The silent massacre

How the Inaudible Voices Are Used

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
How the Inaudible Voices Are Used
The inaudible, or subconscious, voices take many forms, and their uses are almost limitless.
Here are some of them.
-- Giving victims negative commands. Their commands are often very subtle, for example: “If I were you, I’d . . . ; I think that you should . . . .; and Why don’t you . . . .” In addition to the commands, the attackers, by employing the inaudible whispers, cause victims to misplace items, blank out names, dates and events, make errors while calculating and writing, say things out of context while talking with others, and act in strange ways that are completely alien to their usual demeanor and behavior. They also employ the inaudible voices to cause, for example, a targeted driver to take the wrong highway exit when he knows very well the location of the correct exit.
The perpetrators also attempt to ruin the health and looks of targets by encouraging binge eating. They whisper to victims that they are voraciously hungry or that they should eat more sweets than usual. Their aim is to get the target hopelessly out of shape and debilitated. Their whispered commands are often sinister, causing targets to harm themselves. Some targets have actually committed suicide as a result of suggestions by the attackers and holographic images to that effect.

The power of suggestion to the brain’s subconscious is truly amazing. The attackers condition targets for mind control by inducing “dreams” in which the victims plays out whatever role the attackers assign him. On one occasion while I slept, the attackers caused me to believe that I was an elderly Confederate veteran of the Civil War reminiscing about his experiences in the battle of Gettysburg. I was telling about my horse being shot and going down, about my being wounded, and about seeing comrades blown to bits with cannon balls. I woke from the
“dream” with real tears in my eyes.
Attackers use known traits of victims in issuing their commands. For example, I am a strong believer in politeness, and I try to instill that quality in my grandchildren. Thus, knowing that, the attackers preface their commands with “please.” Thus, instead of simply saying, “go to sleep,” they will say, “Please go to sleep.” Or they often say, “I’d appreciate it if . . . .”
-- Making statements about the victims’ family members and friends intended to cause estrangement of relations between them and the victims and thus isolate the victim. In my case, the attackers continually mention my son, to whom I am very close, and my two sisters, always while attempting to cause an involuntary erection. Such is the evil nature of the REA assailants. I telepathically tell the attackers that they cannot damage my relationship with my son, that my love for him and his family is undying, eternal, and unconditional. Despite that, they continue to attempt to cause me to think of them in a different manner and instill guilt in me.
Usually family members believe that a target is delusional. If they do believe that their relative is being harassed, they are placed in a very difficult position. If they support the target, they perhaps put themselves and their family in danger of also being attacked. If they do not support the loved one, they are effectively isolating that individual from his family support system on which people have always relied.
Many of the targets are parents and grandparents. If they are ostracized, they must live without the emotional support of their family members. Moreover, their grandchildren must grow up without seeing and interacting with their grandparents. It is a no-win situation for the target and his family members. I know a target who has not seen either one of her two children or her several grandchildren in over a decade.
-- Causing victims to think in negative terms about almost everybody and everything. Their device(s) cause absurd thoughts in victims. For example, I have an elderly first cousin whom I like but to whom I am not particularly close. We rarely visit. Yet, one day while thinking about calling her, the thought of being an heir of hers surged into my mind. My cousin has three children, several grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren. That negativity colors many of my normal thoughts. Their software also causes me to hear negative and suggestive words in place of ordinary words when I watch TV or listen to the radio.
-- Blanking out certain thoughts. The attackers’ whispering can not only cause targets to think about the topics that they project into targets’ minds but also cause targets to fail to think about important matters. The attackers delight in making targets forget appointments with people, leave items behind that they intended to take with them, and forget where they place common household items. The attackers also apparently enjoy causing targets to remember people whose names the attackers have blanked out of the targets’ minds. After the target

tries hard for several minutes to remember the name, the attackers will suddenly allow the target to remember that name. This creates a psychological dependency on the attackers for information.
-- Making threats. My attackers have often told me that they were going to burn down my house. On other occasions, they have told me that they were going to cause my son accidents, going to send “the death squad,” and going to cause renal failure. I simply laugh at them.
-- Introducing deviant sexual ideas and feelings that victims would dismiss and reject if they were conscious of them. The attackers continually emphasize incest, necrophilia, and other sordid sexual acts in their talking. I cared for my bedridden mother for eight months before she died; on one occasion, the psychopaths who attempt to control my mind showed me a holographic picture of my climbing into bed with her just after she died. The evil and sickness of the attackers is sometimes unbelievable.
-- Creating in victims a lack of confidence in themselves by disparaging their capabilities and accentuating their faults. Whenever I work on home improvement projects or assemble items, the attackers ridicule, taunt, and curse during the efforts, telling me that I’m doing it wrong.
Indeed, they do their best through their voices to my brain to cause me to make errors.
Knowing that and hearing their constant voices, I am very careful in what I do. Although they do sometimes cause me to make errors, they cannot stop me from starting and finishing projects--successfully.
-- Sending victims on wild goose chases and believing things that are not true. This has happened to me on various occasions. Once, for example, the attackers sent telepathic thoughts about the owner of a defunct radio station in another city that I suspected may have been a clandestine site of the local operations center, and I actually went and located his house. On another occasion they convinced me that surveillance bugs were hidden throughout my house, and I took screws out of receptacles and other items. On still another occasion, they convinced me that I had psychic powers that allowed me to determine the locations of implanted devices on other targets. I even informed some of those targets where their devices were located. I later learned that the attackers amuse themselves by causing targets to believe that they possess special powers.
They also made me believe that my nephew’s business computer had been hacked to obtain his business transactions and accounts and that one of his employees was responsible. I even told my nephew about it, which made him question my sanity. In addition, they caused me to believe that a particular local Pentecostal church was responsible for the electronic and mind control activities employed against me. The attackers even provided a fake name of the minister of that church. On another occasion, they provided me the name of an FBI agent in
Houston, a fake one, of course, with whom I was supposed to get in touch. I attempted to enlist the help of still another nephew who lives in Houston in getting in touch with that agent.
After having contacted the nephew, I realized that it was a ruse. The damage that they sought, however, had already been done, for that nephew was sure that I was losing it.
The attackers still attempt to delude me. However, experience is very valuable. I now know to question whatever thought comes to mind. In traveling, I must be very careful, for the attackers will cause me to make errors in driving, for example, turning at the wrong exit or

