The Muse's Advisory typed & spellchecked by Tom Riordan

Prep Talk - Muse's Advisory, July 24 – Shaman to Zeus

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Prep Talk - Muse's Advisory, July 24 – Shaman to Zeus:

The bird you murdered called you Pak.

What does that say about you?
Did you see Anger Management?  You should.

Take off your boots 

and lose that ridiculous gunslinger's poncho.
Who sold you that?
Nobody tougher than a hippie slut's affected
one of those for several hundred years.

As Castaneda's snakish Hexe 

taught me just a month
before she disappeared herself,

      In a dark theater, hold a finger before your nose and look at the aisle lights.

The finger isn't there. Now close one eye. The finger's there, but lights shine
through its fuzzy edges. When your mind views simple phenomena in odd ways,
you start to sense the walls of the cellar where we shelter from reality's cyclone.

Now let's have a look at you.

You still got muscle, definition.
I think we'll sweat off 15 pounds—
your peak is 215, 220 tops.
Depends how much 
you wanna work those glutes.

We'll get  to spiritual renewal! 

First things first.
We can't take half measures, 
human nature is dual.
Once upon a time, internal beauty 
shone as beauty you could see
but nowadays souls take their cues 
from muscle tone,
hair styling and good grooming.

As Don Tele says,

      Get the right level of clean for all your parts. The Axe Detailer works to keep
every part of you ready for action: use the scrub side to dig into extra dirty parts
and the mesh side to build lather on sensitive areas because every part matters.

Thus, we have to pluck those brows!

The Great Glower look went out with 
Kraven the Hunter and Wolverine.
Then let's measure you for 
an Armani or a Calvin Klein.

I  look like a bum and I  do fine?
Pal, I'm a humble shaman, 
not the kingfish you were born to be.
You could command this whole district
but you won't get a wood-tick's respect 
if you look like some Bulgarian.

Command it for what?  

That's going to be Act II.
But first, let's see what's
underneath those underpants.

A lot of who you are and who you're going to be 

depends on your relationship with that extremity.

Lie on the couch.

Arrange your shaft so it rests comfortably 
atop your pouch.

I know you've had some trouble with performance. 

Ouch.  I know the feeling, too. 
I was trying to get laid once down in Tijuana, right? 
I get the girl down in a 4-point crouch, yeah, puma style—
I'm about to touch my baldy to her nest, 
when he just plain gives out.
She rises to a kneel and tries to help me 
with her mouth but it's no use.
is  that running through the head?
that  self-consciousness? 
I'll tell you what it is. It's—

     —you sure  you didn't come for that? 

Don't bullshit me. 
I hear that Robert Bly beat in your speech.

      Turkish Pears in August, Talking into the Ear of a Donkey, The Urge to Travel Long Distances, Iron John, The Man in the Black Coat Turns, and finally, Silence in the Snowy Fields.

That's all in my own head?
I'm sorry! Most guys hope the vision quest
can boost their confidence in bed.

   You don't care? Ah. 

Things don't go smooth, that's just the way it is?
A woman's got to take the fizzle with the fizz?

Shit, man, you're more evolved than me.

So all I have to offer is peyote.
Most first-timers puke.
That's why I have these flight discomfort bags 
my aunt the stewardess
sneaks home from work.

No, neither Dramamine nor gum

is going to help.
You howl like a demented whelp,
shape-shift into that wild beast
that Robert Bly goes on and on about
at all his seminars,
then fly or trot or swim off on your quest, 
and if you're lucky,
fly or trot or swim back with a gift.

      Sober and hysically fit enough to abandon the socio-perceptual compact,

Ulloa, Osorio and Matus exist as energetic ovals who observe other passages
of energy and taste the sensation water enjoys as it follows nobody's advice
in a cold clear brook.

So, here's some 01 Gatorade. You'll need it. 

In case you get the munchies, take this jumbo size Doritos. 
When it's over, and your kid and woman come to collect you,
there's a Longhorn Steakhouse 20 miles north in Springfield. 
Here's a 10%-off coupon.

Lots of Catching Up To Do - Muse's Advisory, July 25 – Miriam to Yeshua:

I'm so excited! Sit.

We've got two days until we pick up Zeus— 
and lots of catching up to do.
A lot of muddy water under bridges, no? 

You mentioned work. 

