The silent massacre

The Attackers’ Use of Neurological Trickery

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
The Attackers’ Use of Neurological Trickery
By using psychological trickery, the attackers convince targets that their attackers are far smarter than they actually are. Here is one example of that duplicity. When using synthetic telepathy on a target, attackers will often induce a thought or intercept a target’s natural thought about a person, place, or object. They will then blank out of the target’s conscious some aspect that the target was thinking concerning that person, place, or object.
The target’s subconscious knows the missing, or blanked out, information, but not his conscious. Since the attackers can read the target’s mind and thoughts, they pluck the answer out of the target’s subconscious and then tell him the answer. That makes the target believe that the answer came from his attackers and that they possess a vast store of knowledge, whereas they got the answer from the target himself. The target gives them the

answer; not the reverse.
Let me give you an example of that trickery. While watching TV one evening, I saw a story about Rock Creek Park, a sprawling, wooded acreage in Washington, DC where many residents bike, jog, and walk. I remembered that a young Washington resident was murdered in Rock Creek Park. She was an aide to a Congressman, and the Congressman was under suspicion for a long while. Although I knew the name of the woman, when the name surfaced in my conscious, it came up Sandra Levy.
The attackers had blanked out the young woman’s given name. However, they had either seen or heard her real name in my subconscious. When they told me “Chandra,” I was astounded. For a time I believed that they actually had that knowledge and may have even been from the Washington area. After years of studying the attackers and analyzing their actions, however, I later realized that the attackers were using the method of “blanking out and filling in.” They had blanked out my thought and had then made it look like their thought.
They also use that method for other purposes. For example, one day I looked in the fridge for some pickle relish that I knew was there, yet I did not see it. Then I looked in all of the kitchen cabinets. I still did not see it. Several days later I found the pickle relish in the fridge exactly where I knew it should have been The attackers wanted me to think that either I was losing my mind or that somebody had secretly entered my house, taken the relish, and then re- entered my house to replace it (gaslighting). In reality, the attackers had told my subconscious that I would not see the pickle relish, so I did not see it. I have noticed that in my case the attackers can only temporarily blank out a thought, and that thought will eventually return. Such are the neurological tricks that the attackers play.
Knowing what the target is thinking, the attackers also attempt to impress the victim with their knowledge. By using their high-speed computers, they research very quickly topics that come to the target’s mind to tell him information about the topics. They even sometimes guide the target psychologically to particular topics that they have already sought information on for the same purpose. The attackers’ aim is to make the target feel that they are super intelligent and informed. They usually are not. In actuality, they retrieve most of what they know from the targets’ own minds and from the internet. Most attackers have only very average minds, and many of them are undereducated for the work that they pretend to do. Such is the neurological trickery that the attackers employ.
A large percentage of the effects of electronic stalking and mind control represent neurological tampering with the target’s mind. If a target has unusual difficulty in swallowing food, if he has severe indigestion, or if he feels sudden strange aches and pain, those occurrences are often the results of attackers’ using the subconscious voices instructing his mind that he is experiencing those problems. Whenever I feel that the attackers are causing a particular problem using their psychological tricks, I tell my mind to correct that problem. It does.
Try it. Whenever you are hit the next time with some of those annoying and sometimes frightening occurrences, tell your mind to find the area of your brain that the attackers are using to do them and then tell it to stop the resulting effects. You are the owner of your mind.
You have to learn to use your good mind against the attackers’ neurological trickery, a version of “fighting fire with fire.”