missing an exit ramp. At home while carpentering, I measure twice and concentrate on remembering the number, as the attackers will introduce a different number in my mind.
-- Convincing the target that he is crazy. One of the aims of the handler sociopaths is to cause the target to think that he is losing his mind. My attackers very often remark subliminally,
“He’s crazy.” I tell the attackers who monitor me that if I am crazy everybody should be crazy, for I am very content with my life. On the other hand, I tell them that they endure a “shitty” existence.
-- Inducing anxiety. (More about anxiety later.)
-- Extracting information. By asking questions with their whispers, the attackers can learn information not only about the target but also about his relatives and friends. For example, whenever the target thinks of a person, he will usually first think his given name. Let us say that the person who comes to the target’s mind is named Joe. All the attackers have to do is ask to the target’s subconscious, “Joe who?” The target then tells the attackers Joe’s surname. I have attempted to resist telling the attackers surnames; yet, there is something in the human brain that makes him think of the last name whenever someone asks “Who?” The attackers’ computer also has a lie detector program as well as a program that compels the speaker to tell the truth when he is asked a question, a type of mechanical “truth serum.” The attackers, of course, know that and use it to their advantage in obtaining information about many people whom the target knows.
Although the attackers know your social security, credit card, and driver license numbers, your email passwords, and your checking and savings account numbers, they will normally not use that information for criminal purposes. They have strict orders from the powerbrokers not to do anything that can be traced. Thus, the attackers are not swindlers and con-guys though they may try to convince the target that they are. My attackers often suggest that for a certain sum of money, they will let off. That is pure deception. I answer them by saying, “Let off? I’m not about to let YOU bastards off the hook!”
-- Getting the target to trust them. That was borne out in the subconscious voices that I discovered, saying continually through the loop play tape, “Trust me.” My attackers also continually tell me in the “audible” subliminal talking to trust them. I laugh at them and ridicule them for thinking that I might ever possibly trust them. Trust psychopathic criminals? Never.
-- Causing targets to see holographic images. Most targets who receive the voices also complain that they see horrible holographic depictions. The attackers also used that conditioning technique on me, causing me to see my son drowning and other heartrending scenes. I marveled at the ability of the attackers to project holographic pictures to my brain until I learned their secret. I later learned by holographic images derive from the attackers’ subconscious telling the target what is happening. The target then draws upon his knowledge and experience to embellish and visualize that occurrence, creating the holographic images.
In other words, the holographic images stem from a target’s own brain.
One night as I prayed to The Great Spirit, images of Jesus (as seen in depictions of that person) popped into my mind. As soon as they appeared, I wiped them out by superimposing a smiley face over the image. Then, I heard the Shitface voice whispering, “Jesus,
Jesus . . . .” At last, now I know how the holographic images are projected into the brain: the

attackers whisper what they want you to see and tell you to view them. The target actually manufactures his own holographic images. Here is how it works.
The attackers describe what is happening. The target’s subconscious listens to the attackers’ descriptions, and it conjures up a mental picture that fantasizes whatever subject the attackers want the target to see. In my case, when the attackers whispered “Jesus,” my brain went back to my youth, when I used to see pictures in Protestant churches of what Christians imagined was the man called Jesus. It was a picture of a bearded man in a purple robe kneeling with an aura of light around his head. When attackers induce a holographic image, the target’s mind goes back to movies he has seen, childhood impressions, things that he has heard, and real life experiences to build that holographic image that the attackers want him to see. Now, whenever the attackers attempt to project a holographic image into my mind, I simply say, either subliminally or aloud, “That’s bullshit.” The image immediately dissipates, as it cannot exist if a target closes his mind to it.
Attackers use the subconscious voices on the target long before they start employing their electronic torture tricks on him. After mining the target’s memories and thoughts and gathering information from all other sources, they use the voices to convince the target that he is crazy. The target is supposed to (1) commit suicide, (2) seek out a psychiatrist, or (3) act or say something that will allow authorities to make him get a psychological evaluation. All three actions neutralize the target: The first action physically eliminates the target; the second two actions destroy the target’s credibility.
However, knowing is conquering. After I had been made to look ridiculous several times by my attackers, I learned to discipline my mind from falling for the attackers’ subconscious commands. I am now very careful about what I do and how I go about it. The attackers also used to delight in making me forget to take items with me when I left the house and forget where I had placed other items. I used to sometimes lock my keys in the vehicle. Now I make a concentrated effort to ensure that when I leave the house I have everything I intended to take with me. I also now rarely misplace items in the house because I am much more alert.
My memory has actually improved.
Before I discovered the hidden voices, I suffered a bout of extreme anxiety attacks, underwent two painful prostate procedures, and made many judgment errors. Now that I know the cause of those situations, they will never happen again. Let me repeat that targets who get the electronic harassment also get the voices. Although you may not hear the voices, know that they are being projected into your subconscious. The subliminal loop play tapes leave no doubt at all in my mind that psychiatrists and psychologists played a major role in developing the protocol for the mind control element of REA. Psychologists probably even serve as attackers in some cases and advisors in others.

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