What kind of job is it? 
Where do you live? 
Do you have friends? 
Somebody special, hmm? 
How did you wind up here? 
When did you quit the apparitions gig? 

Have you gone fundamentalist? 

I'm liking you like this, 
your St. Pete cap, 
the grease beneath your nails. 
Is that from working on your car 
or is your job in a garage? 

You've grown too old and worldly, Shoo, 

to magnify your mother with a kiss? 
that  my thanks for all of this? 

   And Zeus—? 

You know he cares, if from afar. 
The proof is that he custom-made you  
with that fain predisposition to forgive.

Your attempt to help him—sweet. 

After his vision quest, who knows, 
maybe his bitterness will wane
you two will hit it off. 
I doubt it, though. 
I've been with him through hell, 
high water, thick and thin, 
and fresh-killed inspiration
feeds his taste for the perverse 
and makes things worse.

If he has one quintessence,

guiding force, élan vital,
I'd have to say it's his resistance
to amendment—that divine inertia
worshipers prefer to call “perfection.”

       I'll have some Ranch House Chili,

       half a rack of Baby Backs—
       or should I get
       Flo's Bacon Wrapped Filet?
   You're getting 
fish,  Yeshua?
No, you're Texan, eat some beef.

       Don't bring him salmon, Miss.

       That's too ridiculous—grown boy!
       Make it an Outlaw Ribeye rare.
       No Mango Peach Sangria neither—
       lime-rimmed Equis, 
       and hold the glass.

       Who's that there, settin' up to sing?

          You're shittin' me, there's such a thing
       as country-western Rebel soul?
       Sounds like a mixed-
up  motherfucker.
who?—his name is actually Rucker? 

   Yeah, yeah, you're old enough

to order what you want, it's true,
but when in Rome, you do as Romans do.
You think that pierced-neck hottie there
is gonna shtup a guy who orders fish
and uses Pantene Shine Enhancer in his hair?

      Why, thank you, Miss.

   Stop whining! Drink your beer
and try to look—you know, a little hip.
I think that singer guy is eying me.
Who knows, it
may be mama's lucky night.

The Pup's Plea - Muse's Advisory, July 26 – Yeshua to Miriam:

Ma, Zeus can rot in hell. 

I didn't work that trick in Nazareth, 
nor hire that sham, 
to melt the blowhard's selfish shell. 
I did it for these couple days 
without him, me and you, just us.

I want to drive you to St. Joe. 

I saw Dad there—my 
real  dad,
if you want to know—
not the unmannered schmo 
who thinks his sperm alone 
a gift from god.
You'll be surprised, impressed.
He has a steady job, 
is off the sauce
and has a place that's big enough 
for the whole family.

   Can't we just go and see? 

I know you saw him fairly recently 
and it was bad, 
but time is looser here out West,
and Zeus—let's face it— 
a degenerating mess,
a far cry from his best,
which isn't saying much. 

I want the childhood you took from me! 

Who wants to be a prodigy 
debating hermeneutics with high priests? 
I want to chase a little tail 
and smoke a little weed, 
hop in my truck and roar around 
at unsafe speeds! I'm 
not  a rebel, Ma—
à propos  the Civil War, we
don't believe the North was free 
to force the South to be 
their economic whore—
all I want is franchise to walk tall 
into a rockabilly honkytonk
and tell a girl something as normal as 
“My parents live up in Missouri.”
Would it kill you to maintain 
some semblance of a marriage 
so your cub can hold his head up
when he's drinking with his friends down 
at The Concord Carriage? 

Yes, I work in a garage. 

I'm just a glorified apprentice. 
And I have my eye on someone special— 
Christian, and conventional. 
Adultery with gigolos from Crete 
is not 
her  family's cup of tea.

   I'm sorry.

Yes, I know Zeus has been good for you, 
but Ma, it's time to get back with 
the man you're married to,
give him that second chance. 
It's really my fault that he left,
so reunite for me,
to help me expiate my guilt.

This is my final shot at real stability— 

at fitting in—a good ol' boy,
not some Begotten Son. 
can  we?
   Yeah, right here, it's in my GPS.
Two miles, turn left on 160 east,
then catty-corner straight across 
this tennis court of winter wheat 
that calls itself the stat
e of Kansas.

The Parent's Plea - Muse's Advisory, July 27 – Miriam to Yeshua:

I don't find fault with Yusuf or  with Zeus.

