The silent massacre

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
Tactics Using the Voices
The attackers will oftentimes disguise their voices. The attackers who attempt to manipulate me use three human voices, and one voice in particular, 24/7. Simulations can easily be made by computer programs readily available in any computer store. Various attackers will alternate using the same several voices. Moreover, using their specialized software, they can mimic regional accents in a very authentic manner.

One of the talkers will sometimes simulate the voice of the target himself. That is purposeful.
Remember that psychiatrists and psychologists designed the attackers’ software. The designers knew that a target would be more comfortable and would relate more easily to a person using the same accent and the same type voice. It is also a taunting mockery of the target.
Monitoring a target requires constant vigilance and alertness, meaning that the attackers cannot perform longer than three or four hours at a time. That suggests that in most cases the attackers must work in shifts, each shift using the same voices. The objective of using the same voices on each shift is to make the target think that the same three or four voices that he hears are monitoring him twenty-four hours a day. The attackers use simulations of voices not only to deceive the target into thinking that many people are continually monitoring him but they also disguise their voices to keep targets from possibly identifying them. Moreover, using the same voices allows the attackers to employ many pre-recorded materials, recorded in the same voices.
The attackers must follow a very detailed training manual. Probably ninety per cent of that manual is pure psychology. At first, the attackers normally use the voices only to depreciate the victims with ugly names and talking, and then they gradually begin to talk directly to the victim. In my case, there are three principal voices as well as a far-off, shrill-sounding voice that sounds like a female shouting. All of that is deception. The shrill far-sounding voice is synthesized to sound shrill and distant, and one single person can use all three voices. In addition, several attackers rotate in shifts, using the same three voices. Moreover, males can assume female voices and vice versa. The attackers can also hit certain keys on their computer to repeat often-used phrases and sentences and to start loop play tapes.
The attackers can program certain actions to take place at certain times. Voices with particular messages are played to the target’s subconscious as he sleeps. They can also program their device to send jolts to targets whenever those targets are immobile for longer than, say, ten minutes, and they can program the hours at which targets will receive the jolts and vibrations and the circumstances under which they receive them. They can perhaps even pre-determine the strength of those vibrations, based upon the targets’ thoughts.
Even much of the subliminal talking of the attackers is automated. Many of the subliminal voices that targets hear are pre-recorded and played back either continually or at programmed times. The automation allows the attackers freedom of movement and limits the manpower required for monitoring targets. With automation, one single handler can efficiently monitor a target for many hours at a time. It is also highly probable that the attackers have a handheld device that allows them to perform their tricks while on the go.
From the outset, the attackers will attempt to make the victims believe that their targeting must be their fault, and they will attempt to fill the victims with guilt. Nothing could be farther from the truth. There is a court system set up to handle crime, and it has functioned for millennia. Victims must always keep in mind that the attackers are the criminals, not the victims.
The attackers seek to establish a personal type of relationship with the target. That does not mean that the relationship is amicable. What the attackers want targets to think is that the attackers know them and have known them for years. That is an important psychological point

