The Health Plan identifies the risks inherent in health development and also the mitigating factors.
Risk | Mitigation |
Financial resources for health well below predictions
Seek agreement on Financial envelope from GoPNG, ABG, Donors prior to committing to plan.
Financial resources to ARB government well below that required to sustain health services
Reduce scope of plan to fit available resources.
Continued instability, restricting access to parts of ARB, staff insecure.
Decentralise (DHFF) to support local level activity even when access is difficult.
Instability in PNG government and interruption of resource flows
Work with Donors to achieve uninterrupted funding flows. Ensure neutrality of facilities and personnel.
Change in donor policies reducing donor support
Increase rate of ABG financial self reliance.
Trained Health workers migrate to other countries.
Introduce package of measure to make ARB attractive for Health workers.
Implementation failure of major priorities
Establishing a project management function to drive priorities.
Governance and management
The plan is to develop a single ABG health organisation, the Bougainville Health Authority. This will have a board, and be solely answerable to the ABG through the Minister of Health (unlike provincial health authorities in other provinces who are answerable to both the Minister of Health of GoPNG and the Governor).
In order to kick-start the priorities in this plan, three cross-sectoral taskforces will be formed. They will form part of the executive team of the Division of Health, and their work will be facilitated by project management and accountancy support.
It is envisaged that these task forces will be in place for a limited time of 3 -4 years. They would be resourced to get the job done and make sure the services are able to sustain the work once each taskforce finishes.
Next steps -
The draft plan is reviewed and adjusted by ABG.
The plan is finalised and endorsed by ABG.
The accountability and teamwork statement formally ratified by the health sector leaders.
ABG commits to support the plan with 15% of ABG revenue and GoPNG development grant till 2016.
The ABG plan for 6% real growth (after inflation adjustments) per annum in financing 2015 to 2030.
The plan is presented to a donor summit and support sought from donors in three areas:
Commitment to extend existing donor support levels to complete rebuilding of the health infrastructure
Assistance with bridging finance 2015-2020 in the event of post referendum financial separation from the GoPNG.
Donor coordination and resource pooling to reduce complexity and align donor support with the plan.
Establishment of Independent advisory group reporting to the Minister of Health to monitor the roll out of the plan.
Establishment of three cross-sectoral taskforces (Maternal health, Facilities, Health human resources).
Establishment of the Bougainville Health Authority
Appendix 1: Values that underpin the work of the ARB health sector
Accountability – The health sector and service providers are accountable to both the Minister of Health and the communities they serve. Staff shall demonstrate commitment to the highest ethical standards in all aspects of their work. There should be transparency in the use of funds and allocation of resources for health.
This plan includes an accountability statement. The leaders of the PNG health sector commit to this statement and will be held accountable for the sector’s performance.
People focus – Health services will be people-focused, empowering individuals to take ownership for their own health and to become self-reliant. Health literacy will be promoted at every opportunity and for all ages. Decisions taken in the health sector will have a people-focus at their core and will determine how proposals impact on the health of the people.
Quality – Health services will meet standards and will have skilled professional staff, adequate medical supplies and equipment appropriate for the level of care provided. The health sector will strive for excellence, reflect on past performance and apply the wisdom gained to continuously improve.
Teamwork – Within the health sector and between the health sector and other sectors, partnerships, networking and teamwork will be promoted to achieve coordinated and cohesive delivery of services. Teamwork applies across different parts of the sector (community, primary, secondary, tertiary, public health) and across different health organizations (hospital, rural health, churches etc.).
Equity – Health is a basic human right that is fundamental to quality of life and a core commitment made in the ARB constitution: “to govern through democracy, accountability, equality and social justice”.
All Bougainvilleans have an equal right to quality health care. This means the health sector will strive to address inequities of health outcomes and service provision, such as the current under-provision of services for the Central and South Regions.
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