I blame myself for hanging on your words
and weeping at your feet, for raising you 
to think that other people's life-and-death 
was vastly less transformative than yours.

If Evangeli-Gal's not sharp enough 

to flay the beastly mom and wear
the pelt—the child a parent yields—
I wonder if she's not a dicey choice? 
Pathology can run in families rich or poor
but why start new ones 
if contagion is so all-fire sure? 

If she would like to meet me, good. 

If she just wants the pocket dossier—
a step-dad, yes, who walked
when you reached your rebellious years, 
and sailed to distant edges of the world 
on merchantmen; your birth-dad, yes,
a classic absentee, who did man up, 
eventually, a little bit, but far too late; 
and mom, who tended almonds, olives, quince,
and boasts some bitchin' SuperClash experience. 

All three of us are blunt, confront life head-on, fight. 

Be sure to tell her that we cuss, piss, love and hate 
as loudly as we please.
There's history of creativity, virginity, divinity, insanity—
the gamut, cornucopian with possibilities!
And we'll embrace whatever she can bring 
unless it's a requirement 
that one of us renounce our personality. 
Our skeletons roam free, no closets, that's your legacy: 
too late to put cats back in bags 
or tie ships, storm-blown, back up to their berths.
You're one of us. 
Stand tall, and let the fruits fall where they may. 
It won't be too far from the tree, I bet, 
if you and she have kid
s yourselves one day.

Vision Quest - Muse's Advisory, July 28 – Zeus:


The shaman slid the curtains shut 

and said four buttons or two gelcaps 
ought to be enough. 
“Your lady and your son 
believe you're in a rut, 
you've lost the animal, the god in here,” 
he said and tapped his ear, 
here,"  tapping his gut. 
“This is a way to stir things up.” 

“No offense, señor sabelotodo,

but you're not exactly
an hombre who inspires fear,” I said. 

“That postal truck right there," he said, 

"if it could talk, could tell you tales! 
This talking bag of skin, it isn't 

“How come we've never heard of you 

in Greece?” 

“Oh, but you have.” 

He made a girlish semi-pirouette and disappeared. 


My talons scratched the soft pine floor. 
Low Mach waves blew the window out.

I gathered myself up and flew straight 

from the sun, that dying ball—raced toward dark,  
my hungers far too powerful to wheel 
and scan the runways underneath me 
for a pond, or warm four-legged prey.
The eagle in me hurled its crown at air 
first grayed then shed by its trajectory.

Fly faster, truer than you've ever flown
until the air above your beak is lightened 
by the ardent emanation of your eyes! 

My flight outpaced an 18-wheeler past Dodge City,

then Yeshua's tiny red truck crossing the Missouri;
traversed St. Joe, and crossed the iron Mississippi.
At last--the shadow having waned, light equalized
above a coaled Lake Michigan--I dove into the eye 
of office-park Grand Rapids and struck a rabbit 
grazing in a pocket plaza in eerily illuminated dark.
The souls of Amway, Lazarus, Ojibwe and Ottawa,
perched on the window ledges, all hailed my kill; 
deep in my bowels, protozoans sighed 

New consciousness was sudden, sharp and wide. 

That featureless city was the last place anyone
would relocate to, yet I resolved—
to go and gather up the spent shells of my godhead,
make amends to Miriam and to our son,
return before the new moon, and begin a

Vision Quest (Scholarly View) - Muse's Advisory, July 29 – Former comparative theologian, corner Division & Alger:

Tonight's topic: If one wasn't high on mescaline,

why would one choose to re-locate to Michigan?

The Jewish Mishna  doesn't volunteer a rule,

nor do hadith, Icelandic sagas, countless volumes
of Confucian wisdom, vedas and upanishads,
Herodotus, the Platonists, St. Paul.
One school of thought contends
the place you live determines who you are,
another that it doesn't matter  who you are.
Who ever heard a truly educated person say,
“I wish I was Mongolian or German Swiss”
or “Dover sole are blesseder than Arctic char”?
Yet, popular metaphysics emphasizes place—
home-field advantage, de-urbanization
job relocation, highway beautification.
It is right and meet, therefore, to ask Zeus,
“Manfred—dude!—what were you thinking? 
Are you looking for a fake nose of conformity? 
Someplace no one will think to look for you?”

