The silent massacre

(15) Transmit voices into the brain that only the victim can hear

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
(15) Transmit voices into the brain that only the victim can hear. Targets usually refer to this as voice-to-skull (V2K) and sometimes as subliminal speech, synthetic communication, telepathic communication, or microwave hearing. Because of the importance of the voices in

REA, I devote several following sections to that topic.
The Voices
Nobody quite understands how people can be made to hear voices. The device/method is still a highly classified secret. That subliminal or telepathic (non-auditory) communication occurs, however, is a proven fact. The U.S. Government has been interested in that topic since the
1950s. Likewise, the Russians have long been interested in telepathic communication and have even attempted to train their astronauts to communicate non-verbally.
Keep in mind that only targets can hear the voices. That is part of the clever scheme to keep targets from having witnesses and presenting evidence. However, a few targets have devised ways to record the “silent” voices and turn them into readily heard ones. One of those targets wrote me that he had succeeded in capturing the voices over a DVR and then using a program to make the voices clearly audible. I later did just that.
When I first heard the voices in December of 2005, I was driving on the highway. The radio in the vehicle was turned off, as it normally is when I drive. The voices seemed to come from near the driver’s side door panel. My first thought was that a device, or a bug, had been planted in the vehicle and was somehow being used to project the voices. A sweep of the vehicle by a private detective the following day did not reveal a bug. Still, it took me a couple of more days to realize that the voices were coming by remote to or within my body and not from a bug in the vehicle.
It took me several years to learn that there are actually three types of voices: (1) projected voices, which can be projected into the target’s surroundings probably by using directed sound via satellite; (2) “audible” voices, or those heard in the targets head or brain (V2K); and
(3) “Inaudible” voices, those spoken at so low a volume and in such a manner that they cannot be picked up by a target’s conscious but are heard by a target’s subconscious.
Discussions of each one of the voices follow.
Projected voices
Ample evidence argues that a microchip is not required for attackers to project the voices to targets. When Bush the younger attacked Iraq in 2003, the American invaders used a device on the Iraqi troops known as the Voice of God. The Iraqi soldiers heard Allah telling them, in
Arabic, to throw down their arms and surrender. They did so by the hundreds. Thus, it is a known fact that the U. S. military has the capability of projecting to targets voice-to-skull talk.
Targets who are able to hear the attackers’ voices recognize that the Voice of God device used on the Iraqis is very similar to the device used on them. That the voice was used on thousands of Iraqi troops at the same time means that the device employed can focus on a single individual, as in the case of targets, or on a crowd of people.
However, the U. S. and its allies fighting in Afghanistan apparently have been unable to utilize the “voice of god” in that country. Perhaps the Afghans have been advised about that trickery by Iraqis and other Arabs who have joined them. If the reason is not the Afghans’ knowledge of that neurological action, the device that produces the “voice of god” must require some type of special environment. Why does the “voice of god” work in Iraq when it does not work in Afghanistan? Both countries are arid and neither country has a well-established

electrical/communication system. Could geography play a role in using the device?
When the “voice of god” was beamed in on the Iraqi soldiers, there were few cell towers in
Iraq to use as relays and also few cell phones, radios, TVs, and other devices that in vast rural areas could be used as conductors. Moreover, it is highly unlikely that Iraqi soldiers had been implanted with microchips. Furthermore, the highflying American aircraft would have been too high to project those voices through conventional speakers, and the lower-flying attack planes would have been too occupied and fast- moving to pull off anything like the
“voice of god.”
In my opinion, the only answer for the “voice of god” is that it was projected by remote via a surveillance or spy satellite from a great distance. It is my guess that the voices originated at the HAARP facility in Alaska or perhaps even at one of the many U. S. military installations around the globe. That synthetic telepathy was practiced on the Iraqi troops in 2003 proves that that method had already been tried and tested, probably on American citizens in
America. Distance would not be a factor. That capability could come from near or far, for example, from Fort Meade, Maryland.
What condition is required for targets to hear the voices? The answer is still highly classified; however, I suspect that first the target’s immediate surroundings must be enveloped with an electromagnetic (EM) field. The attackers can undoubtedly either create an electromagnetic field or use a natural electromagnetic field wherever the target goes. To locate and focus upon that particular area would probably also require the use of the GPS unless the device were used from very near the target. The voices are projected into that EM field following the device's trajectory, either using the same device, or perhaps by or with a computer. The voices permeate that entire area. The target can hear them wherever he is; yet, others cannot. The “Voice of God” messages beamed in on Iraqi troops suggests that V2K operates separately and perhaps independently from the remainder of the electronic effects.
Any electrical outlet, appliance, or other source of energy aids the voices by increasing the volume. However, those sources of energy only enhance the voices to make them more
“audible.” Even if all the electrical and other energy sources are eliminated, the voices can still be heard, though not as hard and clear.
If this is the method, the question remains unanswered about how a target can hear the voices when he has other family members and visitors in his presence in that environment.
My attackers use V2K on me while I am working in the yard beside some other person. The other person, of course, does not hear those sounds. That method also does not explain how the target can hear the voices wherever he goes, in an airplane, a vehicle, a cavern, or the inner recesses of a large building. That suggests some type of embedded object in the target’s body.
The voices that I call “projected voices” occur in a victim’s surroundings. They are apparently somehow beamed into the ambience. Motors and other devices help resonate those voices.
When I am cutting grass with the tractor in the pasture, the voices can be heard over the noise of the motor.
I believe that the voices may be piggybacked over the GPS, as the GPS can be used to track vehicles and also zoom in on houses. The voices that I receive apparently come from an

