The silent massacre

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
V2K Can Be Recorded
Several targets have succeeded in recording their attackers’ V2K. I am one of those who have done so. Let me hasten to mention that I did not initiate that action, for I am not at all technically inclined. Here is what happened.
A target with whom I corresponded first told me about capturing the sounds of his attackers.
He explained that he had bought a small digital voice recorder, had recorded the ambience around him, and then had used a program called Audacity to enhance any sounds that the recordings might have picked up. He was astounded to hear words, phrases, and expressions spoken by his attackers.
I followed his advice and his instructions, first buying a small Olympus DVR. In a location far from appliances and other distractions, I recorded the silence around me. Then, I sent the recordings by computer to my target friend, as my attackers had muted the volume on my PC and I had not yet gotten a technician to correct it. The other target listened to my tapes and heard many distinguishable words. Some of the words and phrases that he heard on my recordings were instantly meaningful to me; others had little significance to my knowledge to the targeting.
The other target had sent his recordings to a nationally renown sound expert, who had verified the findings of my target friend. At his suggestion, I also sent my recordings to that same technician. Three paragraphs of the technician’s report follow.
Dr. Max H. Williams states that he has been a victim of remote-delivered electronic physical and neurological attacks by unknown parties using unknown devices since no later than summer of 2005.
In December, 2005, he began to hear voices that were not his. Others around him could not, however, hear those voices. Advised by another victim that there was a method to record the voices, Dr. Williams decided to make that effort. In January, 2011, Dr. Williams bought an
Olympus digital voice recorder and recorded the ambience around him to determine whether he might be able to pick up the voices. He contacted me on February 1
, 2011 and asked if I would listen to fourteen sample recordings of various lengths, taken at various times, and analyze them.
I decided to take his case.
. . . I went into the audio structure a bit deeper and found amazing vocal patterns that I have only heard on two other cases in my ten years of experience. The actual Hz (Hertz) levels contained in one of his files were of a paranormal nature in that they were not of the normal sample rate pattern of Dr. Williams’s recording device. Those frequencies found were, in my opinion, of a man-made or unknown origin.
The actual frequency numbers and settings were, in fact, in my opinion, deliberate to Dr.
Williams. I was able to isolate the following frequencies in the area surrounding Dr. Williams:
The right channel frequency is 1429.32 Hz and the left channel is 1438.36 Hz. The actual location of the transmissions is unknown, but I believe that they may be very close to his vicinity. In analyzing the recordings, I discovered one dominate male voice captured at a decibel level of
46.7 and was able to amplify this voice to an understandable level. Although I could not clearly hear the entire statement of this male voice, I was able to hear certain words. The actual voice message that I heard is quite clear and appears to be giving Mr. Williams some kind of instruction.
That technician is costly to hire. Short of that part of the recording process, the cost is not great. My small digital tape recorder that the other target recommended cost a little over a hundred dollars at Best Buy. The Audacity program can be downloaded free of charge. If it is

no longer free, it will not be expensive.
What is it worth to capture the voices of your attackers? I cannot say. However, now I have a statement from a recognized audio expert certifying that there are indeed voices in my surroundings, which means that I am not delusional. The certification may also be of some value should the local or other authorities ever attempt to force me to undergo psychiatric treatment. Even if a target cannot afford the assistance of a technician, he can study and analyze his own recordings. In so doing, he may hear some subliminal communication from his attackers that might prove meaningful in determining the identity of his assailants.

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