Expert Group
In support of activity (a): A small Expert Group will be formed to design the methodology and outline for the review system of MEAs envisaged under the project. Costs covered under this item include travel and meeting expenses for two physical meetings, one to discuss and approve the methodology for the national reviews, and one concluding meeting to develop conclusions and guidelines for further reviews to be undertaken by other countries. Additional meetings of the group will be conducted via video- or tele-conferencing (2 x $50,000) = $100,000
Travel of staff
In support of activity (b): travel in the implementation of the project (e.g. travel to the pilot countries). Envisaged are 3 - 4 missions per country at an estimated cost of $3,000 – $5,000 each.
Contractual Services
In support for activity (b): contracts with NGOs and institutions assisting in the implementation of the project that will focus in three major topics: Environmental Law Institute, International Network for Environmental compliance and Enforcement, and Working Group on Environmental auditing ($50,000 x 3 = $150,000); publications to publicize the findings of the project = ($10,000)
Seminars and Workshops
In support of activity (c): will cover the organization of national workshops to assess the findings of the review and address the capacity gaps identified. Envisaged is one workshop per country at an estimated cost of ($40,000 x 5 countries) = $200,000, to discuss the findings of the review process and provide targeted capacity building and awareness rising for national stakeholders.
100 000
83 000
160 000
200 000