external source, as they are louder and clearer when I am outside, and I can also muffle them partially by using earplugs. However, the attackers apparently have to adjust their device or perform some function with it, for whenever I go into the yard or the pasture, at first the voices are scarcely telepathically “audible.” Then, after a few minutes, the voices get increasingly stronger.
I am guessing that the voices are probably projected to the electromagnetic field that envelops the house and grounds and then find their way inside my house through various electrical appliances and objects. The voices are definitely louder and clearer when an electrical heat, a/c unit, refrigerator, or any other electrical appliance is connected. That would certainly be possible using the GPS, as the perpetrators can use an architectural program to produce a grid of the inside layout of the house.
“Audible” Voices
The “audible” voices, or regular V2K, are heard in or near the head, as opposed to the projected voices, which come from the environment. These voices are those of the actual attackers using V2K to convince the target that he is crazy, lie about family and friends, confuse him, and attempt to keep him from engaging in any meaningful activities. However, those same attackers also play V2K recordings. If the target listens and takes note, he will learn to distinguish the recordings from the real time voices.
In my case, I have discovered that the V2K voices come through as loud and clear as voices over the radio or TV; however, the attackers intentionally lower the volume. This is for psychological effect, as we know that the lower in volume someone speaks to us, the harder we have to listen. Moreover, the attackers want us to believe that the voices are coming for a very long distance – and they very well may be. Occasionally, however, the voices will spike and will sound very loud for a second or two as if the speakers were standing beside me.
What does it mean that the voices occasionally come through so clearly? I do not yet know. It could mean that the voices come from very nearby. It may mean that the s in-between the whispered recordings, making it all sound like real-time whispering. Therefore, the whispers are a labor-saving tactic on the part of the attackers.
It took me years to form an opinion about the origin of my V2K. If the “Voice of God” story is true and not disinformation, the military can indeed project voices to targets’ brains or ears, probably the latter. However, in the case of targets who receive both the electronic effects and the V2K, I believe that the voices come from the same involuntarily implanted microchip.
We know that the attackers use a variety of software that carries out its functions via the microchip. In my opinion, projecting voices using software with microchips would be as simple as using the software that produce the physical and neurological effects. I would guess that the voices probably arrive to the brain over nerve endings.
Two-Way V2K
Over time, many targets who hear the voices learn that they can also talk back to the attackers. Finally, the two parties establish a hostile dialogue. Once I found out that I could also “speak” to the attackers telepathically, I used that two-way avenue to ridicule, taunt, and demean them. Behind those voices are humans. I determined to make them feel as bad as