for the attackers as they ply their neurological software, including the voices. My attackers often tell me that they went to school with me. Although they most certainly did not go to school with me, that ties them to me psychologically from an early age.
Using the V2K, the attackers capitalize on the simplest actions of the target. For example, if a target has the natural thought of hanging up his coat and start to do so, the attackers will order him to hang up his coat. Thus, the target appears to respond to the command by the attackers. That is a ploy on the part of the attackers to establish a dependence of the target on their orders and instructions, thus re-enforcing mind control.
The attackers constantly repeat certain phrases to the target and make suggestions to him, oftentimes of a sexual nature. As they make those suggestions, they mention names of family members and friends of the target. After hearing those suggestions day after day, finally, the target expects to hear those phrases and expects to hear the innuendos. The next step is for the target to start relating to those suggestions and believing them. That is psychological conditioning or sensitizing. I believe that many of the aberrant acts that we see in the media stem from subliminal suggestions that perpetrators of REA make to targets, most of whom do not know that they are targeted.
Attackers will also introduce into the target’s mind a list of words that are supposed to instill guilt, shock, doubt, and shame into the target’s thoughts. The target is instructed subliminally that when he hears words on TV, the radio, and in person that sound similar to those imposed upon his mind by the attackers, he will instead hear the latter.
It took me a long time to figure out what was happening. Afterward, it didn’t matter what words
I heard.
Many targets believe that the perpetrators of the REA also have the ability to communicate with third persons, or persons who ordinarily might interact on a daily basis with the target.
They believe that persons are instructed subliminally to say certain things and use certain words that cause the target to believe that they are accomplices out to do the target harm.
This is called “directed conversation.” Those third parties are not aware of their brain manipulation. Unlike willing and paid accomplices, those third parties unknowingly do the attackers’ evil work. I still have not decided whether or not this is accurate. I tend to think that because victims’ brains are being manipulated, they also believe that others in their surroundings can be manipulated by the attackers.
A few years ago, the attackers started repeating my thoughts back to me (2008). There are several possible explanations for the attackers’ doing that: (1) They are recording those thoughts on a digital voice recorder, which they probably forward to another location. (2) They are repeating the thoughts to others either present or also monitoring me by phone who cannot hear those thoughts. The thoughts are probably picked up over earphones attached to the computer. Perhaps only one person can listen at a time; thus, they repeat the thoughts to others. (3) They simply seek to annoy me and continually remind me of their capability of hearing my thoughts. (4) The continual repetitions heighten anxiety. The objective may be a combination of all of those possible scenarios.
As the target forms thoughts in his mind, the attackers’ computer apparently provides the attackers dates, biographical facts, and other information to add to and embellish the target’s thoughts. The purpose of this is to intimidate the target into believing that the attackers are all-

knowing. The attackers, in fact, often blank out data in the target’s mind so that they can supply the information to him. That action seeks to establish a target's dependence on his attackers. The attackers include all professions and occupations. For example, if the target is a carpenter, one of the attackers on every shift will be very knowledgeable of carpentry.
Very curiously, the attackers use many odd means to project their voices. When I shower, the attackers cause voices to come over the falling water. The second I turn off the water, the voices stop. The voices obviously are not actually in the water. The water only provides an energy source, which picks up the loop play tapes and other recordings from that area that are playing at the time. Once again, that hints at directed sound. They can even cause my stomach to “growl” and inject words and phrases into the resulting growling sound.
Sometimes when I push or pull an object and friction occurs, I can hear the attackers’ voices.
I gradually learned that the voices are also recorded on loop play tapes and played continually to my subconscious, constantly re-enforcing the attackers’ objectives.
In the case of the stomach’s growling, I used to think that the attackers projected their voices into my stomach. However, I later decided that the many voices and recordings of voices instead are projected into the electromagnetism that surrounds my house and surroundings.
When the attackers cause my stomach to growl, either the noise or the friction picks up the voices. I may be wrong. The attackers can also inject their real-time voices into the growling.
The same case applies to running water and the various appliances. The attackers know that those sounds pick up the frequencies with the voices.
The attackers may also know several major languages. If not, their computer software can interpret those languages. That type software has been available for years and is in fact used to make actors in movies appear to be speaking different languages from the original ones used in making the films. Latinos, Afro-Americans, and East Indians have physically cooperated with the attackers in harassing me at various times; however, they were probably simply accomplices and not a part of the REA teams.
One night I woke suddenly to hear the voice of a young-sounding, male East Indian saying to me, “(A name) is in the bathroom vomiting.” The name was my oldest and best friend, who was in his last battle against stomach cancer. The attackers had been trying for some time to create multiple personalities in me using the names of friends and relatives, including that particular friend.
The voice of the East Indian was a real-time voice, and the speaker obviously did not realize that I had awoken. I have East Indian friends and have traveled in India; thus, I instantly recognized the unusual pronunciation of English by the East Indian. Accidentally hearing that sentence by the East Indian causes me to think that perhaps the powerbrokers who mastermind the electronic stalking and mind control projects may outsource some of their targeting. My microchip may even have been manufactured in India although it is more likely that it was manufactured in Israel.
The attackers can also simulate the projection of voices. Once a worker was repairing the roof of an adjacent building, and I heard him talking about me. However, strangely nobody else was near him. I later discovered that the attackers can use a target’s V2K to make him think that voices also come from outside his body. They can manipulate the V2K for it to sound as if it is coming from afar. That is pure deception. It is done with their software via the method