Before I go to sleep, I ask my mind to protect me and to remember the induced “dreams,” staged scenarios, and other incidents that occur while I sleep. Recently while sleeping, I suddenly woke choking. The attackers had told my mind as I slept that I had swallowed some type of small white ball. I woke trying to get the ball out of my throat. As I gasped and coughed trying to get the object unstuck, my mind signaled me that there was nothing in my throat. The effects stopped instantly. My mind even recalled hearing the attackers’ instructions while I slept, telling me that I was choking and describing the object caught in my throat.
Another psychological trick on the part of the attackers is making targets believe that they see them at all times, including when they use the bathroom. Because of that deception, many targets are afraid to bathe and perform their bodily functions. It is true that the attackers’ device(s) can view a target’s movements and his locations throughout his dwelling, but the figure that they see is probably a tiny dot or shadowy figure on their monitor. Since they know the target’s dwelling very well and can follow that dot, they do indeed know when he is in the bathroom. They also hear the target’s thought that he is going to the bathroom.
It may be true that the attackers can see what a target sees through his own eyes. However, if so they cannot see his entire body, for the target himself cannot see his entire body.
Nevertheless, the attackers can read the target’s subconscious thoughts and his thoughts determine his actions. For example, a target’s brain must register the thought of shampooing his hair before the target actually performs that action. They cannot see the target actually shampooing his hair because the target himself cannot see that. Yet, the attackers know exactly what the target is doing in real time. They can often tell him the brand of shampoo he is using because the target subconsciously noted the brand name and the attackers read that thought. More trickery.
I suggest that if a target is sensitive about the voyeurs watching him in the bathroom, he may want to use only a plug-in night light instead of the overhead light when he bathes and does his bodily functions. If you believe that the attackers can see through your own eyes, avoid looking at your private parts. If your eyes do not see them, the attackers’ eyes most certainly will not be able to see them unless there is a hidden camera in your bathroom. That, of course, is a very different issue.
I am beginning to doubt that the attackers can see what a target sees through the latter’s eyes. That capability certainly seems to exist, but it may depend on how a target is “hooked,” whether the attackers have that particular software, and whether the attackers are trained to use it. In my case, the attackers have a parallel computer that acts as my computer.
Technicians might call it a “shared” or a “ghost” computer. I believe that they also have a parallel, or shared, satellite system that acts as my TV.
Using the same satellite TV provider that I do, the attackers use their TV as if it were mine.
When I watch TV, my brain registers what channel I am turning to, so the attackers turn to that same channel. Thus, they can see and hear what I see and hear. I doubt, however, that they are viewing the TV from my eyes, for one night when I turned off the TV, I could still hear the audio part of the program that I had been watching. The attackers must have left their TV on and my hearing picked it up.

Here is another reason that I doubt that they see through my eyes. In 2009, the attackers set about destroying much of my eyesight. Before they started attacking my eyes with pin pricks, I could read the TV captions perfectly. Now the captions are largely blurred and I have difficulty reading them. Whenever I read the captions and get a word wrong, the attackers correct that word. Use logic. If they saw the captions through my eyesight, they would see only the same blur that I see and would be unable to correct the words that I read incorrectly.
The attackers have the capability of blanking out words and substituting other words. For example, a friend of mind once told me something about her boyfriend, calling him Tim. I later referred to Tim, and she corrected me. It was Steve. Now, there is little resemblance between the word Tim and Steve. The attackers were trying to give my friend the perception that I could not remember his name and that I was perhaps losing my memory. In another instance, on a TV program one night an Afro-American character commented that there were no other whites around. He was the only Afro-American there, so the attackers caused me to hear
“white” instead of “black.”
Synthetic telepathy to a target’s subconscious also engages in trickery by getting the target accustomed to obeying the attackers’ commands. Here is how it works. Whenever I defecate, for example, my attackers always tell me to wash my hands. They know, of course, that I never fail to wash my hands after bowel movements. I also use a large amount of black pepper on my food, so the attackers always tell me to add black pepper. Those commands concerning a target’s routine actions are Psychology 101 material, meant to accustom the target to obeying the attackers’ instructions.
Every thought, perception, idea, feelings, emotion, what one senses, and even his ambulatory ability and other physical functions emanate in the brain. The scientists who developed the device/method used in electronic stalking and mind control and the scientists who wrote the trainer manual for that process were acutely aware that the brain controls everything that we do. That knowledge drives a large part of the torture that targets are subjected to, much of which is purely psychological in origin. And that very deeply implicates psychiatrists and psychologists in the torture matrix.

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