they attempted to make me feel.
One day soon the entire secret of the voices will be revealed—the sources, the locations, the frequencies—and that will in turn reveal the identity of the perpetrators.
The discovery of the perpetrators will also reveal the software with which they accomplish the mindreading, the lie detections, the other neurological trickery, and the physical effects. Once the secret behind the voices has been made public, the whole apparatus will break down, for the perpetrators cannot perform their dirty work without the use of the voices.
“Inaudible” Voices
The “inaudible” voices normally are not heard even by those targets who hear the regular
V2K. The inaudible voices can be either real-time whispers, or pre-recordings. Very often they take the form of loop play tapes to the victim’s subconscious, instead of to his conscious, telling him what to say and how to act, making deviant sexual suggestions, and deprecating the victim in many other ways. They also attempt to program the target by repeating messages. These voices, audible only to a victim’s subconscious, are used to create schizophrenic and paranoid symptoms in the target.
Attackers using the “silent” voices try to create multiple personalities in the target by telling him over and over that he is various persons. The target will usually know those persons whose personalities the attackers attempt to impose in them. The attackers will also use the audible voices to attempt to create multiple personalities. My V2K speakers will often say,
“He’s something else.” The expression is said in such a way that it suggests that the victim has done something spectacular. What it really is doing is suggesting that I am somebody else. The inaudible voices, those not heard consciously by targets, are far more dangerous than the audible ones.
The device used for mind control on targets imposes thoughts in the minds of those targets to make them act irrationally. Targets do not at all feel that those thoughts are irrational or that they are compelled to perform those deeds and acts. The thoughts appear perfectly natural though often very negative in nature and perhaps aggressive. Those actions that cause targets to look crazy are a direct result of attackers’ whispering and talking subliminally into the targets subconscious.
Using the inaudible voices, the attackers cause severe anxiety or other nervous conditions in victims by filling their subconscious full of garbage. This drives many victims to see a psychiatrist. That is exactly what the attackers want, for after the victims visit a psychiatrist, their complaints of electronic torture are not credible. After the targets have seen a psychiatrist, the attackers can then begin their full electronic assault, knowing that nobody will believe the targets.
All targets of electronic stalking know about the V2K, or the audible voices. However, they will not be aware of the inaudible ones. I was targeted for years before I accidentally discovered the subconscious voices, and I have learned how to pick up those voices. The attackers do not want that information disseminated, for once targets learn about the inaudible voices, they cannot be psychologically manipulated and they can live without fear of the attackers. I have learned to do so. Remember that MIND CONTROL CANNOT BE ACCOMPLISHED
WITHOUT THOSE TWO TYPES OF VOICES, especially the “inaudible” voice.

The voices represent the master element in mind control. Every target who is electronically harassed by remote is also subjected to mind control. Mind control is achieved by voices of the attackers instructing the target’s subconscious and programming him through suggestions to his brain. The voices can be projected into both the subconscious as well as the conscious.
That is not theory; it is fact. I hear both of those two types of voices.
Readers who receive electronic and mind control effects, and especially those who can “hear” the “audible” voices, read the following few paragraphs very carefully. As already stated, in addition to the “audible” telepathic talking (audible only to the target), mind control targets should be aware that their attackers also continually speak into their brains in voices so low in volume that the targets’ consciousness does not pick them up.
The victim is completely unaware of those “inaudible” voices, which makes them all the more dangerous. It took me years to “hear” those subconscious voices. Many targets never hear them. Nevertheless, they are there. The subconscious talking by attackers makes that capability one of their most formidable weapons in mind control.
Through their sub-conscious talking, the attackers control what you think of and how you react to people, including your spouse, parents, siblings, and children. They control how you perform on your job site, how you view your job, and how you interact with your colleagues.
They also control your daily life: what TV programs you watch and your opinions about them; what newspapers you read and how you interpret that news; where and how you grocery shop; even when you go to the bathroom and what and how much you eat. Only those targets who hear the attackers’ voices can know the extent to which the attackers’ consummate evil influences targets’ thoughts and actions.
I discovered what I call the “inaudible” voices strictly by accident. One night, I noticed that whenever my beard stubble brushed against the pillow, causing friction, I could hear voices in addition to those voices that I already “heard” via the V2K. I experimented by intentionally brushing the hairs of the beard against my pillow, and each time the attackers’ voices became more intelligible.
Finally I caught a word and then a phrase. After many attempts, I distinctly heard a Deep
South-sounding voice saying, “You’re horny.” Only that short sentence was repeated time after time. Then, I realized that it was not an actual real-time voice but the recording of a voice over a loop-play tape continually telling my subconscious that I was horny. As most targets know, the voyeur attackers are fixated on sex. I have no idea how many years the attackers had pummeled my mind with those loop play tapes before I discovered their presence.
Over the next few months, I discovered an additional voice being projected into my subconscious through a similar loop-play tape. That discovery, like the first one, was also accidental and occurred while in bed. One night when I turned from my back onto my side, my ear brushed the pillow. In the quietness of the night, the ear brushing the pillow caused me to hear a human-like sound. After repeatedly brushing the outside of my ear canal with the palm of my hand, I began to distinguish a word. After performing that action many times using various strokes and angles, I very clearly heard a voice repeatedly telling me, “Trust me.” As in the first case, the voice came over a loop play tape.