used for V2K.
As in the case of the electronic torture, the voices will follow the target wherever he goes.
That suggests that satellites may somehow be used to project the voices. In a 2003 article named “Shocking Menace of Satellite Surveillance,” author John Fleming writes that satellites are employed for “manipulating a person's mind with an audio subliminal ‘message’ (a sound too low for the ear to consciously detect but which affects the unconscious). In trying thereby to get a person to do what you want him to do, it does not matter if the target is asleep or awake.”
At least one target with whom I have communicated believes that targeting is now an industry.
The crime world has somehow obtained the secret of targeting, and they hire out those services. I do not believe that is the case, for if it were, the FBI would not hesitate in looking for the criminals.
It is my understanding that satellite use, except for the GPS, requires knowledge of the nomenclature of the satellite and its codes/signals. If that is true, individuals and renegade groups would not be able to make use of them – unless they were provided the codes/signals.
If satellites are not used, then some other wide-ranging object such as radio towers and cell phones may very likely provide the constant contact required for conveying the electronic effects and the voices, i.e., mind control.
Targets often debate whether their electronic torture and mind control is conducted via satellite or by local assailants. The answer is probably both. One group of assailants probably
“hooks” the targets in some yet unknown manner and then uses a satellite to turn them over to local attackers. A field of electromagnetism around the target may be necessary to relay the electronic effects and V2K. I get the V2K continually 24/7, with only very short intermittent periods of quiet. For a long time, I have thought that the electronic effects and voices were projected by satellite. However, I acknowledge that they could also come from a local source, perhaps through directed sound
Targets who hear the voices know that the voices can also be projected over household motors such as air conditioner/heating units, space heaters, and even grass cutters or tractors used outside. Motors create motion, and the motion in turn causes vibrations, or frequencies. Even the sound and motion of running water, as in a shower, creates frequencies. I believe that the attackers’ voices are projected into a field of electromagnetism that surrounds a target and the voices then find an outlet in anything that produces a vibration, or a frequency, including our brain.
Even the sound and vibration of a target’s breathing provide frequencies that may allow the reception of the voices. If I am correct, (a) the voices come over a field of electromagnetism that blankets one’s domicile and surroundings rather than focusing directly on a target’s skull and (b) the directed voices require some object or substance in the target’s body to allow him to hear the voices; otherwise, anybody near him could hear the same voices.
The voices are crucial to mind control. Mind control cannot be carried out without them. In using the voices, the attackers seek several objectives: (1) Make the target doubt his sanity.
(2) Cause the target not to be able to distinguish his own thoughts from the thoughts sent to him by the subliminal voices. The thoughts inserted and injected into the target‘s mind

through the subliminal voices mingle with the target’s own thoughts. The brain cannot readily separate the natural thoughts from the inserted thoughts. This, of course, influences the target’s actions immensely. Those actions are normally negative and adversely affect his well being.
(3) Distract the target. By constantly filling his mind with ugly, directed, and oftentimes meaningless garbage, the attackers confuse the target’s mind. That makes him very vulnerable to mind control actions. The attackers do not have to be skillful psychologists to do this. Most of the content injected is crude and extraneous. (4) Cause the target to hear words and phrases intentionally programmed for him to hear while watching TV and listening to normal conversation. Usually those words and phrases that he is programmed to hear will be either very negative thoughts, suggestions of suicide, or nasty sexual suggestions. He is led to believe that they are his own thoughts although they are not; thus, this is similar to Number
2 above.
For those targets who receive the voices, your attackers will attempt to appear helpful and make you believe that what they are telling you is for your own good and that you will be better off if you follow their advice. Nothing could be farther from the truth. What they are trying to do is gain your confidence to get you accustomed to following their orders. The attackers are not there to do you good but to do you harm!
The creation of multiple personalities is not just a meaningless, fun exercise for the attackers; indeed, it has a very real objective. The target’s additional personalities are not random identities but those of other people whom the targets know. The reasoning is that the target and his other personalities might share some of the same characteristics, thoughts, and ideas. The creation of multiple personalities was one of the objectives of the CIA-sponsored
MKULTRA Project.

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