Okay, dear men. Adele. That's plenty for tonight.

It's time for me to crawl inside my Whirlpool box
and get some badly needed shuteye.
We can pick this up tomorrow, after lunch?
Red letter day! The Imam Sahibzada says
Salvation Army opens up its d
oors again.

Unwelcome - Muse's Advisory, July 30 - Dr. Sharif Sahibzada,

Welcome to the

              &        T

We just renovated our building.

We remodeled the entranceway
with new carpet and new paint,
and the facade with Brick Face.

Our new sign does not, however, read:

Assalammualaikum, Zeus!
Assalammualaikum, Maryam!
Assalammualaikum, Yesua!

Do you think we came here

to enjoy the beautiful climate?
While we wish you no harm,

Allah stands not in need 
of any of His creatures.

I assure you we are in enough hot water

without you coming here to stir up more.

I am a grave man, as can be seen

in the four photographs provided:

Dr Sahibzada, Director Islamic Center of West Michigan
in his office
Dr Sahibzada, Director Islamic Center of West Michigan, 
studying in his office
Dr Sahibzada, Director Islamic Center of West Michigan, 
receiving calls in his office
Dr Sahibzada, Director Islamic Center of West Michigan, 
busy on computer in his office.

Do not be fooled by my Santa-Claus like cap.

Do not be fooled by my wooden obelisk
     that says PEACE on the east face
     and JUSTICE on the north.
Do not be fooled because I use post-its.
Do not be fooled because when
     I am busy on my computer in my office
     I am only staring at the screensaver.

I am a grave man and who is to say

     whether or not I am a stone cold killer 
     when need be?
This is the way we Muslims really are!

Who is to say what is written on the south

     face of my wooden obelisk?
Observe: only the person sitting in my chair
     in my office is able to see this.
Who is to say what is written on the west?
     Only the computer is able to see this. 

Do not come to Grand Rapids, Pak  Zeus.

I heard about your escapades in Palestine.
Did you think I would not hear about them
     from my brothers in Nazareth?
I have learned about them right here
     from my computer.

Who is to say that the information is not

     right here on a post-it?

Almost three years ago the Planning Commission

voted 8-0 to prohibit brother Noah Seifullah from 
opening a prayer center just up on Madison Ave.
     They said there are not enough parking spaces.
     Did you think there are enough parking spaces
if you come here with Yesua and the Holy Mother,
your concubine Maryam?
                                    No, I do not believe so.
Therefore you must find another city to move to.

Hasta la Vista - Muse's Advisory, July  31 – Yeshua: 

did  my hitch up North
two months in Ossining. 
Just thinking of it 
makes me itch again. 

You  go there, Zeus. 
You go ahead and do 
ever  voices tell you 
when you're juiced!
Leave Ma and me alone. 
We like the rootin'-tootin' West. 
She's even started 
dressing for success—
pink bra, the Sassy Rider vest.
Are you 

That's what the vision quest

has sunk to?—one night homeless 
all-expenses-paid in Podunk 
and a growl from an imam
in a cinder-block barracks so shabby 
the Jehovah's Witnesses skedaddled?
You're lucky that beer-soaked ersatz Injun 
didn't point you toward Kamchatka! 
That  fakir took us both to town!

While you were gallivanting in the sky 

I drove up to St. Joe to see my dad— 
I'm sorry if that's hard to hear. 
Ma wouldn't go. 
She's loyal to your ass.
She stayed behind and went out for a beer. 
Some whiskeyed 
charro  made a pass at her 
that made her wet. 
I thought you oughta know. 

What a trip the three of us  are—

rejecting the scripts each other write— 
rejecting the guideposts of tradition—
grabbing the devil himself by the lapels
and insisting on “original material”!
But it will be the usual
spaghetti-Western parting
on high chaparral—
Adiós, hasta luego, 
               que los ángeles sonrisa, 
               tú sigue tu camino, yo el mío— 

and off we ride into 
cañones ciegos
without a handshake or farewell. 

Besides, I got a clinch with a cliché so hot


No, why bother talking tough, I'm heartbroken. 

The two of you have broke my heart. 
Whose dream was it for me to be a son of God? 
Why didn't you just ride me to get A's in school 
and learn the violin? 

So now, who cares? 

Grand Rapids, off you trot.

Pudre en infierno.  Rot in hell.

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