A later incident revealed still a third subconscious loop play tape. Here is what happened. I keep the hairs at the entrance to my ear canal closely clipped. One night when I scratched my itching ear, my finger touched the clipped hairs, and I caught the sound of a voice. By repeatedly touching and moving my finger over the clipped hairs, I could finally make out what the voice was saying. The voice was saying, “You want me.” Like the other voices, this one also came over a loop play tape.
On the surface, the expression “you want me” appears to be sexual in nature. However, I later learned that in addition to the sexual connotation, the statement “You want me” also applied to food. The attackers’ objective was to cause me to become out of shape and fat. Before discovering the expression “You want me,” I noticed that when I grocery shopped, I came back home with many sweets and mainly carbohydrates. After learning the attackers’ intention, I started grocery shopping more carefully. Many targets tell me that they gain much weight after being targeted. That is the reason. The attackers are urging you to eat more than you should and consume high caloric foods through the voices into your subconscious.
The loop play tape “You want me” also applies to tobacco products or anything else that can be harmful to one’s health. I like to smoke an occasional cigar. At one point, I found myself craving and chain smoking the cigars. Now I know the reason. Whatever the “you want me” suggests, it will be to the detriment of the target.
Months after discovering the subliminal talking to my subconscious, I again found another area that revealed the attackers’ voices. This time, I intentionally played with the beard stubble between my nose and my mouth with my first and second fingers to see whether that area could detect the voices. Gradually, the friction from rubbing the stubble produced sounds. By repeatedly massaging that area, the sound took shape. A voice on a loop play tape repeated, “I hate you.”
On still another occasion, I discovered the voices as I scrambled eggs in a teflon skillet and stirred them with a regular metallic spoon. The bottom of the skillet had concentric, slightly ridged circles in the bottom. As I scraped the bottom of the skillet with the metal spoon, I heard voices. By moving the spoon across the skillet over and over, I could finally determine what the voices were saying: “Slow it down,” which is a code expression whose meaning I do not yet know. Another voice was repeating “black on white.” That may have been an attempt to make my subconscious believe that blacks were behind my REA activities. Both expressions came over loop play tapes.
I also found that I often heard their voices when I slid a hard object over another hard object, like a china cup over a ceramic counter top, creating friction. Even when I exercise on my weight machine, I hear words coming from the friction caused by the pulleys. I also hear the
“hidden” voices whenever I rub my hand over my pillow at night while my ear in on the pillow.
The friction apparently picks up the subconscious voices and makes them “audible,” much like an old phonograph needle on a record.
The attackers occasionally change the wordings of the loop play tapes. The only loop play tapes to my subconscious that have remained unchanged are the ones saying, “You’re horny” and “You want me.” Those tapes play continually 24/7. The loop play tapes try to program a target without his knowledge. For some time, the attackers have played loop play tapes in an attempt to create multiple personalities, an old MKUltra objective, telling me that “You’re Joe”

or “You’re Ted.” In every case, I know the persons whose names the attackers are using to try to form multiple personalities. I let the attackers know that I am aware of their objective by replying, “No, you bastards, I’m His Majesty the Most Worshipful Max Harrison Williams the
Magnificent. Always have been, am now, and always will be.”
Over time, I discovered that dozens, perhaps scores of synthetic voices bearing short messages continually hammer my brain in the form of loop play tapes. The attackers are obviously attempting to befuddle my mind with the many simultaneous tapes. They are also trying to program me into associating sex with the names of family members and friends of both genders, including my son and my little granddaughter, as they attempt to cause erections when they call those names. That action is obviously intended to cause me to avoid those people, thus isolating me from my support group. I tell the attackers contemptuously,
“There’s no association, morons!” But such is the evil and perverse nature of the monsters who serve as attackers.
That the attackers can aim so many loop-playing tapes at my brain simultaneously indicates the sophistication of the methods used in mind control. This implies that the main handler operates a very good computer. Without a computer, mind control could not be achieved.
I urge mind control targets to test themselves to find out whether they are being influenced by the inaudible voices. One way is to experiment with your ears. Place the palm of your dominant hand (that will usually be the right hand) over your ear with the large part of your palm well below your ear. Then, while pressing on your ear, swipe your palm upward a few inches. Do this repeatedly, experimenting with the pressure of your hand on your ear and the position of your hand. At first, you will pick up only an unintelligible “sssssh” sound. However, by repeating the process many times and listening very closely, you will begin to distinguish words. The words will consist of a phrase or short sentence, which is repeated over an unending loop play tape. You can hear the words in either ear.

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