The silent massacre

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
Codes in V2K
In “talking” to the victim’s brain, the attackers use code words and expressions. Many of the codes are embedded in their statements and not readily recognized as code; others are very obviously code. Regardless of how the codes are stated, they signal to the target’s brain certain reactions that the attackers expect of him. That suggests that the target was hypnotized at some point. If a victim notices the context, or situation, in which the attackers use the codes and his mind responds to their codes, it is not difficult to figure out the meaning of most of those codes. The target must have been previously hypnotized; otherwise, the codes would be meaningless to him and he would not respond.
Early in my targeting, a voice seemed to be instructing the other attackers on some facet of mind control. That voice said to the others (paraphrased), “First you start out in a simple manner, asking the target ‘How old are you?’” I gradually learned that that was not at all an instructor teaching other attackers mind control techniques but instead a code that opened my mind to the attackers’ use of age progression in plying me with questions concerning various phases of my life. I have awoken many times to hear a handler telling me that I was a certain age and asking me questions. The attackers can also make the target focus on time periods in the lives of other family members and friends.
The codes that the attackers use are used for particular mind control objectives. For example,

in my case: “I scream,” or “ice cream,” both pronounced the same, instills anxiety. I was supposed to think that the code was ice cream; however, I later deduced the real meaning: “I scream,” designed to induce anxiety. The code “come in,” spoken as if they were inviting someone into their home, opens up the victim’s mind to questioning; The expression “beats the shit out of me” makes the victim feel an urge to defecate; and “I see you” and “I hear you” prepare the victim psychologically for brain “mining” by the attackers. “Go git ‘im” causes an involuntary erection. All attackers may have their own codes.
The code words and expressions used by the attackers strongly hint that the attackers employ hypnotic pre-suggestions to trigger thoughts and actions in targets. The codes consist of proper names, place names, objects, phrases, and sentences. Several times I have awoken suddenly during the night, when the attackers have not yet realized that I was awake, to hear very weird music and the drone of a kind of singing, or chanting, using particular words. On one occasion, a male was chanting, and I heard the word “vibrate” or “vibration” and my code name “Estados Unidos.”

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