; December 2002; http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=01145674; Boyce]
The SPS will be a central attraction of space and energy technology in coming decades. At present, technological development of the MPT at 2.45 and 5.8 GHz is still ongoing. However, the overall efficiency goal of 64% from dc provided by the solar panels to dc output from the rectennas is not far away. The target of 80% at both transmitting and receiving systems is achievable in the near future. However, large-scale retrodirective power transmission has not yet been proven and needs further development. Another important area of technological development will be the reduction of the size and weight of individual elements aboard the space section of the SPS. SPS researchers in Japan are interested in designing and launching an experimental power satellite with a scale of 10-100 kW in low Earth orbit (LEO) to prove technical feasibility. In this article we have mainly discussed only MPT. Other key technologies to be considered include large-scale transportation and robotics for the construction of large-scale structures in space. Technical hurdles will be removed in the coming one or two decades. The difficult issue of radio regulation is to be overcome with a long-term philosophy of radio usage in this century. To this end, a special working group was formed in 2002 within the International Union of Radio Science (URSI) to have a serious discussion on this matter, including communication engineers, SPS engineers, radio astronomers, and bioradio scientists. This working group and the Scientific Committee on Telecommunications within URSI will make an effort to contact the International Telecommunications Union, which is a regulatory organization of radio spectrum.
Beam technology development feasible – requires government incentives and initiatives
Chowdhary et al 09 (G.; Gadre, R.; Komerath, N., Georgia Institute of Technology) "Policy issues for retail Beamed Power transmission," Science and Innovation Policy, 2009 Atlanta Conference on , vol., no., pp.1-6, 2-3 Oct. 2009 http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=5367855&isnumber=5367807 Herm
BPTS systems provide an efficient tool for providing power to units of the armed forces operating in remote locations on the battlefield. On realization, this technology has the potential to provide sufficient power to any field unit without having to carry independent power source. It would be natural to protect such technology through ITAR restrictions. However, it should be noted that given the current economic scenario, and the fact that delivery of energy is a global problem, significant global collaboration will be required for development of BPTS. Allowing for global cooperation without threatening national interest is a significant policy issue that needs to be addressed early on in the design. Significant government involvement will be needed to mature the complete potential of this high risk technology. Based on increasing technological risk, the required policy initiatives can be roughly separated in the following levels: Level 1: Encourage small scale private sector innovations relying on beamed power by recognizing the environmental benefits. Level 2: Encourage public .– private sector large scale projects that use direct beamed power for powering subsytems. Level 3: Encourage large scale augmentation of retail wired power systems with beamed power. It is suggested that policy initiatives should be created that encourage the development of technology simultaneously on all three levels with financial support concentrated on level 1 in early stages and concentrated on level 2 and 3 in later stages. This allows for distribution of risk and gradual across the spectrum incorporation of the technology into main stream applications.
Tech development is needed to get SPS of the ground.
Potter, Research Scientist, New York University; Member of Board of Directors of the Space Frontier Society of New York , 98
[Seth Potter; “Solar Power Satellites: An Idea Whose Time Has Come”; last rev 12/27/1998; http://www.freemars.org/history/sps.html; Boyce]
Spurred on by the oil crises of the 1970's, the US Department of Energy and NASA jointly studied the SPS during that decade. The result of this study was a design for an SPS which consisted of a 5 x 10 kilometer (3 x 6 mile) rectangular solar collector and a 1-kilometer-diameter (0.6 mile) circular transmitting antenna array. The SPS would weigh 30,000 to 50,000 metric tons. The power would be beamed to the Earth in the form of microwaves at a frequency of 2.45 GHz (2450 MHz), which can pass unimpeded through clouds and rain. This frequency hasbeen set aside for industrial, scientific, and medical use, and is the same frequency used in microwave ovens. Equipment to generate themicrowaves is therefore inexpensive and readily available, though higher frequencies have been proposed as well. The rectenna array would be an ellipse 10 x 13 kilometers (6 x 8 miles) in size. It could be designed to let light through, so that crops, or even solar panels, could be placed underneath it. The amount of power available to consumers from one such SPS is 5 billion watts. (A typical conventional power plant supplies 500 million to 1 billion watts.) The peak intensity of the microwave beam would be 23 milliwatts per square centimeter (148 milliwatts per square inch). The US standard for industrial exposure to microwaves is 10 milliwatts per square centimeter, while up to 5 milliwatts per square centimeter are allowed to leak from microwave ovens. US standards are based on heating effects. Stricter standards are in effect in some countries. So far, no non-thermal health effects of low-level microwave exposure have been proven, although the issue remains controversial. Nevertheless, even the peak of the beam is not exactly a death ray. Underneath the rectenna, microwave levels are practically nil. The reason that the SPS must be so large has to do with the physics of power beaming. The smalle rthe transmitter array, the larger the angle of divergence of the transmitted beam. A highly divergent beam will spread out over a great deal of land area, and may be too weak to activate the rectenna. In order to obtain a sufficiently concentrated beam, a great deal of power must be collected and fed into a large transmitter array. Interest in the SPS concept waned after the 1970's due to the end of the oil crisis and the failure of inexpensive launch systems to materialize. In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in the SPS, due to concerns about a possible global warming resulting from carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion. A study commissioned by the Space Studies Institute (SSI) has shown that about 98% of the mass of the SPS can consist of materials mined from the moon. A lunar infrastructure would have to exist for this to occur. My own SSI-sponsored work, based on earlier work by Geoffrey Landis and Ronald Cull at the NASA Lewis Research Center, has shown that an SPS could be built using thin-film solar cells deposited on lightweight substrates. Such an SPS could deliver perhaps ten times as much power per unit mass as older designs. The combination of lightweight materials, inexpensive launch systems, and a space infrastructure can make the SPS a reality. No breakthroughs in physics would be required. However, a significant commitment to technology development would be needed.
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